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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Yep. They will be happy escaping the quarter 0-0 or 3-0. Bills needs to pounce on them right now!
  2. Knox drop. Terrible Bills can't waste opportunities like that.
  3. I've been going back and forth on whether the wind is an advantage or disadvantage to the Bills. I'm thinking it's more of a disadvantage to the Bills because they are the superior passing team. Any thoughts?
  4. Certainly hope you are correct. Stopping the Pats run is certainly a big key to the Bills winning. No doubt, Star and Edmunds will be a huge addition. How will Star, Feliciano. and Brown perform? Will they be healthy enough to play at a high level? Will they suffer any lingering effects from being sick or being out? It's really not clear cut. How does the Bills secondary play without their star lockdown CB?
  5. Agree There are many variables and reasons with the Bills have under preformed. Your points are certainly well taken and valid. However, at some point the only thing that really matters is wins and losses. All teams have injuries to deal with. Granted some are greatly worse than others. I really haven't read on here that the Bills have no chance of winning because of a similar Indy style game. I certainly haven't advocated that.
  6. I don't agree with the media bashing. The media was clearly all over the Bills jock pre season and early on. Almost everyone picking them to win the division and many had us going to the Super Bowl. Did anyone whine about that? What changed? The Bills have played inconsistently (various reasons why), the Pats have won 6 games in a row and lead the division. Those are just the facts. Based on those facts it's not difficult to see why the media had changed its tone. I don't think there's really any media bias here. The media is almost always going to hop aboard the hit team. They will be quick to jump off the Pats bandwagon if they start losing.
  7. Not sure I completely agree with you assessment but it's fair response. Appreciate your point of view. I'd argue that you are making a lot of excuses and minimizing the Bills poor play and losses. Probably, the truth lies somewhere in between. Based on your post is it fair to say the Bills are ready to play? Fair to say win or lose no excuses?
  8. I'd rather get the win anyway any how. A loss is very hurtful to a Bills successful season. Tonight, isn't the time to suffer a loss at the expense of being "tough and disciplined." Just win baby...
  9. Really why? It's clear you don't like and agree with my input. That is your right and I have no issues with that. However, your response here is pretty disturbing. Agree but your post here won't be welcomed by most here.
  10. Not my intent to pee in anyone's coffee. It's my honest opinion based on what I see. I realize it's not what most what to read on here. I think everything I said has merit and validity.
  11. Even with a loss the Bills still can survive and make the playoffs. It won't be easy with a most likely loss to Tampa next week. Today, we will find out what kind of team we have. For me, its hard to get optimistic about this game. The Pats seem like a better more balanced team, more physical, and better coached. Let's hope we get the best version of the Bills tomorrow. If so, the Bills ahould win the game. The more I analyze the game the more I'm leaning towards a close hard fought Patriot win. Sucks even thinking about losing...
  12. I hope this isn't the case because tje edge clearly goes to BB.
  13. 9 Make no mistake about it the Pats are a run first team. If the Bills can't stop their run game they won't win. "Noodle arm" Jones has looked pretty good. He bares some credit for their 6 game winning streak. They don't ask him to anything he's not capable of doing. He's been nothing short of great dinking and dunking the ball. His offensive jas been good. The great Josh Allen's has been limited in his greatness due to the poor offensive line performance and lack of run threat. The Pats defense is number one in the league. Their pass rush is fantastic.
  14. No dome for me. As an older generation guy, I associate bad weather with Bills games. It would seem somewhat artificial if the Bills played in a dome. Can anyone imagine Pitt, Green Bay, or Chicago playing in a dome? Just doesn't seem like the football I know and love. I think we are going to see lots of new plays and formations from the Bills. I believe coach McDermott will play to win and not get conservative. Lots does depend on the weather too.
  15. Not sure I agree with this. Bills with Allen have a substantial advantage in the passing game. A very very windy night severely limits the Bills passing game. A guess it depends on how windy it is. Jones doesn't really throw the ball deep. The short dinks and dunks might not be as subject to the wind. The Patriots are more built on running the football. The Bills have to limit their running game. I doubt think Jones will be able to beat the Bills with his arm. I think a perfect weather game would be more beneficial to the Bills. Bingo!
  16. Certainly, the Bills defense presents problems for the young QB. Any imput on the Bills pass rush? How effective will they be when Jones just dink and dunks the ball? I'm thinking the Bills crowd the line of scrimmage, bump their receivers and play physical, squat and jump the short routes. Don't the Bills have to try to force him hold the ball longer and throw longer passes? Is this something the Bills can be successful doing?
  17. You can also bet BB has prepared his team for Allen's legs. Allen has to play big for the Bills to win. I think the moment isn't too big for him. The franchise QB will be under severe duress and the weather sounds like it will be more difficult to pass. Go Bills.
  18. Can you give us the same stats for the last 6 games played? I believe those stats are a more accurate picture of both teams; especially the Patriots. Remember, they were a work in progress with a very green QB. Something tells me the stats show the Pats have an advantage. Doesn't mean it translates on the field. Stats can be interpreted and minipulated in various ways. Additionally, they are unaccounted variables such as injuries.
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