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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Like your picks and aggressive mindset. I just don't agree with the trade up to Williams. The WR draft is very deep with very good WRs. This trade reminds me of the Sammy Watson mistake. Imho, there is no need to reach and give up picks for an injuried WR who my have little impact this year.
  2. I can attest to this. I've been corrected a few times by you. Of course, it's never taken personally.
  3. I might be in the minority here. I think a Diggs trade is a real possibility. Don't get me wrong I love Diggs and what he brings to the team. Last year, I thought he wasn't as dominate as the previous year. Many games he was a non factor probably due to double teams. He still is an elite number 1 receiver. However, a trade should be considered depending on what the Bills draft and how Davis and others develop. I believe Allen is good enough to win without Diggs. That money can be utilized to bolster the Oline, replace him, and running game. If the price is right I think Beane pulls the trigger. No one thought Adams or Hill would be traded so why not Diggs? Qbs make receivers. Wrs don't make QBs.
  4. Agree about him being a cancer. However, a draft pick controlled and cheap is still no AB. His talent is undeniable. Risk vs reward. Imho, the risk is too great because AB isn't mentally stable.
  5. Wondering how they did with the Josh Allen pick? You know how many teams passed on Taylor? Also, it's not like this regime whiffed on picking a RB in the 1st or 2nd round.
  6. No doubt they have given Tua weapons and better protection. It should be pretty clear after this year if Tua is the Dolphins QB of the future. Another huge concern is can his body endure a full season relatively healthy. I'm betting against Tua. My eyes see a system QB that's too small and too fragile.
  7. I don't think he's there at pick 25. The Bills will have to move up to get him. I think there will be several very good choices for the Bills in the 1st and 2nd round.
  8. I understand your point but I disagree when its applied to the Buffalo Bills team. Truthfully, I don't see anyone in the top 10 or 12 picks that justifies a Bills move up. The cost would be way way too much and the compensation is risky and borderline. Imho, it would be a huge blunder and Beane is way to intelligent to make such a foolish move.
  9. I think this rumor is nothing but smoke. This draft is weak by most experts. There are no benifide super star stud coming out of this draft. Sure there could be a few that turn into something special. Which ones is anyone's guess. This draft class doesn't fit the bill for the Bills to move up. The WR class is pretty deep so moving up for one seems to be premature. I'm sure the Bills can get a WR without moving up that may be even better than the previous drafted wide out. Look at Sammy Watson for an example. In short, I just don't see the Bills moving up in the first round.
  10. I mean it is really hard to know what's going to happen prior to pick 25. I guess we all can play out the scenarios. Imho, Beane stays pretty close to his board. He won't make a big reach on need. He will surely take an obvious BPA regardless of position. I think that's a rare and unlikely situation. What is more probable is a close gap between BPA and a team need. That is a much harder position to navigate. Both choices can be justified.
  11. From most draft experts, this draft lacks stud players. Imho, the draft seems to be deep in quality wide receivers. Surely, any deemed stud players will be gone before pick 25. There are always diamonds in the rough.
  12. Disagree. Their division is terrible. They have an easy path to the playoffs. Brady the Goat still is effective and makes everyone that much better. Still have solid pieces on defense and weapons galore on offense. No way is TB a dumpster fire. In fact, they have to be one of the top 3 nfc favorites to go to the Super Bowl.
  13. Maybe I'm in the minority. An 18 million contract for Baker doesn't seem absurd to me. The QB market salaries have continued to sky rocket. Back up QBs are getting paid well. Last year Dalton got 10 million and T. Hill got 12 million. Tribisky get 14 million to 27 million for 2 years. Mariota, Bridgewater, Jimmy G, etc... Sure, I think 18 mil is a little too step but i think a talent deprived QB team will be willing to pay that price. Baker isn't elite or very good. However, he's serviceable, a little better than average, and experienced.
  14. I agree with your take. However, the Miller pick is very big. Scaffold 8s a big upgrade as well with vast experience. Beane has done will with the money he spent.
  15. My initial thought is the Doplhins paid way way too much for Hill.
  16. They are clearly trying to keep up with the Bills. Looks like the Bills quest to win the AFC east isn't a given. I still think the Bills are significantly better because of Allen.
  17. Nice breakdown. The RB pick in the first round would be very I'll advised. I think the Bill's front office is too smart to make such an error.
  18. You trade out of the pick. Have QB needy teams compete for the pick and pick up additional draft choices. This year's draft has a very weak QB class. I say and hope we go CB at 25 unless there is a clear player who drops into our laps. I know so many want WR but our biggest need is CB. With the current roster I'm afraid the Bills secondary will get tourched by quality qbs. We won't have to worry about Mac Jones.
  19. Agree 100%. What I'm taking exception too is some here are acting like Johnson is the second coming...The pick up is solid but lets keep it in perspective.
  20. I can put something similar with Brieda last year too. No? He's better than Brieda but let's not get carried away. It's Duke Johnson whose bounced around teams for a reason. Under the right circumstances, I believe he can contribute and gives the Bills offense another weapon teams have to be concerned about. But, let's not try to make this guy the next Adrain Peterson.
  21. I liked Duke when he played for the Browns. He had some big pass catches for long runs. For the price he's a very good addition. I'm just going to wait and see how he does with the Bills.
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