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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. It stimulates conversation. That's not a bad thing. Beane is pretty good with working the numbers. I suspect he will have his work cut out for him in the next few years. Hopefully, he can be a little more successful; especially with his draft picks and acquisitions.
  2. Oliver was there for the trade as was Gabe Davis. Neither are elite and still had decent trade value. Edmunds should have been traded as well. Is Beane missing opportunites to retool and save money?
  3. Is it really a Bills hater vibe? I really didn't see it as such.
  4. I'm not a great numbers guy. I do know that Beane is excellent at moving around money and working the cap. I think I he will get creative and continue to do so. Just seems like the window is getting tighter. Missing on draft picks certainly hurts you because it allows you to have quality players on the cheap. KC is a really good example of that with McDuffie and Pacheco.
  5. Not doomed but not ideal either. I thought it was pretty fair. The basic theme of the article is the Bills are paying older guys bigger money and they have some serious cap issues. The final paragraph or two are what really caught my attention.
  6. Why are people saying Waller is washed up? He is severely injury prone no doubt. He suffered a grade 2 thigh/hamstring injury and missed basically the whole season. I'm no doctor but I would think that's plenty of time to recover. I don't get the washed up talk. Is Von washed up?
  7. https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/07/13/bills-championship-window-salary-cap-crunch-outlook
  8. Knox is pretty good and solid. He is getting paid a lot so that kind of makes many think he should be more productive. Last year was pretty hard to gauge. He was either kind of bad or non existent to very good. I remember him getting very few targets early on and then went ob a nice TD catching spree. I think many of the issues might have been coaching, schemes, etc..
  9. He's always been much better than Oliver from the get go. You compared him to Oliver which is like comparing a prune to a watermelon. Williams has size and strength that Oliver will never have. He might be close to being as quick too. I'm pretty sure almost every knowledgeable football fan would say Williams is a beast. Happy to have him on their team and pay the man. Everyone except you I guess... Stop digging the hole...
  10. Come on man. Haven't you seen enough of Oliver that screams he's not elite. He's pretty good in my eyes but clearly hasn't lived up to his top ten pick. Williams is a beast and will be for years to come. An anchor on a defense. If you think Oliver is anywhere near his talent level I don't know what to say. I want to be respectful.
  11. I agree but that stings a bit when you say it like that.
  12. Not really. There are no valid comparasions between these two guys. Williams is light years better than Oliver. Thus, the salary difference is valid.
  13. It's hard not to think BB wouldn't be a pretty big upgrade. Get it done Terry!
  14. Hard for me to stomach having BB as the Bills coach. Do you think he would have a strong chance to take the Bills to the SB? Win it? Was he really think good or was it more Brady? Does his rigid style and defensive mindset become not so advantageous in today's modern day football? Fun to kick the can here.
  15. You said it all right there with the coaching staff gifting the Chiefs their victory. Before that the playoff success was tepid at best. Afterwards, the coaching mistakes during playoff time have been clear and concise. Do we really need to see more of this coaching group?
  16. Oh I agree the potential is enormous for Kincaid. I'd just slow down with the Kelce comparasions. Kincaid has to prove it a NFL field. Also, it's not a ringing endorsement to have Dorsey as your OC. In short, I'll have to see it to believe it.
  17. They should have said something to the effect of the Bills can't seem to get over the hump. Their coaching staff, schemes, and playoff record is mediocre. They appear beatable come playoff time. As a Jets fan I would welcome a playoff game vs Buffalo. I think we would have a good shot at beating them especially with an experienced Rodgers and elite D. That's a much more reasonable approach.
  18. Oh I agree. That 51% catch rate by Davis isn't going to cut it. The Bills WR core isn't anything scary. Teams will 100% take Diggs out of the game cone playoff time. Relying on a rookie TE is a scary proposition. Rarely does a rookie TE have a significant impact in his rookie season. Remember Kincaid is a liabilty blocking and who knows what Dorsey can scheme. Once again, the team is heavily dependent on Allen. Hopefully, the Bills cab establish a solid running game that opens up the passing game.
  19. What do you expect Jets fans to say? It's homerism at its best. Not unlike many of the posters here with regards to the Bills.
  20. They don't have a franchise QB. Also, I'm not sure your premise is correct. Is the media really putting more pressure on the Bills than SF? I think the pressure is coming from the Buffalo fans more than the media.
  21. Chiefs look like a dynasty team with Mahomes and Reid. Looks like the next Brady and Belicheck. KC is the team to beat without a doubt. I doubt that. Only way KC drops is if Mahomes gets hurt. He's in a league all by himself. We are watching a special hall of fame QB. I think he gives Brady a challenge for his record. I'd be surprised if the Bills can beat KC or Cinci in the playoffs. Both teams are clearly better than the Bills. When did the Pats "crap out" under a healthy Brady?
  22. I agree. Believe me instead! Maybe a 7th rounder. He has so much equity.
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