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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Engram. seems to be injured an awful lot.
  2. Elite special teams guys but you kick it into the end zone to waste no time on the precious clock. Sorry I went there. That was my initial thought when I read your post. I guess I'm still bitter...
  3. Is the guy any good? I don't k ow much about him?
  4. I like Klein but he is replaceable. I'm hoping they can let Hughes go or trade him. Imho, his better playing days are over. Not sure how he figures into the Bills cap.
  5. He has a history of "jumping the ship." Just ask USC fans. Guy is a real narcissist.
  6. They will compete and be competitive. Blelicheck is that good.
  7. Fair post. It's hard to get behind a high rb draft choice. The game has vastly changed and their stock isn't as valuable as it once was. I'm not sure Breece is the answer. He is dynamic and fast but does his game transfer into a difference maker in the NFL? I don't think it does. Williams is coming off a serious injury. I think he will be fine and he looks to be a very good receiver. There are several quality receivers that should still be available in the later rounds. The draft is always a calculated gamble with no sure thing. Beane and the scouting staff have built this team via the draft. I trust their judgement more than mine. With that said, last year the team was outplayed too many times in the trenches. Lastly, I'm going to make a Brady comparasion to Allen. Take for what it's worth. Brady rarely had an elite WR core. His play always elevated their Wrs. Allen can still be great with Diggs, Davis, Knox, and a quality rb like Motor. Allen will make any offensive player better. What he needs is solid protection not a new shiny toy...
  8. You can get speed in the later rounds too. How good was Allen when he had no time to throw? How good were the Bills when they couldn't stop the run? This game is won in the trenches. That's football 101. Yet, we all (myself included) want the "shiney new toy." I trust Beane to pick the BPA and if it's a WR then so be it. Stay true to the board. I believe Beane will add some quality guys in free agency or via a trade. He knows this team needs a small push to make that super bowl run.
  9. Look at his play on the field. I don't put much stock in the combine results. Imho, too many red flags on this guy to take at 25. Hard pass for me.
  10. Where is Wyatt projected to go? I agree. I hope the Bills aren't targeting him.
  11. I think the Bills go CB or DL with the first pick. There are plenty of quality WRs to get in the later rounds. Didn't we learn a lesson from the Sammy Watkins pick?
  12. I don't think you are wrong. It's hard for me to put my finger on it. He just disappears in too many games. I'd only be interested if the Bills could get him at a discount which is very unlikely.
  13. Beasley is an asset to the team. He knows the system and makes clutch plays in critical situations. That will be difficult to replace. Letting him go won't make the team better. It will be difficult to replace him with a better quality slot guy. Not impossible but difficult. I'm hoping Beasley stays.
  14. I agree. I wouldn't pay Kirk big money. He's a one trick pony whose had a few big flashes here and there. I'm not impressed with him. Grab Hayward as a stop gap and draft a wide receiver. Win win.
  15. The 7 million is too much. However, the above discussion never talked about salary.
  16. I'd give up our 4th round pick for him. A 4th round pick isn't much.
  17. It depends on if he's healthy. Can his body hold up? I don't care about the cheap shots, his Patriot past, or his big mouth. A somewhat healthy Gronk I would welcome. He is a leader, a winner, and can go a long way to lead the Bills to a Super Bowl victory. If the Bill's Drs clear him; then bring him aboard for a decent price. The Bills are in win now mode and Gronk fits this mentality.
  18. Saying Allen regressed early in the season. Questioning his ability.
  19. I'd rather have Penny. Penny was outstanding the latter half of the year. The kid is young, hungry, and a dynamic runner. Only real concern is he seems injury prone.
  20. Agree and that's why many think the "bust" label is accurate. The term is relative and ambiguous in how it's interpreted. Kind of like the legal term " probable cause." What makes you think he is good? What does he do well? Anyone? Shed blocks? Coverage tight ends? Rush the passer? Tackle running backs? Contain gap control? Rush the passer? Get ints and fumbles? Make big plays? This year I watched every game and 75% of the games I'm not sure I heard his name called. Forget he was on the field. You think you would see and hear from your LB often. Maybe I'm missing something...
  21. I happen to enjoy his website. I don't always agree with his takes and opinions. Generally speaking, I find him knowledgeable and credible. I appreciate his bluntness and how he's not afraid to to take a stance. This is exactly what he did with regards to the Edmunds comment. I really don't see it as "click bait." I completely understand that others disagree with his analogy. However, it does have merit and validity. Just my two cents.
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