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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. How can you say that? You have no idea how these drafted players will preform.
  2. With respect, as fans why do we even rate the players. General managers know everything and have all the tools they need. As a fan, there is no need to project, critique, or predict draft choices. Trust Beane and give him the benefit of the doubt. It is silly to disagree with his picks. Doing so will only make you look foolish.
  3. I agree. I have no idea how people can get behind this pick as a 3rd rounder. It baffles me how people just blindly support an obvious reach. It's like buying a civic for 45k and saying I know it's going to be a great car.
  4. That's a big NO! Why would you change what has worked for years.
  5. Didn't think I had to clarify myself. "On paper" Parham was the better pick. Parham went where he was projected to go. For whatever that's worth. Bernard went 1 to 3 rounds before his projected draft position. Sure it's relative and not an exact science. Obviously, Beane had him valued way way more than most. In essence, he drafted a guy in the third round that he probably could have gotten in the 5th. Sorry I can't get behind that kind of thinking. I don't. I do know he was projected to go in the 3rd round unlike Bernard. Take that for whatever it's worth. Generally speaking, I don't like selecting guys 1 to 3 rounds before their projected value. Think Daniel Jones as a reference.
  6. By your own accounts most had him projected as a 4th, 5th, and 6th round pick. To boot, you cherry picked this info from umpteen sources to try to support your viewpoint. It's no singing endorsement for the Bills 3rd round selection. No way should this guy have been selected on the 3rd round! Unless you like Beane reaches?
  7. Nice post and the concerns you state are legitimate. Oh ok that makes everything fine and dandy then. Thanks! Not likely.
  8. He is a tweener. The NFL is a whole different animal then the Big 12. Literally, this guy was not on anyone's radar. Beane is on his own island here.
  9. Parham was a by far better pick. The Raiders ran to the podium with the very next pick and selected him. They should at least give Beane a little present for that gift. Instead, the may have a solid 3rd round special teamer. Does it really matter when they kick the ball in the end zone? Really? If the Bills selected Rosen instead of Allen would your theme still correct? Flawed thinking Warcodered...
  10. I believe your assumption is incorrect. Look at Daniel Jones as evidence. Drafting isn't an exact science but generally speaking teams boards are probably closer than we think. Many evaluators and so called experts also are good at what they do. In this case, I think it's Beane trying to show everyone how he's much smarter he is than everyone else. No doubt he is an intelligent football man. Hope he's right! For now, I think it's a poor pick.
  11. The Bills sure do look to have an underwhelming lb core.
  12. I am second guessing this one. He could have been drafted in the 5th round. So many better choices were available. Time will tell. On paper, this sure looks like a huge reach. Don't like this pick one bit.
  13. What a great draft by the Jets. They have closed the gap in the next few year's is their QB can play.
  14. The two can co-exist. You can have very good management but never achieve the ultimate goal. Very good sometimes doesn't cut it. You do make a valid point about no super.bowl win.
  15. I agree but it needs to bring home the Lombardi Trophy. That's the goal! Thus far, they have fallen short.
  16. I agree that this front office has been nothing short of stellar. To think we the fans know more than Beane and company is a battle I'm not willing to fight. Their track record speaks for themselves. However, it doesn't mean that Beane/ front office hasn't made errors. Doesn't mean fans can't or shouldn't be critical of the front office moves. Isn't that what all fans do? It's goes with the territory sort of speak. Some opinions are really out there and ridiculous while others seem more rational and fact based. Personally, it's always fun for me to "play scout" for the Bills, predict the Bills moves, and critique, praise or criticize the draft picks and free agency pick ups or lack of. Once again, isn't that what fans do? It doesn't mean that fans think they know more than Beane and others making the decisions. In concluding, the Bills front office had earned its right to be trusted based on their outstanding performance. This team is poised to make a super bowl run and the front office absolutely deserves the accolades.
  17. Nothing about Epanesa impresses me. I think he stinks. Very true but we fans are craving for a super bowl win.
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