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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. It's great to see him come out the gate strong. I was a little worried because a few games he came out jittery. Not today!
  2. He's the best player on the field! Singletary is playing his best beast mode though.
  3. Allen Gonna have to be Superman! So far his cape is not dirty and intact. Let's go! Get 7 please.
  4. You had to know the Bills dline was weak compared to the Pats Oline. That drive shows you why it's gonna be difficult to win. The Bills need a great Allen. So far he looks great.
  5. I hope that you are correct. I do disagree with you. Why? It boils down to a few things. First, the Bills offensive is a serious problem. I just don't see them being effective enough to put up big points. Secondly, BB will do his best to talk away the Bills passing game. Lots of cover 2 and zone schemes. He will take his chance with the Bills running game beating him. Thirdly, can you feel confident Allen will have time to throw? Fourth, I see some long prolonged drives by the Pats via running and short passes. Bills will bend but not break ending up giving up field goals. However, it will keep the ball out of Allen's hands. I see a low scoring affair here. My last point is biased but I see the Bills getting several bad ref called again especially in Foxboro.
  6. I think it's a low scoring game. The Pats should be able to dictate the pace of the game by being better in the trenches. Pats will mix it up with lots of short passes and various runs. I see them getting lots of fields goals. The Bills have to run the ball effectively. Last game, Motor ran the ball 22 times and it gave Allen more time to throw. The Bills Oline is not 100% and even at 100% they don't match up well with the Pats defense. The Colts pounded the Pats. The Bills don't have that of team. The Bills are a passing team and they need the best version of Allen to win. He can't come out of the gate playing like dog poop. Not sure what's going on with him? It's been a pretty consistent theme this year. It the Pats jump on the Bills it's game over. They will just tee off on a defenseless Allen. Lastly, I really like Coach McD. However, I just don't see McD out coaching BB. Although, BB made a huge error in kicking a field goal in the Indy game. I will be really watching in game adjustments. Gonna be a homer here. Bills defense bends but doesn't break. The offense gets a timely td. Bass hits the winning field to win it. Bills 19 Pats 16. Let's go Bflo!!!!!
  7. Disagree. Why would the Bills want to get into a defensive struggle with the Pats? That's exactly what THE Pats want to do. It's a game plan the Pats win more often than not! It's obvious they have an inferior QB and offense. You beat the Pats by trying to score early and often. Thus, taking them out of their ground and pound and short passing game. The Bills can't play conservative or scared. McD and company should have trusted Allen and their receivers more even in the wind. I believe if he did the Bills would have beaten the Pats. Of course side note about the refs calls make me sick to this day.
  8. Great post and input. Enjoyed the read. However, I vastly disagree with your premises. Every year there are games that are won and lost by a small margin. To go back and " cherry pick" them seems disingenuous. Great and good teams usually find a way to win and vice versa. This team is clearly worse than last year. "Dramaticaly" worse probably not. That's a matter of semantics. Last year was a special year! You could feel it game after game. Even after the devastating Cardinal loss you could still feel that "Bills fever." The team seemed destined. Like it was our year. Diggs and Allen were unstoppable!!! It was the best version of the NFL's Batman and Robin...Fast forward to this year and I'm not feeling much or any of that. In fact, I'm not sure which team is going to take the field. Like at the Tampa game for evidence. Allen is mostly running for his life and the team consistently losing the battle in the trenches. It's hard to see a pathway where the Bills can win a series of playoff teams vs quality teams. Sure it can happen and I hope it does. The Bills are in a fight to win the division and make the playoffs. Currently, they hold the last wild card spot. As for criticism, it's clear it's mostly not welcomed here. I fully understand it's more fun to be optimistic. This message board is is a fantastic avenue to get various inputs, information, and opinions. I respect the knowledge, input, and opinions of the posters here. The board is dynamic, fluid, and evolving. People's inputs should be respected especially if they are supported by valid facts. With that said, I know I'm on borrowed time here. I hope to continue being a member of this special board. Go Bills!!! Beat New England.
  9. I don't think the Bills are a bad team. They have a fantastic franchise QB that lots of team would die for. Many solid players, a stud CB and WR and great young emerging TE. 8-6 isn't bad but I think we all expected better. This upcoming game should tell us a lot about this team.
  10. Maybe we should expect a serviceable running game, a front four that can consistently generate a pass rush and stop the run, and an Oline that can protect our franchise QB. Funny how I read all the predictions on the Bills record. No one had the Bills 8-6 after 14 games. No one had them in 2nd place in the AFC East. No one had them fighting for a playoff birth. Let's be honest on this board. Go back and look at your predictions and expectations.
  11. Come on. That's not fair. Thus far are you happy with the way the season is playing out? Has the team met your expectations? Be honest. Granted there is plenty of football to be played. Hopefully, the team will win out and excell in the playoffs.
  12. The team is 8-6 and in 2nd place in the division. Fighting for their playoff lives. Is that what you a expected from this team when the season started? Imho, the criticism is warranted even if its not fun. If they win out then the team deserves accolades for gutting out a division title and going into the playoffs hot. I think most here had high hopes about winning a super bowl this season. Thus far, that seems to be a very tall order. The Bills weaknesses are in the trenches and its hard to win vs quality teams. I don't think it's unfair to say that. Sorry if it doesn't feel good or isn't fun.
  13. I hear you and don't disagree under ideal conditions. The Bills offensive line weaknesses prevent or hinder Allen to " go for the throat." (Especially today with the injuries.) Instead, we are often seeing opposing defenses going for Allen's throat... Defensively, the Bills have trouble generating a consistent pass rush from their front four. Additionally, they have issues stopping a credible rushing attack. These two key issues limit what Fraizer can do. Additionally, the Bills are not as strong in the secondary without Tre. Thus, you see Frazier playing a lot of nickel defense. Kind bend but don't break defense. Not pretty but overall it's pretty effective. Coaching certainly hasn't been stellar this year. There is plenty of blame to go around. As a fan, it's always easy to blame the coaches. I've been more critical of Daboll. The last two games I think he has made some positive changes that produced scores and a better offense. However, the weak Oline often rears its ugly face. I've been a little down on Coach McD. I am a big fan of his. I love his style, grit, attitude, and love for Buffalo. He fits right into the "Buffalo mold." With that said, it seems like he hasn't had the team ready to play on a few occasions. The game plans and halftime adjustments seem to lack some punch. I remember talking to my brother last year and raving about the Bills halftime adjustments. Today, they got the ball at half and promptly went 3 and out. The Bills have a great opportunity in Foxboro. A win can definitely give the Bills confidence to steam roll ahead. Look out...
  14. I didn't think the coaching was bad. The Bills used Davis more, brought back McKenzie, and ran Motor more even outside the tackles. Defensively, played Obada, Rosseau and Hughes even showed up.
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