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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Michael Lombardi on the NFL network just lambasted McDermott for the final 13 seconds of the Chiefs game. He blew it!!!!!!! Should it be a Scott Norwood lesson? Should McDermotts's mistakes are unforgivable? We had KC beat at home until the coaching incompetence took over the last 13 seconds. They even took two time outs to boot. Unbelievable. We fans should be outraged.
  2. Agree 100 % with you and Sullivan. Spot on and brutally fair. It's totally accurate. Just because you don't like him or what he said doesn't make it inaccurate. Fangio please. The guy is a great defensive coordinator. Instant upgrade from Frazier. Fraizer's time has passed.
  3. Hardly a compensation for the loss. Kind of like thinking you won a million dollars in the lottery only to find out you won $100. I hope you are right. The future clearly looks promising. I'm just tired of "wait til next year." This was the year. I don't think any team left could have stopped Allen. His level of play was that good!!!!!!
  4. That's what happened for sure. However, that only tells half of the story. Talk about how it happened? The Bills defensive strategy? Did Kelce run free off the line of scrimmage unblemished? Did Hill catch a ball in a prevent like defense for 20 yards? Did you like the kick into the end zone? Do you think the Bills coaching staff blew the game in that second span? Did you think their special teams and defensive scheme was solid? Would love to hear your input. Was it poor execution like the coach said? What's that mean? Imho, any knowledgeable football can only conclude one thing. The Bills coaching gift wrapped a present to the Chiefs. All the Chiefs had to do was open the gift up.
  5. i believe there are so many people speaking on the topic out of disgust. It's a way of venting for many. The anger is real because the coaching incompetence in a 13 sec span is inexplicable. It's the elephant in the room. Almost feels like we the fans have been cheated out of a great chance to win the super bowl.
  6. 100% agree. I really like Coach McDermott but he absolutely cost the Bills the game in 13 seconds. There really is no other way to put it. If he worked in another profession his gross incompetence would have resulted in him being fired. I'm not advocating this but my anger towards the coaching staff will linger for a long long time. Signed by Andy Reid. He says thanks for the gift...
  7. I think the failure was both the defense and the kick into the end zone. The kick absolutely had no chance to move the clock. The failure to try to take seconds off the clock was a very poor decision. The defense they played was atrocious. I don't know how anyone can support the Bills defensive plays. Epic failure on the Bills that will haunt its fans for years to come.
  8. I just listened to Jim Kelly being interviewed by Mike Greenberg on the radio. Kelly flat out said as an opposing QB looking at the Bills defense in the last 13 seconds he knew he would have a great chance to get his team into field goal range. Stated as a QB in that situation you don't want to face a "normal type" defense with pass rushers. He couldn't be more right. Without saying it overtly he pretty much said the Bills prevent defense blew it.
  9. I get that. Here is my take. Of course there is a risk of kicking a returnable ball. That's a given. However, in this situation the clock was our best friend and the Chiefs worst enemy. Imho, the top priority was to burn as much time off the clock as possible before getting the ball in Mahomes hands. One less play for Mahomes would have been huge. No way should he had the opportunity to have another play especially in this game. It's Mahomes and he was on fire. A kick into the end zone never gives the Bill's a chance to diminish the clock. That's it in a nutshell. I can live with the risk of a good run back or a poor kick that gives them good field position. A very good executed kick could have easily taken 3 to 5 seconds of the clock. The risk reward was clearly in favor of squib or high kicking the ball to the 5 or 10 yard line. Imho, the kick in the end zone was a collasal mistake. You have to trust your kicker and special teams to execute the play especially when the defense was getting shredded by Mahomes. When Mahomes went under center at the 25 yard line with 3 time outs and 13 seconds I never felt comfortable. Couldn't you feel that they were going to have a decent chance to tie the game? I could especially the way the game playing out. Hindsight is 20 20. It's easy after the fact.
  10. No Thanks. We need to invest in the Oline and lb because Edmunds blows. CB as well. We don't need Ridley. Davis, Diggs, Knox, is very good.
  11. For me, in real time I did not like the kick into the end zone. Imho, kicking it into the end zone was the incorrect call. The crucial point was burning seconds off the clock! The kick into the end zone couldnt accomplish this. The risk reward imho was much greater by squib kicking it or a high floater kick to about the 10 yard line. Question that I haven't seen addressed. Do you think the Chief player would have tried to run back the ball? What would have been the Chiefs strategy? I'm sure they wanted three plays for Mahomes. A high floater to the 10 or 15 yard line leaves the Chiefs return man in a difficult decision. Run it, fair catch it, run it a little and then take a knee, etc...Point being the clock was our friend and the kick into end zone didn't move it one second. Maybe I'm wrong...
  12. I replayed the last 13 seconds over. It's really hard to understand what the Bills were trying to do. On the first play, all the Bill's players are at about the Chiefs 45 yard line. I guess their strategy was don't get beat long. Basically, they gave the Chiefs a free 20 yard play. I guess they figured having the Chiefs at their 40-45 yard line with 8 seconds to go is a very good situation. Making the Chiefs have one last play to get 15 yards or so for a long field goal. The next play was a killer. Not sure if it was a broken play, Bills caught off guard, missed assignment, etc...Kelce just runs a straight line route off the line of scrimmage is "untouched" and wide wide open. Easy catch and throw. How in the world could the Bills allow that? It's one thing if he was double covered, bumped at the line of scrimmage and then makes an "Odel" type of catch. I can live with that. For the life of me, can anyone explain what happened? How did the Bills allow it to happen? What were they thinking? Another thought that's been heavily debated is the kick off. I totally get not wanting to risk a big kick off return. A poor squib kick could have resulted in great field position. Maybe the ball goes out of bounds? Or an up man fields it cleanly at the 30 or 35 yard line. A high short kick and you get a fair catch anywhere near the 20 or 30. Those are worst case scenarios but still have to be evaluated in your decision. My take is the game clock was of the up most importance. Top priority was to get 3-5 seconds off that clock. Plus, a very successful kick could have almost sealed the win. The lesser of 2 evils was to squib or high kick it. Basically, limiting the times Mohames has the ball in his hands. Make it a 2 play game and one of the plays is a fg. Thus, Mahomes would have had only one play to achieve a FG attempt. Of course it's much easier after the fact. What's clear to me is the Bills couldn't hold onto the lead with 13 seconds to go. For that reason, they didn't deserve to win the game. It's inexcusable. There wasn't some miraculous, fluke, or Franco Harris play. It was poor coaching and execution by our defense. Make me infuriated.
