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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I did and I'm glad I was wrong! Rarely do you see a QB make such a huge leap. The ceiling was there but many though he wouldn't come close to it. Big home run by Beane and Company... Last year wasnt Kamara pretty average?
  2. Exactly. That's why the argument you signed the contract stop whining doesn't apply for the most part. Most definitely the NFL is unique. I could be wrong but it seems like the MLB and NBA contracts are more traditional and what most see as a binding contracts.
  3. I get that what you are saying. It's valid but that's really not the way the current NFL works. A contract is a contract just falls short. Players and teams consistently maneuver their ways around binding contracts. The STFU and play argument just doesn't really apply anymore.
  4. I get that but nowadays signing a NFL contract doesn't have the same meaning as years ago. Contracts are consistently restructured and changed. It's become common place. The argument you use clearly loses it validity.
  5. I don't believe the hype coming out of the Miami camp. What else are they supposed to say? So the Tia positives absolutely makes sense. Thus far, Tua has under preformed for several reasons. Lack of coaching support and talent are in the forefront. Add on injuries, no run game, and Oline issues. This year, It's clear the Dolphins have given him many weapons. The Dolphins will find out what kind of WB Tua is. Hopefully, he's just serviceable and not elite. I would be shocked if he's franchise material.
  6. Agree he will coach one week at a time. That's really the only way to coach isn't it? Especially, when your team has a target on their backs. Last year, I thought Coach McD wasn't as sharp as previous years. Not saying this to be argumentative. I felt his halftime adjustments and in game adjustments weren't sharp. Previous years I looked forward to the adjustments and felt like the Bills had a distinct advantage. I just didn't see a lot of that. Tampa was the exception. Additionally, I felt like the team wasn't ready to play on several occasions. Pitt, Indy, and Jacksonville come to mind. I know a season is filled with highs and lows. If we can recall to last season, the Bills were very much in danger of not winning the division or going to the playoffs. Credit to coach and the players for steeping it up. However, they should have never never never been in that position with the talent on their team. This season is going to be really interesting. The Bills have a target on their backs and a substantially more difficult schedule. Also, several other AFC teams have drastically improved. Truthfully, the pressure is on the Bills. Let's see how it plays out.
  7. Another great post. Your insight and statements are 100% correct. I'd add he he choked away the game against KC, got very lucky to beat Indy, was lost in Houston, and mediocre in Jacksonville. Hopefully, Allen can carry this team to victory.
  8. No I'm not mad the McD hasn't won a ring in 2 years. I'm mad he gave away the game in 13 seconds that cost the Bills a great chance to get a ring.
  9. Coach McD is no doubt an excellent coach. I'm not here advocating his dismissal. I'm just saying thus far in the playoffs he has fallen short. Last years playoff ending from a coaching perspective is as bad as it gets. One for the history books that will be thrown in our faces for years to come. Right up there with the Tennessee miracle. Winning in the regular season is vastly different than winning against quality playoff teams. The Bills future looks brighter than ever so long has Allen stays healthy. Don't get me wrong, its fun to watch and win regular season games, win a division, and a playoff game. However, the Bills players and coaches must and should do more. Time will tell if Coach McD chokes out another playoff game (sorry no other way to put it) or can get over the hump. Currently, he is in the history books for 13 seconds of epic failure. A super bowl win will surely help us fans to move on. Coach McD has no excuses to bring one home in the next few years. You guys can compare him to every coach out there. Several here have made valid points. The fact remains Coach McD continues to chase the coveted Lombardi Trophy. The Bills trophy case is empty and many believe last year was the year Buffalo players should have hoisted it. No doubt it was an opportunity squandered by the Bills coaching staff. In many ways, it's hard to forgive and forget how they ripped our hearts out. Personally, I can't look at Coach McD in the same light. Doesn't mean he's not a great coach, doesn't deserve a second chance, or can't lead the Bills to team to the Super Bowl. The 13 seconds plays like a broken record over and over. Perhaps it's my passion or immaturity or both. Please football Gods the Bills fans deserve a super bowl win...
  10. With respect, your comparisons actually embolden my argument. All those coaches have at least one ring. The Bills under McD haven't even sniffed a super bowl appearance yet win one. Coach McD has been pretty poor in the playoffs. Jacksonville, Houston, Indy, and KC twice off the top of my head. His biggest playoff feat to date is losing the KC playoff game in 13 seconds. Like it or not, that's pretty much undeniable. I'm not saying he's on the hot seat. I'm saying he's disappointed Bills fans in the playoffs. The 13 second wound is still fresh and truthfully the healing begins with a Lombardi Trophy. Until that happens, the criticism of Coach McD is warranted. I don't know how that is seen as insane. Imho, he has a 2 to 3 year window to bring the Lombardi Trophy to Buffalo.
  11. Happen to agree with you. The coaching in the 2nd half of the game was very poor. They played to lose and not win, terrible adjustments, and looked like a deer in headlights. Thus far, I think it's pretty clear that Coach McD and the rest of the coaching staff has fallen short in playoff time. I think many of us including myself got used to the Bills losing ways. Therefore, we have been satisfied with making the playoffs and winning one playoff game. The hey it's better than it was. We are making the playoffs. That just doesn't cut it when you have the best QB in the league on your team. The coaching staff absolutely ripped the fans and players hearts out in 13 seconds. Truthfully, the media and most fans treated the coaching staff with kid gloves. In reality, they should have been lambasted for a long duration. I get the wait till next year thoughts. Haven't we heard that over and over and over? Maybe Jerry Sulivan should ask coach how can you do a better job coaching down the stretch in a crucial playoff game? What positive changes can be made? What did you learn from your collasal 13 second disaster? Nope nope nope...Instead, let's wait til next year...Ground hog day!
