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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I fully understand your point. Let me try to unbottle your mind. I overreacted to the signing. I just saw headlines of 6 years 120 mil without knowing the details. My mistake. Several here have justly made that point. Some nice and professional others not so much. As I've stated I don't hate the signing. My eyeball test as stated before doesn't see Miller as elite but 2021 statistics show that he is. So it's probably safer to say my eyes aren't seeing things accurately. However, stats can be deceiving. It remains to be seen how good he will be as a Bill. Hope that helps
  2. I don't agree. Beane has pretty much stayed true to the process. I think the moves have improved the team. Miller is a monster in big games. It's a lot of money but short term it can pay off big time. The other moves seem solid but not flashy. Saffold is a clear upgrade but again he's older and was pretty expensive. The Miller and Saffold additions seem to be "all in" pick ups for a super bowl run. It's hard to fault Beane and company for improving the Bills chances to hold the Lombardi Trophy. Others in the AFC have become much better on paper too. More specifically, the Chargers and Broncos. The Chiefs of course are still right there and Cinci with Burrows and an improved Oline are formidable. It's hard not to be excited about the upcoming year. The opportunity is greater than ever. No doubt the Bills will be one of if not the number one favorite team to win the super bowl. Not sure how I feel about that. With that said, the anticipation for the upcoming season has me salivating...
  3. Great post. I agree. The Bills brass put so much effort in getting pass rushers via free agency and drafts. It seems clear to me that they have not done well in that department. The statistics for those statistics people illustrate that clearly. It was an obvious priority of Beane and company. Yet, they go out and spend BIG money for Miller. What's that say about their previous moves? Doesn't exactly instill confidence. I like the moves they made to sure up the run defense. They still have a HUGE hole at CB. I suspect they will try to pick up a value guy in free agency or in the early rounds of the draft. I disagree with the Hughes take. In theory I agree but Jerry has pretty much sucked for awhile. Imho, he was invisible and barely serviceable in many of our games last season. It's time to let him walk. I too have mixed feelings about the Miller move. It's great to know Miller is a winner and plays big in big games. That might be just what the Bill's need to hoist the Lombardi Trophy. On the other hand, I'm think they spent too much for Miller and fear he won't be nearly as effective on the Bills team. Instead of Donald getting doubled or tripled it will be Von. Will the 34 year be up to the task? Once again, Oliver and company have to set it up and produce.
  4. Wtf. What does she have to do with anything. Terrible classless cheap shot. Many here disagree with me and I'm fine with that. But geeze your post is very tasteless.
  5. I'm not a statistic guy nor do I pretend to be. I don't try to pretend like I'm the most intellectual football person here. Clearly, I'm not and that goes without saying. I'm more of a football guy who watches football passionately. I let me eyes do the talking. I live in SCal and watched every Rams game. I just didn't see an elite player on a consistent basis. At times, he flashed and yes he got several hurries. I saw a player whose good not great.He is a shell of himself frim his Bronco days. Someone who benefited from Donald being double and triple teamed. You can take that as a negative if you wish. Facts are facts. Do I hate the signing? No, I don't hate it because like previously said he's better than anything the Bills have. I think he got over paid but then again its not my money. He's a proven winner and makes big plays in big games. Maybe that in itself is worth the signing. Time will tell...
  6. Fair points but Let me respond. I've never sad he's a bad player. I've said he's not the player he used to be. I stand by that statement. Sure I've over exaggerated my points. I'll concede that. Saying he's better than anything we have on the roster isn't saying much. I agree with you there. He's getting paid beyond well and is dare to say over paid. His agent did a helleva job. Lastly, I think it's more than fair to point out his all pro teammate. Players make players better. To think otherwise is ridiculous.
  7. Just being realistic in my eyes. Not trying to be a Debbie downer.
  8. Of course not. My issue is the contract. You really think he's going have anything left in year 3, 4, 5, and 6? The Bills brass made a terrible financial decision long term. Chandler Jones was a much better asset.
  9. You don't give a 33 yr old way past him prime a 6 year contract. No way no how! A 2 or 3 year contract absolutely. This will come back to hurt us. Hopefully, he can get us a Super Bowl before his legs fall off.
  10. He's lucky if he has 2 good years in him. I don't like the signing.
  11. He can barely walk. He's way past his prime and old and aging. I don't get the signing 6 yrs for 120 mil. Seems way way off to me. I'm shocked on how bad this is. The Bills will regret this signing. Maybe I'm missing something.
  12. Very well said. It's been so long since the Bills had a quality underneath check down player. Indeed, he makes the offense better for all the reasons you've stated. I stand corrected from my earlier post. I thought he was more of a " home run" type of back.
  13. I agree except I'm not convinced Edwards-Helaire is a good back. He seems average to me especially on a loaded offensive team.
  14. He's a home run hitter something the Bills have lacked for years. The Bills haven't had a quality pass catching running back in forever if ever. To boot, he blocks well too. This is a nifty under the rug great signing.
  15. Agree with the notion that the Bills would have won the Super Bowl comment. There are just too many unknown variables to say that. With that said, I would have liked the Bills chances at home vs Cinci. Allen was pretty much unstoppable and I see no reason to believe they would have stopped him in Orchard Park. Just my two cents. The Rams would have been a tough game to win. I kind of see the Bills edging them out. Point being it's just premature to say the Bills would have won the Super Bowl. However, they would have been clear favorites to beat Cinci and perhaps the Rams too. Of course the Bills need better players. Every team does; even teams that win a super bowl. All teams have holes. The single most important position is the QB. The Bills had the absolute best hands down QB in the playoffs. Better than Burrows, Mahomes, and Stafford. He was a one man wrecking crew that beat KC until the coaching staff blew it in 13 seconds. I would say that Allen was nothing short of Tom Brady like. We know how that story goes...So you can point the finger at lack of talent, playmakers, etc...There is merit to that rational. However, when you have Allen (aka Brady) you don't need much to get over the hump and hoist that Lombardi Trophy. Look how he made Davis (who I love) look like the best WR in history. Allen was on a mission and made everyone better. Oh what could have been... Steelers have a great runner. Their offense sucked because their Oline was weak and Ben's arm was shot.
  16. Good leads to greatness for others. McKissic adds another dimension to an already potenent offense. He will make others on the offense that much better. Solid move by Beane. He's doing his magic within his budget.
  17. Does he have anything left in the tank? Could he be a one or two year guy that brings the Lombardi Trophy to Bflo?
  18. This signing makes drafting a WR less of a priority. McKenzie may very well have a bigger roll in the Bills pass offense. I think he is up to the task. His speed can be utilized in various ways and Allen and him seem to be a nice combo. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting him to be T. Hill. However, he can be a solid contributor and make others better. I like the signing.
  19. I'd take CMC or Barkley at a discount. Not likely to happen. I'd definelty take CMC over Barkley.
  20. I think he is ok but nothing special. He's really not a tight end in my opinion. I'd rather just draft a wide receiver or hoping McKenzie stays ob the team.
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