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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I thought my tv sound was broken. I had to change channels to make sure.
  2. Agree. I have to ask is the Bill's Oline and run game more like what we saw in the first two thirds of the season or more like the five or so ending games? I firmly believe the latter part of Allen's success was the Oline and run game. It didn't matter who the Bills had lined up as pass catchers. McKenzie, Davis, and Knox came through when needed. Allen will get anyone the ball with time. He's that good. All this talk about WR is fine but without a good Oline and a run the Bills will likely not win it all. Let's continue to build the Oline and run game on offense. Also, need a nice CB, a quality LB, and a run stuffing DL. I'm done with Edmunds, Hughes, and Star. They are dead weight.
  3. I just don't see a need at the WR position. Depends on the Bills board and his medical evaluation.
  4. No doubt about that. He comes with a big risk and that's exactly why his trade value is capped. Risk vs reward...
  5. I disagree here. WR isn't a huge area of need on this team.
  6. I disagree with the comparasion to Green Bay and KC to the Bills. That's just inaccurate and skews the picture of the Bills inaccurately. I think the pass catchers on the Bills are one of the best cores in the league. Especially with the emergence of Knox, Davis, and some extent McKenzie. I see this pick as a possibly luxury pick. Of course, if he rates out as the BPA by far and the injury isnt a major concern then I'm more than ok with the pick. However, if there's a player close to his value and it fills a Bills need then I'd rather go there instead.
  7. Not me. Barkley is a special talent. For me, the only question as mentioned is can he stay healthy? I'd be doing cartwheels in the snow if we could get hon for Moss and a 4th. He's worth the risk. A 4th round pick isn't much and Moss can easily be replaced. I do like Devin though. Not sure I would give him up ib the package. Alpha, I think your premise is incorrect that the Giants will unload Barkley. His trade value isn't much and his upside is too high for what they get in return. Restructure is more likely.
  8. A wide receiver here seems like a luxury pick. I'm not sure we need to go there when the Bills have other pressing needs. I guess it comes down to the doctor's evaluation and if he's that far of the best available player.
  9. He's overrated for sure. When it counted his defense folded like Swiss cheese in 13 seconds. I would like to see a change.
  10. Can't wait to get in Norv Turner. He will let Josh throw the long ball. He has a history of success.
  11. Jordan Palmer. Had already has a great relationship with Josh.
  12. Not sure you are correct. Maybe it was a developmental process for both of them? Maybe he found a way to best utilize their strengths? It's always easy to criticize after the fact. For the most part, I thought Daboll was very good. I would have rather seen Frazier go and Daboll stay.
  13. He's not starting material. He's proved that over time.
  14. He offers more to the team than just his return skills. He is a capable WR when others go down. He proved that this year. He is very good when running the ball on the misdirection play. Definitely keeps the defense honest. His speed is greatly needed on the team. He is a decent piece to the Bills offense. It would take a very very good draft choice to replace him. Also, would a similar pick up be just as expensive as keeping him?
  15. I think this is correct. I think there is little to no chance Bass wasn't told to kick it into the end zone. At the very least, you would have seen him getting his butt rimmed on the sidelines. This topic is really just an excuse to cover up the Bills coaching staffs collasal blunder. Don't be in denial. The coach blew the game in that 13 seconds span. It's clear and obvious. Why are so many making unfounded excuses? I like McD but it is what it is. I'm sure he just like us will be haunted by this collapse for generations.
  16. All a bunch of hogwash. You can try to justify the inevitable all you want. It's not cutting it here. The fact remains the Bills coaching staff failed miserably in that 13 second span. That's putting it mildly. You can twist,turn, deflect, and spin all you want. I'm not about to excuse how incompetent the coaching staff was in that 13 seconds. They ripped the hearts out of the fans and players. So badly, that Coach McD can't even explain himself or his decisions. Why? Because you can't make Shi#t smell like ice cream. In time, this game will go down as one of the worst last second coaching decisions in NFL history. It's not like the Bill's lost on a fluke hail mary, a Franco Harris type play, or an Odel type catch. Nope nope nope. To add insult to injury the Bill's coaching staff called 2 timeouts to get it right. Seriously??? Yet, you don't wanna hear it just like many on here. Instead you attack the media, their character, point to past irrelevant games, etc...Just say it and admit it. The Bills coaching staff blew the game in a 13 second span. There is no other way a knowledgeable football fan can conclude otherwise.
  17. True it was an epic fail by the defense. However, it was an epuc fail to kick it in the end zone too. That kick can't elapse any time off the clock which was critical. Whether a squib or high kicked would have almost certainly done is take valuable time off the clock. A highly effective one may have taken off 4, 5, or 6 seconds. The risk reward says you don't kick it in the end zone.
  18. What does that have to do with the validity of what he's saying about Coach McD collasal 13 second collapse in which he used 2 time outs to get it right. Couldn't agree with this more. Spot on.
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