  13. Disagree here. The Chiefs are arguable the best offense in the league especially at home in big games. Mahomes, Kelce, and Hill are virtually unstoppable when they get it rolling. The Bills defense faced a huge uphill obstacle last night. All three of their superstars played great last night. I don't see any current defense who could have stopped them. Most of us knew this game was going to be a shootout. Add in no Tre and the defensive task was daunting. I get blaming the coaches and the defense. There is validity there. It the last 13 seconds which haunts me. To let Kelce run free is beyond a collasal mistake.
  14. It certainly isn't pleasant. I had a hard time sleeping last night. The wide right still lingers in my head from time to time. Tennessee miracle has faded for some reason. Right now last night's loss is still an open wound. Hopefully, a Lombardi trophy is arriving in Buffalo in a year or 2 or 3. Maybe this loss is a plus for the future. Hard to see it now.
  15. I'm not sure they were gassed. I think they were deflated and the Chiefs seized the opportunity in front of their fan base. Mahomes, Kelce, Hill , and the fans proved to be a little too much for the defense to overcome. The Chiefs knew they had to score a TD. All the momentum was in their direction after the FG. I think after the Bills lost the coin toss many of us were hoping to hold the Chiefs to a FG but thinking a TD was very likely.
  16. I disagree with this take. The Bills pass rush wasn't horrible. They pressured Mahomes often. Yes they didn't get sacks but the pressure was there. Mahomes was fantastic last night. He used his legs to escape the sacks and get big runs and plays. The defense didn't give the Chiefs big plays throughout most of the game. They failed miserably in the end. Lastly, it's pretty well known that Mahomes burns blitzes on a regular basis. The right defensive strategy imho would have forced the Chiefs to return the ball and absolutely maul all their receivers. I wouldn't have allowed any of them to get off the line of scrimmage. Of course, it's easy to play armchair QB after the fact. For the most part, I thought the Bill's coaching staff did an excellent job. Daboll's play calling was solid. Mixed the run and pass well. Used motion, short passes, RPOs, and a dart throws to Davis. Frazier and the defense was what I expected. They played a bend and don't break defense. For the most part it was pretty effective. They only gave up 14 to the Chiefs at halftime. Prevented the KC offense from making big plays and pressured Mahomes often. The 3rd quarter and much of the 4th was similar. They did enough to keep the Bills in the game. In Arrowhead, vs Mahomes, Kelce, Hill, minus Tre White, and a rabid crowd that's all we could ask for. The collasal failure occurred with 13 seconds left. However, let's give the entire Bills team including the coaches the props for getting us in that position. Look at the Bills going for it on 4th down twice in the first drive and getting a TD. Big play calls that allowed Allen to hit Davis for impossible touchdowns. Unfortunately, all we will remember is the last 13 seconds. Myself included. It's a nitemare that's likely to reoccurr over and over. Oh what could have been. This loss is excruciating.
  17. Agree with the defensive strategy being incorrect. There is no way Kelce or Hill should have gotten the chance to beat us. They should have been mauled at the line of scrimmage. With that said, Mahomes may have still found a way to get into field goal range. He was pretty much unstoppable all game. It was that kind of game where the impossible and improbable became reality. Look at the Bills TDs for a reference. Many predicted this game would come down to who had the ball last. That's exactly what happened.
  18. I think feelings are real and people's feelings shouldn't repressed, mitigated, or changed. Own them and move on. I see nothing wrong with crying after such an emotional and tough loss. Everyone handles diversity differently. Lastly, it's not always true that anger fades quicker than sorrow. That might be true in your case. I've seen people stay angry for years. We have some posters that have been angry for years at the Bill's and their organization.
  19. I'd like to see the rule you are referring to. I'm not sure you are correct. Also, it seems like that would be awful hard to prove the first-time it happened.
  20. Oh it certainly works that way. Maybe you meant it in a kind way when you told me to "get a clue?"
  21. I think you should go back to reading comprehension school.
  22. It's not that easy. Mahomes and the KC offense was virtually unstoppable all game. I wasn't confident we could stop them for 3 plays. I mean can't you say the same thing about the Chiefs not stopping the Bills on their mircle touchdowns? In reality, the Bill's were super fortunate to be winning the game with 13 sec to go. Most Chiefs fans probably would think they deserved to win if they had lost. Can't say I disagree with that because Allen to Davis Tds were almost surreal in real time.
  23. The way the game was going you could never feel comfortable that the Bill's were going to win even with13 seconds left. They had all their time outs meant they had 2-3 plays to get into field goal range. The defense pretty much couldn't stop KC the whole game. I never felt like the Bills were going to stop them. I thought KC would get a long field goal try of like 55 plus yards. Its the Bills so I knew the FG would be good. Not sure, if my expectations were unrealistic.
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