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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I agree. It's a long season. Happy about the big win but each week presents different challenges. No game in the NFL is s gimme. Remember the Jacksonville game. I'm confident the Bills will win but I'm not cocky and unrealistic. Not taking anything away from the Bills win. I don't think the Rams are that good of a team right now. Stafford is streaky, their Oline is a mess, besides Kupp they don't have much on offense, Ramsey looks distracted and or unfocused, and McVay was horrible with adjustments and having his team ready to play. The Bills looked the complete opposite.
  2. Damn Virgil! I always enjoy your write ups. But this one really struck a nerve in a good way. I damn near cried with joy while reading it. Don't tell anybody...
  3. Maybe you missed the playoff game against KC? Many think if the Bills had a healthy Tre the Bills would have won the game. This off season the Bills front office addressed the issues on the defensive side. Two defensive backs draft picks, Von, Settle, etc.. Obviously, after a one game sample the improvements look great. However, for you to dismiss the secondary concerns as ho hum and or what the F were people on this board thinking is disingenuous.
  4. Come on Scott. The secondary is very young and it is still a concern until a healthy Tre comes back. Also, it wasn't a given that the Bills would generate that kind of pass rush. The Rams started 2 new offensive lineman, Stafford isn't the most mobile QB, Von going back to LA with extra motivation, and the Rams besides Kupp have nothing at WR. With that said, the defense looks to be legit on all levels.
  5. That's who he is. That's what makes him extra special and virtually unable to stop. You just can't and shouldn't take his legs away. Sure, it's scary but you can't play scared. His proven he can take a hit and he's not reckless. Enough with the complaining about him running.
  6. Big key will be the Bills secondary and the Bills pass rush. The Bills need to pressure Stafford all game long. Our young secondary will not be able to hold up vs Kupp and Robinson if Stafford has decent time to throw. McVay will be ready to test the secondary. He's a very good offensive mind. Allen has to be masterful to win. He will play well. Slight edge is to the Rams at home and a better coach. I was on the Bills early but now I'm thinking Rams 28 Bills 27.
  7. I messed up and started this second thread. I didn't see the original thread.
  8. 1st game of the season. So pumped and excited. Lots of variables to consider. Without any analysis, I'm going Bills 28 Rams 20.
  9. Pretty much the same for me. Like 3 months ago I gotta nice offer in the mail from Dish which included a $300 visa card. However, I didn't want to lock into a 2 year commitment and make the hassle of changing. So I called Direct TV and they gave me $50 off my bill for 12 months. It basically covers the Dish offer for the 1st year. After some thought, I decided to take the $50 off with the hope of getting the NFL ticket free. A month or so later, I called for the NFL ticket and got an offer. $300 for the NFL ticket with $20 off for 12 months as an offset. I said no thanks. The representative gave me the $20 off for 12 months with no ticket. I was surprised and took the additional money off. Today which is couple of weeks later I called to get the ticket for free. I was honest. I told the guy I called a couple of weeks ago and couldn't get it for free. I told him I just want the basic package if possible. No need for the Max option. He put me on hold and a few mins later I was given the NFL max for free. He even gave me a confirmation number just in case. I was pretty surprised.
  10. Wow. That's too bad. Try next week. Are you going directly to the retention department? They are ones that will get things done if possible.
  11. People be persistent. I called a few times with no positive results about getting the ticket free. They offered me discounts that would offset most of the price. No thanks. They gave me $20 off a month for 12 m0nths but no ticket. Ok cool! Today I called and with no hassle they gave me the NFL max ticket for free.
  12. You are changing the original position that was stated.
  13. I think some teams will be very interested in Hodges.
  14. I understand that completely. For me, it's pretty telling that no criminal charges have been filed. Obviously, the San Diego DA must have felt like the burden of proof wasn't there. However, the burden of proof is much less restrictive in a civil case. We probably will never know if he did it or not. Certainly false allegations do happen but it seems to be more the exception than the norm. At least in my unofficial head. With that said, I 100% think the Bills organization did the right thing. This allegations should be taken seriously. The Bills have not pre judged Ariza. They merely stated this is bigger than football and he needs to address his legal issues. The Bills are a high character team, seemingly close knit, and a huge sense of team and togetherness. Ariza would be a distraction to the team and more importantly what massage would this send to people? If Ariza is vindicated he will have another opportunity to play. In fact, any other team is free to pick him up now. I give a lot of credit for the front office to making a quick, clear, and concise decision.
  15. I think Kane did it. Proving it is a whole different ball game. Couldn't you use the same argument for Watson? He hasn't been criminally charged with anything.
  16. Well doesn't he bare some responsibility? I mean have you been accused of raping a 17 teen year old?
  17. Back up depth and can play multiple positions. Agree he's not very good but that's why he's a back up. Right?
  18. It's being reported that the Bills' organization has known about this for a month. Why the "haack" did they release Matt Haack.
  19. Just an unrelated thought. I was wearing my Bills cap in the airport and a random guy started talking football with me. He stated that no pre season favorite to win the super bowl has actually won the super bowl in 25 years. I didn't believe his claim so I just stayed rather quiet. Is this true? Is anyone concerned about this or is this ridiculous?
  20. If memory serves me right weren't you pounding the table for CEH pre draft?
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