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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Good at letting running backs block him and missing interceptions. That's a start.
  2. This post is anything but "Lost." It's spot on and I agree 100%. My only concern is the Bill's do have some more pressing holes to fill. I see Edmunds as a "stop gap" LB.
  3. Agree 100%. At this point, Edmunds is not even close to the player Flecther was.
  4. Nothing about him screams elite, game changer, or frankly dependable. His play is inconsistent. Imho, he's more a liability than a asset. Many games you never even hear his name called. He gets blocked by running backs and lineman which he cannot shed to make a tackle. Routinely gets burned in pass coverage. Look at how many sacks and ints he has. He doesn't make big play with the exception of missing his gap where an opposing RB runs for 40 yards. I think I've been impressed with two or three games he's played as a Bill. Additionally, he doesn't seem to be a leader. The guy has pretty much under preformed in every area. Sure he's young and can improve. I just don't see it. He isn't the type of LB that leads defenses to championships. I think he's a stop gap kind of player. Hope that helps.
  5. I'd do cartwheels and backflios if the Bill's get him at 25. Instant upgrade from Edmunds.
  6. I agree. Edmunds is a sub par to at best average LB. Over the years, I can remember only a handful of games where he's actually impacted the defense in a positive way. After a Bills game, how many times have you said wow Edmunds had a really good game? Not many for me. Mostly, he's non existent, misses his gap, never pressures the QB, and cannot shed a blocker to save his life. Perhaps, this is being a little too harsh. The term " bust" is relative and subject to interpretation. What's clear in my eyes is that Edmunds has under preformed, not even remotely close to being a game changer, is more of a liability than an assest, and definitely not worth the money he's getting. Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing Edmunds go.
  7. Why kick it in the end zone when you have Siran Neal?
  8. Not sure why people are clamoring for a first round WR? If last year proved anything it was the Bills defense wasn't up to the task. They have holes at CB, LB, interior dline, and lack of a consistent pass rush. I think some younger guys will step it up. However, my pick is a CB if his the BPA. Allen and all his heroics couldn't get the win with 13 seconds left.
  9. I'll take him over McCaffrey. He knows how to get into the end zone too. He isn't worth that. He is overrated imho.
  10. Exactly! A voice of reason is refreshing. MC Craffrey is too much of a risk. I'd rather have C. Patterson who would be great in the Bills offense and special teams.
  11. Every time I saw Kirk play he underpreformed. I remember a couple of big games a couple of years ago. I think he might be a good compliment to our receiving core. However, I'm a bit tepid on him. He seems very inconsistent for that amout of money.
  12. Big "if" I must say. His track record clearly indicates he cannot stay healthy. I don't buy you argument on how he would stay healthy on the Bills team. Conversely, I don't buy that he got hurt in Carolina because he was over used. Are you suggesting he gets like 10 touches a game? The guy is like peanut brittle. Hard pass for me.
  13. Because he has a proven track record of being injured. They guy can't stay healthy. What makes you think he will with the Bills? If you want a quality guy for mayne a half season then I get it. He should be nicknamed McGlass...
  14. At some point we will probably watch it with disdain. That game was one of the best games the NFL has seen. It will be replayed often for years to come. For me, a super bowl win will ease the pain.
  15. Sadly, I agree. The opening game vs Pitt really told me a lot about the Bills coaching staff. The players were flat, not ready to play, man handled, and unprepared. Coming out the second half of was more of the same. Little halftime adjustments. Same goes for the Jags and the Colts. Finally, I saw halftime adjustments in the Tampa game. The coaches were not good in the first game vs NE. I'd say the coaches lost more games than they won last year.
  16. Let's not get carried away with the Belicheat comparasion. I do think McD is a very good coach, has the players respect, and they play hard for him. At times, last year he looked less then very good. A few games the team was flat out not ready to play. For example, Pitt, Jags, and the Colts. Additionally, I felt several times he lacked halftime adjustments and got out coached. Previous years, I felt like the Bills halftime adjustments were very very good. Currently, I believe Coach McD gives the Bills the best chance to hoist the Lombardi Trophy. With that said, I have lost a little confidence in him.
  17. I know it was just a hypothetical. All things even I'd fire Coach McD and hire Payton. I think Payton would bring the fans a super bowl. I'm beginning to question whether McD can close the deal. As someone mentioned, he might be the next Marty S. He certainly choked away the win in KC. He shouldn't get a free pass for that. Next year will tell us more.
  18. I agree with you here. The wound is still open and the pain is real for me. As a result, I still have some anger issues to get past with Coach McD giving that KC playoff game away.
  19. Love your post. It's upfront, honest, and realistic. I don't agree with every point but that's not the point. Lol I contend that Coach McD took over the play calling. I don't believe for a min he let Frazier make the calls. Of course, I have no proof. That's my guess as to why Frazier's head wasn't on the chopping block. Additionally, the Bills called timeouts before each play. They had the time to call the best defensive plays. First play, Bills players 10 to 15 yards off the line of scrimmage; thus giving them a free 20 yards. Second play, Kelce free release off the line for an easy catch and run. WTF! Coach McD called the plays. He had to be directly involved in those calls. No other way to put it. In short, he blew the game in 13 seconds. No one will convince me otherwise. Is it a fireable offense? Yes and no. You bring up a great point on coach McD record and attitude. I'm not one calling for a new head coach. However, his ineptitude in that 13 seconds will remain with me forever. Similar to wide right and the Tenn miracle. I'm not a big fan of the Frazier defense. It clearly is a bend but don't break scheme. I think it's way less effective vs better teams. I for one never believed the Bills defense was deserving of the number 1 NFL defense. I believe most Bills fans thought similiarly. The defense didn't get the stops. We can only hope as you said the Bill's improve from here on out. Some changes and additions will be needed. Thus far, Beane and company have built one of the better teams in the NFL. A healthy Allen means the Bills should be in line for another super bowl run. Please please please we fans want that Lombardi trophy and the parade in Bflo.
  20. I'd agree with that. Let's take it a step further following that rationale. How bout after the kick? Who called those defensive plays? Was it Frazier or did Coach McD take over? What were they thinking? What consequences should that person receive? Is it fair to say their defensive strategy blew the game? Is not like Mahomes and the Chiefs won on a fluke play. They won as a direct result of the defensive incompetence. Curious to hear what you have to say. Thanks
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