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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'm sure some teammates will miss Edmunds. However, I feel his departure would have little to no effect on current players. Players are used to the football business. Every year the team changes. I don't see Edmunds as the glue or outstanding leader on the defense. I can't recall ever seeing him gathering up the defense and rallying the defense. Perhaps he leads by quiet example. Either way, Edmunds departure will not negatively impact the team. To think otherwise is giving Edmunds way way too much credit.
  2. How did that work out for the Chiefs with Edwards- Helaire? Just saying... Exactly why Beane won't take Hall at 25.
  3. Agree 100%. In the last few years, how many positive big plays had he made? Often you don't even know he's on the field. The Bills need to improve the position. He's clearly not worth the money he's asking.
  4. I have no doubt Edmunds will "shoot gaps." Will it be the right gap?
  5. For the most part I disagree with your take. Comparing Poyer to Edmunds just isn't fair to Poyer. I'm not convinced that losing Edmunds would negatively affect the players. Players know that there's always a chance teams could trade or release them especially when it comes to contract time. Imho, Edmunds is average to good at best. He's very replaceable and his new contract doesn't warrant that type of money. I think the Bills can improve the position and save salary at the same time. I wish him the best in a different uniform. Very well put! 👍
  6. Agree with that logic. However, I ask will the rookie be any worse than Edmunds? There's a realistic chance he might be better. Also, I don't think the Bills can get a second round pick for Edmunds. More likely a 3rd round pick.
  7. One last jab if I may. Coach MCD was so great that his secondary couldn't stop the Chiefs in 13 seconds nor in the overtime. Or was that Fraizer's fault?
  8. However, one would have to go back and analyze every draft. Were CBs the BPA on the Bills board? Was it a team need at the time? So many variables in place. It's a pretty big leap of faith saying they haven't drafted a CB within the 1st five rounds because Beane has faith in Coach McD to develop them. In General, I would assume Beane has faith in McD to develop all players at all positions. Based on your thesis. Is Coach McD a great QB developer now because of Allen's success?
  9. I think Coach McD is a fine coach. I just don't see him as a "CB guru developer." I think that's your interpretation. Norman certainly was a surprise. How much credit goes to McD? Who knows?
  10. Just curious as to why you say Beane has a lot of faith that Coach McD can develop corners? Seems like an odd statement that's an opinion. What evidence is there to support such a claim?
  11. Good take but it falls a little short in my book. Of course Josh running the ball 15 plus times every game is not ideal for his body. I don't think that's the Bills' long term plan. I do think it's viable that Allen uses his legs because he's that good. His ability to make plays and elude tackles is a great asset. It also keeps defenses guessing/ honest with their schemes. It would be a travesty to let Allen turn into a pure pocket passer. Of course his right arm is the primary weapon and no one is disbuting that. No one is advocating for Allen to get beat up as you state. Thus far, his body has been able to hold up well. Tom Brady is the exception and the comparasion frankly isn't viable. How good of a receiving core has he had over his career? I'll just leave it at that... Your comment about defenses is pretty ridiculous. Look at Darnold and Vita Vea for a reference. Those are just 2 of the top of my head. Not to mention elite pass rushers.
  12. I'm not cherry picking. The defense failed to stop the Chiefs in overtime. Was that the offenses fault or the coaches? The defense lost the game. The Bills offense was really really good in the playoffs. Allen is elite and he can easily make any decent WR much luck better. Aka Tom Brady. People are acting like the Bills current WR core is sub par. I just don't see it. Of course a young possible elite WR in the draft would be great. That's very subjective to who that will be. With a loaded WR draft class I don't think the Bills have to select and or reach for a WR. If one falls in their lap then fine. However, several teams like Green Bay will ***** the more highly coveted Wrs.
  13. Really? The defense couldn't stop the Chiefs from scoring with 13 seconds to go. They couldn't prevent a Chiefs TD in OT. Allen was the best player on the field. The Bills offense was unstoppable. Yet, the offensive line gets little to no credit. Really? Of course the Bills brass should always look to improve the Oline, running game, and WRs group. That's a given. Whose talking about "stacking the defense?" I'm talking about filling an obvious whole in the Bills secondary. To think otherwise is just plain denial. Based on your thesis, I guess you don't approve of the Von Miller pick up but approve of the Saffold move.
  14. Part of Allen's greatness is his mobility and his legs. What evidence do you have that makes you think his running isn't sustainable? Allen's duel threat only makes the Bills offense that much better. Sure, it can be dailed back some due to injury concerns. However, to make Allen a pure pocket passer is limiting his skills and the Bills offense. Allen's greatness is as stable and intact as ever. I don't agree with your analysis of the secondary being a " moving target." With regards to the secondary you said "all fixes are temporary." Huh? That's really confusing. Lastly, changes are made every year in almost all facets of the team. The OL is not the exception.
  15. Did you read the end of my post? I talked about adding a stop gap CB which would likely lead to no CB picked at 25.
  16. I disagree with your take. The CB position is sub par and a weakness on the Bills roster. Tre will not be Tre for awhile. He's going to miss plenty of games. Hopefully, by playoff time he is hitting his mark. Jackson looks serviceable but let's not pretend like he's anything but that. Imho, the CB position is the teams greatest need. No panic here. Of course the OL is still a concern. However, you fail to mention how well they played after the 1st half of the Tampa game. The OL was really really solid and probably better than that. The run game was solid and Allen had more time to throw. Yet, you wanna throw mud on Saffold who brings super bowl experience and veteran leadership to the OL. Perhaps that's not much of a positive in your book. The WR core is solid with Diggs, Davis, Crowder, and McKenzie. Add in Knox and OJ to the mix too. Allen is elite and elite QBs make Wrs. Just ask Tom Brady if you don't believe me. Adams will not look half as good without Rogers. This draft is loaded with Wrs. The ones with the most potential will likely be gone by pick 25. Many wide receivers picked in the latter rounds have done well. Not sure pick 25 is wise to pick up a luxury WR. I'm hoping a solid highly graded CB is picked that can contribute immediately.
  17. Agree 100%. The top need for the Bills is a CB. It's a glaring need that's undeniable. The argument that a CB can be drafted later can be easily said about a WR. If a CB is closely graded to any other position the Bills should absolutely take a CB at pick 25. I do think Beane may add a atop gap veteran CB. If so, that my lead to a highly rated CB in the 2nd round. Its a hypothetical at this point. With that said, the CB has to be addressed ASAP.
  18. There is no way he drops to 89.
  19. I agree and they give the Bills much respect. Bye bye Edmunds. I won't shed a tear. He's under performed to say the least. He can easily be replaced.
  20. Think that seals the deal for the Bills 1st round pick. I'd be surprised if it's a WR unless one falls in their lap. Unlikely since so many teams need a WR. I think it's the best available CB.
  21. It would be amazing if Hall drops to 89 and the Bills get him there. I really like Olave. He seems more polished and an excellent route runner. Williams sure is dangerous and such a big threat. I'd be very very happy to have either in a Bills uniform. Unfortunately, so many teams before us need Wrs badly. I'm not opposed to the Bills moving up a little to get the WR they feel is elite and a great fit. We will see how things play out. A CB is a glaring need though.
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