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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I screamed NO!!!! when the kick went into the end zone. I knew at that point the game had a really really good chance of going into ot. I was besides myself that the Chiefs had such an easy fg attempt. I was expecting Butner to make a 60 yarder or so. To not even attempt to burn the clock on the kick off is gross negligence. To have miscommunication at that point is inexcusable.
  2. Shaw I hear what you are saying. I think you really are missing the big picture and making some assumptions that are unfounded and incorrect. Again, I will say a squib or pooch kick was the right call because it gives the Bills a chance to burn the clock. Whether it would have or not is debatable. The right call wasn't to kick it in the end zone because it has no chance to tick the clock. It's really that simple. What happened after the kick is a separate issue. Obviously, the Bill's coaching staff and players blew it. That's being kind and I don't want to beat a dead horse. It was terrible. I ask all Bills fans this. How comfortable were you when the Cheifs had the ball at their 25, 3 time outs, and 13 seconds? It gave Mahomes two plays to get into fg range. I honestly thought it would be like a 60 yard kick to tie the game. Tony Romo was right!
  3. The real issue that you didn't address was the clock. Top priority should have been taking precious seconds off the clock. A kick to the end zone obviously does nothing in this regard. A squib or pooch kick gave the Bills the best opportunity to take seconds off the clock. In that situation, it clearly called for a squib or pooch kick. Imho, you take the risk to execute the correct kick. Flat out kicking it into the end zone was the wrong call. Nevertheless, the Bill's defense still should have stopped the Chiefs. However, that doesn't negate the kicking error. In summary, the Bill's coaching staff gave the game away in a 13 second span. Sickening...
  4. I hope we sign him. I like him and what he offers the team.
  5. I stand corrected. Kiper has been wrong as much as he's been right. There are plenty of Qbs he has whiffed on Allen just wasn't one of them. Most of these draft evaluators are no more accurate than serious fans who know football. I clearly remember Dilfer talking about Allen saying he had the highest ceiling of any QB he's seen. He talked about his big arm and his weakenesses. In the end, most Qbs don't become franchise ones. Kudos to the Bills they finally got one after years and years of drafting mediocre Qbs.
  6. Funny you say that. Where did Kiper and pretty much all the so called experts have Allen rated in his QB draft class? It wasn't not #1 by almost all accounts. His ceiling was the highest but it was a bigger risk than the others. The Bills swung for the fences and hit a home run. Kiper is full is poop...
  7. He wasn't a machine. His QB percentage was low and his team's sucked. He had a huge arm and size. The ceiling was very very high. It was high risk high reward. Allen is one of the few QBs that has dramatically improved his accuracy. It's rarely seen.
  8. Agree. No way is the head coach not responsible for what happened.
  9. No need to apologize I respect your posts and knowledge. Your frustration is valid. I disagree with your take of the last 13 seconds. I don't believe there was a miscommunication with the kickoff. Additionally, I believe the blame goes directly to Coach McD and some to Frazier. In the end, it's the head coach that bares the responsibility. I was a huge McD fan prior to that inexcusable 13 second span. I like Coach McD and overall fit for the Buffalo Bills. The way he talks, walks, and chews gum spells Buffalo to a core. However, I just can't get past those 13 seconds. I'm trying but ultimately his incompetence is a "nail in the coffin" for me. I'm not advocating for a "run of the mill" replacement. If Payton is available I'd love to see that move. Maybe I'm being too irrational and vindictive. With time the wound of McD's blunder might lessen. However, that game will be replayed for years and years adding insult to injury. If no viable quality head coach is available then I'd advocate keeping coach McD.
  10. Whether coach McD us conservation, passive, aggressive, etc.. It's subject to interpretation. I happen to agree with your viewpoints for the most part. Your condescending tone isn't needed but it is what it is...Once not up for debate is how Coach McD was grossly incompetent in that last 13 seconds of regulation. You can that aggressive?
  11. Those decisions by Coach McD are debatable. He made some nice 4th down calls that worked out. His body of work is very good. However, that 13 second span is unforgivable, inexcusable, and worthy of termination. You just can't make that sort of mistake and survive. My analogy would be a police officer that has stellar record for 10 years. Then one day that police officer is involved in a shooting that's not justified. He ends up paralyzing the victim. In the end, the officer is terminated. The victim's family suffers for years to come because of the officers gross negligent action. That's what Coach McD did to us fans. I'm no longer a supporter of Coach McD. I'd love to see Sean Payton take over.
  12. By falling asleep in 13 seconds while at war. You can claim all the little battles along the way but still lose the war. Just watch this board will crucify Dorsey. Also, I don't thibk you can easily dismiss the 13 seconds. It was much much bigger than that.
  13. Agree mostly but I'd get rid of Wallace and Hughes.
  14. Kind of like LeBron with Westbrook. Is that what you are saying...
  15. Just tackle every pass catchers and the Bills win. Instead they let Kelce and Hill run free untouched. Beyond pathetic. Makes me sick. As time passes I get more disgusted. I can't see Frazier and McD in the same positive mind frame.
  16. I like O'Brien. I'd like to get Tony Romo out of the booth. Guy understands defenses and is dynamic. I think he'd be a great fit with Allen.
  17. Now is the perfect opportunity to let Frazier go. He can be the scapegoat for the KC loss.
  18. Loved the faces of Reid, Kelce, Mahomes, and Reid when that FG was made. F them....
  19. 100% agree. The Bills have to upgrade their defense. I would like to see Fraizer go. The Bills need a solid CB, LB, and a DL run stuffer.
  20. I'm happy the Bengals won. Make no mistake about it the Bills Bengals game would have been fun. There was no guarantee the Bills would have won.
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