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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I don't dislike the pick up. It's cheap and he might do well in the Bills offense. However, I'm a bit skeptical Johnson will bring much to the table. He's bounced around a few teams and had moderate success in Cleveland. For me, it's hard to get enthusiastic about Duke Johnson. Beane had a very limited budget and did ok here. I'd temper your expectations.
  2. They can go that route too. Depends on who they pick up if anyone and who is on the board as BPA. Either way is fine as long as they plug those two holes. I do see the CB need as more pressing.
  3. Right now, the Bills have a HUGE hole at CB. That has to be priority number one in my eyes. Tre is out for awhile and Wallace departed. Teams will exploit the Bills secondary without a doubt. Beane is too smart not to upgrade the position. It's McCreay or Boone in the first. Unless, they get a veteran in the market.
  4. That's way too much compensation for Barkley. I'd give them a 3rd and that's being generous.
  5. Agree but we should all know by now that the Bills drafting a RB in the first round would be a big big mistake. The RB value has diminished and the game has changed. Stop the RB talk with pick 25.
  6. I think he's gone way before we get to pick. Good luck AFC. Building a powerhouse and a dynasty.
  7. Very true. It seems like it's so difficult to field a team with little to no holes.
  8. Good solid pick up. Now, I'm looking for help at CB, WR, and OL depth.
  9. He is a magician, juggler, accountant, and football guy all wrapped up in one. Bill Pollian approves.
  10. Quality QB back ups get paid well. It's not an outrageous price to pay.
  11. Is there a market for Beasley? Wondering why no team has made a move for him? Or is it still too early in the process? He is a RB/WR rolled up in one. He would be interesting to see in the Bills offense.
  12. True but I think that scenario is very slim. McD has earned the respect of the players and vice versa. I suspect in private he took some ownership. People in general prefer this type of behavior vs the latter. He doesn't have to worry about losing the locker room. In fact, he may have created an ever stronger "team bond" if he did address the players and accept some blame. Truthfully, the fans were left very short with explanation. I don't like that but maybe it's best to keep it in house.
  13. I hear you. My post does say " I know its only football." I think you can safely interpret what that means. Secondly, I feel like you were very much mitigating the 13 seconds poop show by McD. Maybe I'm wrong there? Thirdly, leaders make mistakes and own them. Its hard to see how McD owned that surreal 13 second disaster. He repeatedly skirted the issue. Maybe he handled things in house and owned his blunder. Who knows? Lastly, I've always liked McD. I like his attitude, toughness, motivation skills, and the winning he has brought to the Bills organization. However, last year I saw some signs that are concerning. The team was not ready to play in several games and the halftime adjustments just weren't there like previous years. Im still a supporter of the Coach especially when there's not a better proven commodity out there. Perhaps Sean Peyton? I am watching tje coaching staff very closely this year. Sometimes change isn't such as bad thing.
  14. You are accurately painting a picture of Coach McD's record. He is a very good coach. I happen to like his style and the way he brings the team together. The players do play hard for him. However, that has nothing to do with his utter collasal 13 second failure. He blew the game!!! Defending his record and pointing out other coaches errors is not relevant. Additionally, the magnitude of his errors multipl two fold or more. It wasn't just a regular ho hum season game. The whole football world anticipated the matchup we spent the whole off season preparing for that very game. Literally, Bills fans including myself were devasted, sick, and lost countless hours of sleep. I know it's only football but coache's mistakes in that moment and that time shouldn't be mitigated. I'd have more respect if coach just flat out said I blew it. I let the whole team and city down. I not calling for his firing or departure but I will never forget how that game was lost. It's on the history books and it will haunt many of us for years to come. I still can fathom to watch wide right or the Tenn miracle. No need to admit your stupidity...
  15. Bills still need to upgrade CB, WR, and RB position. Need a quality back up QB. Additional Oline and LB depth would be nice too. Still lots of work to be done.
  16. I think it's a back up QB pick up soon. J. Winston maybe?
  17. It was a collasal failure on the Bills coaching staff. Let's call it what it was. No need to sugar coat it. Facts are facts. The Bills have to move on and hopefully they learned from it. The scar will always be there for many of us. Just like the Tennesse miracle. It's in the NFL history books.
  18. I don't think you can discount leadership. A game is often won by the slimmest of margins. Leadership, team building, and believing in yourself and your teammates is essential. This is where coach McD seems to excell. The xs and os not so much. Miller certainly will bring a winning attitude and belief into the locker room and on the field. I just hope it's enough to vault the Bills to the top!
  19. Another fantastic analysis. Why can't both post be fantastic?
  20. Fantastic breakdown. Thanks. Sounds like longer term risk vs immediate rewards.
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