  12. Fantastic post! Well said and very good research. The couple of years should indicate hpw good coach McD is. I absolutely think it's a legitimate question and concern. Is good good enough? I think the road for success is much more difficult for tje Bills.
  13. I don't think anyone is saying that Coach McD isn't a very good coach. I think that's a given. The real question is can he bring home the Lombardi Trophy? At this point, winning the division isn't enough. Neither is winning one playoff game. The Bills need to make super bowl appearances and win at least one of them. Anything short of this would be an under achievement. The 13 second collasal blunder still looms large until the coach proves otherwise.
  14. Alpha show me where I'm calling For coach McD to be fired? In fact, I'm on the record saying he's a very good coach and there isn't a viable replacement at this point. I stand 100% behind that. Those coaches do have super bowl rings! You can't diminish that fact. Coach McD has zero and sure you can use length of time as a measure. Currently, the Bills and Coach McD have one of the best if not the best QB in the league. What if the Bills and Coach McD don't bring one home within a few years? Last year, Coach McD squandered a monumental opportunity last year despite a near perfect Allen performance. That 13 seconds doesn't warrant a coach firing. However, it absolutely causes me some concern and leaves me looking at coach McD in a different light. The next few years will absolutely let us know if coach is a bridesmaid or not.
  15. Come on now. The Bills coaching staff called multiple timeouts to get the right plays in. I don't expect any current players to call out the coach on his collasal collapse. That's ridiculous to site this as some of mitigating evidence. Let's noit beat a dead horse here... Buffalo is a unique town and a great place to play football. Anyone from the area knows this. Many eat, sleep, and live for our Bills. That's what we do. Former players like Kelly, Bruce, Andre, Thurman, Tasker, etc...are great examples of how they were touched by the "Buffalo experience." Does Coach McD get credit for that too? It's us the fans and the community of Buffalo that touch the football players. Showing up to the airport time and time again in freezing conditions to give our undying support. That's just one small example. The Bills Mafia is known thoughout the football community and media. Coach McD didn't create the Bills Mafia. Coach McD does deserve some credit. However, the real credit goes out to us the fans and the people in Buffalo and it's surrounding areas.
  16. I was just throwing names out there as an example. I get it was a poor example. The thesis of my statement still remains sound and just.
  17. Right now isn't the time to fire Coach McD. That is a given and I really don't see anyone advocating that. However, he will face mounting pressure if the team doesn't make a super bowl appearance, win it all, and continues to make collasal mistakes that cause playoff losses.
  18. It's great that the players did that. However, to give Coach McD credit for this is a big stretch. Let's face it, I think it's reasonable to think other players in other cities would have done similar acts of kindness. In times of horrific tragedy, even rich millionaire football players will do the right thing.
  19. Let's win one before we start talking dynasty and 4 or 5. Every coach is under pressure. I don't see MCD as getting unfair pressure. Good God did you see the last 13 seconds of the KC game? To be honest, the media and most fans have given him much less criticism than he deserves. Basically, he avoided addressing his blunders and was given a free pass. I would've had much more respect if he came out and said I blew it and apologized to the team and the fans. I can respect that and would undoubtedly stand behind him for another year. Put up or shut up if you will. He has arguably the best QB in the game. No more excuses! Nothing less than a Lombardi trophy should be the standard for the next few years with a healthy Allen. Will Coach McD be the next Mary Schott???
  20. Bold prediction. Especially after Coach McD demonstrated how to lose that chance in 13 seconds. Hopefully, he has learned from his collasal blunder.
  21. You are taking what I said out of context. For the most part, I agree with your post. My main thesis is that perhaps it might be time to think about making a coaching change in the next few years. Especially, if the coach can't get it done, the team under performs, there is a viable replacement coach, and he chokes playoff games away in 13 seconds. Right now, hands down he's the best man for the job. Down the road who knows? I'm not locked into saying Coach McD is the Bills coach for decades. Will he bring the cherished Lombardi trophy home to Buffalo or will he blow the opportunity like last year? Coaches like BB, Payton, Reid, Harbaugh, Tomlin, and Arians have something that Coach MCD doesn't have. That's a Lombardi trophy! The bar is set high and nothing less ahould be acceptable. If he can't get it done then bring someone in who can!
  22. I would think you can get a single seat pretty cheap at game time. Someone will probably get rid of it below value when the game is getting ready to start. Single tickets don't really hold their value. However, it's risky because they are harder to find and you never know if there's one to be had. You can really only take this risk if you are local.
  23. Yes but not in years. The bar has changed names a few times. Back in the late 90s the bar had half Bills fans on one side and Bears fans on the other. It was a lot of fun. If we are talking about the same place, I recommend going to Konos for breakfast. Nothing fancy but good food at a reasonable price. The place is right next to the bar. Almost on the pier.
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