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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Let me ask you this. How effective has Allen been as a runner since he became a Bill? Yards, big plays, and touchdowns. Surely, any Bills fan knows the answer. Please stop with your feeble argument.
  2. I don't think anyone here is advocating the Bills use Allen like the Bills did in those two games. Those games were an anomaly. The debate is really about how to utilize Allen's legs to win games and not subjecting Allen to hits and or injury.
  3. Isn't scambling dangerous? Aren't you concerned he can be injuried scrambling? Why wouldn't you advocate limit the scrambles? Can't Allen just run (aka RPO) when he has to? Maybe like five RPOs a game. Inside the opponents 10 yard line he should absolutely be limited running the ball? Pound it in with Motor, Moss, and Cook. Really? Allen was by far the best Bills rusher inside the opponents 10 yard line. I suspect that won't change. Hopeful the Bills will improve in that regards. However, to limit Allen's ability to score in the red zone via his legs is pretty crazy. I'm all for playing smart but playing scared, passive, and not going to your strengths doesn't sound like a winning recipe for me. Maybe I'm wrong...
  4. That's fair. I don't think we are that far apart. Agree on still using his legs. How much is always debatable. Lots of variables that are known and unknown come into play. Perhaps it's semantics. I don't like term "preserving" him. To me, it has a negative connotation. It seems passive rather then being assertive. Seems like it's playing scared. I know you and others will advocate it's playing smart. Perhaps, we are splitting hairs. I have no issues with the Bills calling limited RPOs. I believe it keeps defenses honest and it's a great weapon for the Bills. Why limit their offense, skill set, and dynamic play calling? Lastly, as stated previously I don't think the Bills can abandom RPOs all season and then turn it on in the playoffs. That's wishful thinking at best.
  5. So based on your premise should Allen drop back and pass? Have designed roll outs? Because the risk is also real in thoae two situations. Maybe you should advocate for a short 3 step drop and quick passes. He should be safe that way. Come on. The Bills have a stud at QB. You should never limit his legs which limits the Bills wins. Of course don't be reckless. Utilizing Allens legs imho, isn't reckless. You restrict what he does and this team will likely never sniff a super bowl ring. Play to win! In 13 seconds...
  6. Disagree with the premise that running Allen is going to shorten his career. Right now, he is young, strong, and in his prime. His durability shouldn't be an issue. He has clearly shown that he can run well and sort of speak safely. Of course, dailung it back some will be optimal if others can produce. To make Allen a pure pocket passer would be a mistake. The Bills offense is much better with Allen running and the threat of him running. I think that's pretty straightforward. You just don't turn it on in the playoffs without doing something effectively in the regular season. The regular season games are extremely important to try to get a buy and home field advantage. Thus, the Bills should play to win and not play conservative or scared. Of course, playing smart which means utilizing Allen's legs.
  7. I just don't think that strategy is effective for several reasons. First off, their is no guarantee that the Bills makes the playoffs. You make the playoffs by winning regular season games. There are no easy games in the NFL. The Bills have a much more difficult schedule, our division opponents seem to have improved, and the Bills have a HUGE target on their backs as being the "team to beat." Thus, you play to win which likely means Allen will be using his legs. RPOs, designed runs, and inside the red zone. His running and threat too opens up the passing game more. A nightmare for opposing defenses to defend. I don't think you can just turn it on in the playoffs when your team hasn't done something all year. Saving Allen's legs for the playoffs seems foolish.
  8. Designed runs were very effective. It's one of Allen's best assets. Would you advocate for Jackson or Murray to run less due to unnecessary risks? No because their legs are too vital to their offenses. Same goes for Allen. Look at the weapon he was inside the red zone and critical 3rd and 4th down plays. I can see dailing it back if the Bills Rbs are effective and produce. That remains to be seen. Thus far, we know Allen's legs are every bit as elite as his arm. He appears to be very durable and intelligent enough to protect his body when he takes a hit. Sure, I cringe every time he takes a hit. Lastly, I would like to address the regular season vs playoffs. You have to play to win every regular season game. You develop a strategy and game plan accordingly to the team your playing. If that means utilizing Allen's legs then so be it. I don't think you can just all of a sudden use Allen's legs when the playoffs start. That's just a recipe for losing. In concluding, lots of unknowns about how effective the Bills run game will be. Motor looked very good, addition of Cook, a healthier Moss, and an improved Oline can led to lesser but more effective Allen runs. However, I'm still an advocate of letting Allen run. His legs are just too good to take that away.
  9. I get that. However, the Bills have an awesome chance to make a super bowl appearance and hoist the Lombardi Trophy. The best chance of doing so is utilizing his legs. That's pretty much a given and without much dispute. Of course don't take unnecessary hit but you let Allen play! You don't win super bowls by fearing injuries, playing scared or not assertive, and not using your best weapons. Allen as pure pocket passer makes the Bills offense less effective. Let Allen lose!
