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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Mullens is a downgrade but the 49ers just beat a Rams team with him at QB. This won't be an easy game for the Bills to win. It's a good test to see how good we really are. We shouldn't have any excuses not to win. Good post. I'm concerned about us containing their running game. Their scheme is really good. I guess we will see if our run D has improved.
  2. I would consider that a successful year. Yet, I would be disappointed that we have not won it all. Both are possibly I think?
  3. Well thought out post backed up by stats. I agree the pass rush is improving. Oliver is starting to be more impactful. It's a little concerning that we have to blitz so much to cause pressure. Our front still lacks a quality disruptor. Our major D flaw is the run defense. Missing Star in the middle certainly hurts. Edmunds isn't reliable, perhaps hurts, and misses many gaps. Not sure how we will get better at stopping the run. No doubt teams will exploit this. No defense is without flaws.
  4. The same logic can be applied to the Rams game and to some extent the New England game. Those were 2 games we should have lost. Refs bad PI call. Horrific fumble by Newton. Perhaps add in the raider game as well.
  5. I see one playoff win and then we lose. Is this considered a successful season? Well said.
  6. Did you just conveniently forget about mentioning our run defense? 18th in points isn't a playoff caliber defense that can stop elite offensive playoff teams. I admire your optimism. Nevertheless, I'm not sold on our defense and it is worrisome as a fan.
  7. Following your previous posts logic it's funny how you choose to minimize the previous 10 games of our defense. Shows your hand. My assertation is based on 11 games. Our defense remains a huge concern going forward.
  8. I don't think my view is that far off. Our defense has been sub par. It is worrisome. We really haven't stopped the run all year and our pass rush is improving but still a concern. I believe this team has to win with Allen carrying the team. This year our defense is more a liability than an asset.
  9. Fair point. I'm not saying the Bills aren't a good football team. I do give them credit for being 8-3. I believe we will win the first round playoff game this year. What I'm saying is the Bills aren't super bowl material! Not this year. Also, we will have our hands full with other teams like Tenn and Indy. Is it a successful season if we win one playoff game and lose the next? Perhaps, this fan is starving for that ring!
  10. Not really. The dolphins aren't that good and don't belong in the playoffs. The Rams are wildly inconsistent and just lost to the 49ers. Seattle is really the only legit playoff team we've beaten. I think any unbiased football fan would agree that the Steelers (KC too) are much better than the Bills regardless of their schedule. You are foolish to suggest otherwise.
  11. Not saying that at all. Please don't misrepresent what I'm saying. I understand my view point is unpopular. I stand by my premise. I'd be the first one who would like to be wrong. It's always been unpopular to speak negatively about the team. Honesty and realistic expectations should be encouraged on here not crucified. Your post highlights such a thinking error.
  12. I hear what you are saying. I strongly disagree. Come playoff time it's a different animal vs the regular season. The Bills will get destroyed by the Chiefs and lose by double digits to Pitts. We just aren't in their league. Our defense isn't good enough and our offense tends to under perform vs good teams. Additionally, you talk about strength of schedule. What strong teams have the Bills beat?
  13. Is it me or did he look a lot bigger? He looks like he put on 20 pounds.
  14. We can probably win the first playoff game vs a weaker opponent at home. This team is clearly not elite. Still young and developing. Pitt or KC will destroy us in the playoffs.
  15. I disagree. I think his write ups ate very good. It's ok to have a differing opinion. Your attack is pretty classless.
  16. Outplayed Wilson who is in the hunt for league MVP.
  17. The statistics show Buffalo is 26th in stopping the run. More specifically, 31st in the last 3 games and Dallas is worse. Hardly, a singing endorsement. Sure, a team can sell out and put extra players in the box to stop the run. Bottom line is that we have a serious problem stopping the run which in term effects the pass defense. We sorely miss Star in the middle.
  18. Depends on how you view the situation. Yes a bust due to his draft position. No to a bust because he should have never been drafted that high. He had by most experts at best a 3 round grade. So, I guess you can say the Giants brass blew it. I'm not sure the blame falls on Jones. We are making lots of assumptions here too.
  19. He is young and it's still a bit early to call him a bust. I don't think he's a franchise QB and he certainly shouldn't have been drafted that early. I think he can be a serviceable QB to a slightly above average QB.
  20. I agree. Seattle is pretty good against the run. They stopped Zeke and the 49ers last week. They rank 9th in the NFL vs the run. I'm pretty hesitant to think our run game will be effective and efficient. The way to beat the Seattle is through the air. Allen and the offense will have to play like the first four games of the season. The offense has regressed for many reasons. Thus far, we haven't been able to beat top teams like KC and Tenn. This game is a tall order. We will find out how good this team really is. I suspect we aren't on the same level as Seattle.
  21. I think you are assuming a third string RB can't run well against the Bills. Just look at what the Jets and the Pats did with their 2nd and 3rd stringers. I'm pretty confident RB Dallas can gash the Bills defense. (That's assuming Hyde and Carson are out.) I will continue to make the case until I see this Bills team stop the run.
  22. Explain what you mean by playing better? In fact, we have been playing worse if you factor in the first four games. We didn't score a TD against the Jets. We can't stop the run game if our life depends on it. Our offense has regressed and feels nothing like the first 4 games. I'm all for optimism but let's be realistic too. I get we are all fans and want to see the bright side of things. Imho, Seattle beats us 27 - 13.
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