  10. Why isn't running Allen that much sustainable? He is young, dynamic, his legs are a huge weapon, and his body seems more than able to sustain the tackles. His running just opens up the offense tremendously. Sure, injury is a concern but he can just as easily get injured trying to pass. I am all for Allen continuing to have designed runs and RPOs. The proof is in the results. When Allen ran the Bills won and the offense was excellent.
  11. That sound great! I'm hoping here plays well and can.make a small difference. However, I think you are right. He's a slingshot to make the team.
  12. It's hard to get excited about either. Darnold is a turnover machine which is a disaster for your back up QB. Keenum is just well a decent back up and system guy. I'd definitely lean towards Keenum.
  13. Wish Baker would accept less money and be a back up to Allen. I know it will never happen but what a great insurance policy it would be for the Bills! Also, he could push Allen to be even better.
  14. Great signing. This is how you win the super bowl
  15. I agree but it's a long season and football players are human. There will be some ups and downs during the season. For me, the most important factor is peaking going into the playoffs.
  16. I think there won't be any major changes on defense. Leslie's scheme is what it is. More of a bend but don't break defense. Don't give up the big play and get timely turnovers. Its very effective vs lesser talented teams/offenses. Thus, you get statistics like the Bills #1 rated defense. The defense was solid but I think all of us knew that stat was misleading. The addition of Miller should greatly improve the Bills pass rush. Some new additions via the draft and acquisitions should make the Bills a legitimate top 5 defense. They shouldn't get pushed around in the trenches.
  17. I'm not really that concerned about Dorsey. This offense will be elite so long as Allen stays upright. The OC always gets a lot of blame and slack no matters what's being called. Look at Daboll for evidence. Allen made Daboll not the other way around. I'm more concerned about the other AFC teams that have greatly improved. There doesn't seem to be a huge gap between the top 1 to 5 teams; which the Bills easily fit into. Rightly so, the Bills are at the top. The Bills have a target on their backs. Coach McD will have to get his players prepared to play week by week. They must drown out the noise sort of speak. It's a long season and there will be ups and downs. I'm more excited than ever to get the season started. The bitter taste still lingers. Yet, the future is brighter and reminds me of the 90's. Come Buffalo Bills let's do this and bring that Lombardi trophy home!
  18. Of course, the Bills don't want Allen to get injured. Maybe he shouldn't pass as much because he might get sacked? The Cam Newton comparasion doesn't apply here. I'm fine with trusting Allen with his legs. He's great decision maker in the RPOs, makes huge timely runs in crutch time, gets the ball into the end zone with his legs, and clearly presents a problem for opposing defenses. I'm ok with dailing it back some but you can't take away his skillful running.
  19. The Bills are a passing team and have a beast at QB. The running game only has to be serviceable. Motor absolutely did this and beyond the latter part of the season. Moss can't and won't be as bad as last year and we have added others to the mix. Cook with his speed should add another threat to opposing defenses. I'm not too concerned with the Bills running game. With that said, it's all about the Oline. Can they run block and protect Allen?
  20. What makes you say that? Allen is a beast and has proven he can get the tough yards in crucial situations. Sure additionally help is definelty wanted. I love when the ball is in Allen's hands. His legs and elusiveness are an asset. Lastly, he's proven his toughness and his ability to take a hit or hits. I don't Agree with your take.
  21. He certainly isnt the biggest worry. He's adequate and a good stop gap until we can find a really solid game impacting linebacker. Don't take it word for it. PFF has him as their 24th rated linebacker and site his inconsistent play. Brady and the Patriots looked pretty super to me for years and years. Just saying...
  22. This signing just proves that the Bills have no legitimate return guy. I doubt Austin has much to contribute. He pretty much sucked in his prime so why would anyone expect a decent Austin now? The pick up is just ho hum for me.
  23. I have ambivalent feelings about Kap. I think he offers little as a positive as a football player. Yet, I've always agreed with his stance for social justice. As weird as it sounds, I wouldn't mind him in a Bills uniform. I know its a bad football idea but something in me still wants him in the Bills' uniform.
  24. No Kamara is dynamic and can break a game wide open. Mentioned him because even a weapon like him can be slowed down without a supporting cast. Frankly, I think the comparasions between Kamra and Cook are way way premature and really hopeful thinking. Kamara is a proven commodity and Cook hasn't even sniffed the NFL yet. He was a 2nd round pick as well. You would think if teams thought he was "Kamara like" he would have been drafted a lot earlier. I do think Cook brings an added dimension to the Bills offense. That's a great thing. It remains to be seen how he will be used in the Bills offense. How many touches he gets and how effective he will be. Lets slow down with the Kamara talk and let Cook be Cook.
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