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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I think the Miami fans have false hope. It's something Bills fans did with many past Qbs.
  2. Hit his peak? Really? I don't think this is the case because he's still learning the NaFL game and pace. He hasn't played that much due to injuries and other coaching decisions. He can definelty grow and get better. However, I don't think he will wvwr be elite or a franchise QB. He can be a better version of Goeff or Jimmy G. Both of them went to the super bowl.
  3. Didn't think it was a complicated post. Maybe I'm wrong. I think Shaq will be activated on the D line vs the Titans because he's pretty good vs the run. With Settle and Oliver possible out, I think Shaq sees the field with his pass rushing and run stopping abilities. Regardless of DE or Dts positions. Hope that helps.
  4. Not always true. You can have a settlement than is more than you anticipated.
  5. Another misrepresentation of what I said. You seem to be a master of that. I don't love him nor did I say that. Geno it is. Conveniently you failed to answer or address several of my questions. Of course, that's not be accident. Carry on with your complaints of sloppy and boring football. Can't wait to get educated.
  6. Come on man. The Gino Smith story is a good one. He played well and it looks like he's getting another opportunity. Of course he's not elite but perhaps he can be a serviceable starter. The guy has been in the league for 10 years. He's a gamer and I don't mind watching him or Mills. Your viewpoints are very shallow.
  7. No doubt the Rams Oline was over matched. Whitworth and Safford losses really hurts the Rams. Bills sacked the Rams 7 times and had relentless pressure without blitzing once. How much is a result of Rams porous Oline or a Bills great pass rush? Time will tell. I will add on Oliver got hurt early too.
  8. Agree but can't you say the same thing about the Buffalo vs Rams game? Teams that can compete for AFC title is KC and SD. I think it is extremely important for the Bills to get a bye and home field advantage. Both KC and SD are in a much more competitive division then they Bills. Hopefully, they beat each other up and pave the road for the Bills home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
  9. That's exactly where we disagree. A missed field and punts muffs are often exciting and game changing. It doesn't lessen the football product for me. As a fan, I don't want to see robotic football with no mistakes. I mean why did they change the extra point kick? Add on a 2 point conversion? The old extra point was boring as could be. Real time clock management is also very exciting. Often, I'm criticizing the coaches decisions and yelling at the TV. Remember, the Dac scramble and time expired? How interesting was that? Talked about for days afterwards. Not sure what your idea of boring football is. Not sure what makes you see a game as pleasureable? Boring? Or Exciting? Uninteresting? Everyone had different visions. Ours clearly differs. As for me, I can pretty much watch any game and enjoy it. I even enjoyed the Bucs Cowboy game. It wasn't the most exciting game but I was still entertained. Not every game is going to be a blockbuster or cleanly played. Heck, one could say the Bills Rams game at 10-10 at halftime was boring and sloppy. Uninteresting football as you say. Frankly, when I watch the Bills play it's never uninterested football for me. Of course. It's a long season and injuries always play a role. You think it was uninteresting football to Seattle and Denver fans? People who had various bets on the game? Fantasy football owners? Fan duel or Draft Kings players? Come on stop going from worse to worse.
  10. Then you shouldn't watch football. Every week there will be plenty of costly mistakes. Literally, you can complain about sloppy plays and mistakes every week. If you dont think mistakes and sloppy play are going to happen every week then we agree on nothing. Most of us don't want to hear people complaining about how sloppy a week one was. Instead, enjoy the games and the fantastic finishes. Please don't try to misrepresent what I said. I NEVER said the game wasn't great. I called it epic! I don't dispute the great play of many players in that game. It's you that seemingly don't like human errors in the game.
  11. Of course the playoff game was epic. I was just merely pointing out your flaws to your argument of how week 1 football was terrible. I proposely used one of the greatest games played as an argument against your flawed thinking. You didn't address any of those points. Not accidental. I stand by my statement saying I don't agree with your assessment of week 1. Great point and post.
  12. Not going to get into a poop contest with you. For you, week one was terrible for you. Others like myself view it as competitive football that was unexpected with exciting finishes. To each its own. Ask the fans of Chicago, New Orleans, NYG, Pitts, Clev, and Seattle if it was terrible football they watched. It was a great week one of football!!!!!
  13. Disagree. Every week questionable decisions and poor execution happens. A blocked FGs, fumbles, and ints can also be just very good defensive plays. A missed FG is often just as exciting as a made one. The human element which includes mistakes is part of the game. As a fan, I don't expect teams or players to play like robots. I mean by your premise you can say the Bills Chiefs playoff game was poorly played. Right? Defenses made lots of mistakes, defense couldn't missed several sacks on both Qbs, the Chiefs should have never allowed the Bills to score to take the lead. Gave up huge 4th diwn plays, the Bills players and coaches were horrible in the last 13 seconds. Terrible game! Sloppy terrible defense and lots and lots of coaching and player mistakes. Am I right?
  14. No doubt that is a huge blow to their offense. However, elite QBs have to play better than that. Murray looked very ordinary against a so so defense.
  15. I never really expected the Ariz defense to effectively stop the Chiefs and Mahomes. What surprised me was their lack of offense. I thought Coach Kingsbury would dail up a dynamic offensive scheme. Murray would use his legs and arm to keep the game close. After the game, I just thought wow Murray isn't worth all that money. It's only week one but I sure am glad the Bills have Allen.
  16. It was one of the most exciting week one NFL games I've seen. Sure there were mistakes and sloppy play but that's part of the game too. As a fan, I think it's super exciting when games are decided in the f8nal seconds, big field goals to win or lose the game, and games decided in OT. Not sure what you are looking for when watching games. Based on your opinion the Bills game sucked too because they had 4 turnovers and the Rams generally sucked. I disagree with your premise that it was the worst week of football ever played. What makes a good football game to you?
  17. The Chargers look to be the team to beat besides the Bills. My Early rankings are: 1 Bills 2 Chargers 3 KC 4 Bengals
  18. Early betting odds have the Bills 9.5 point favorites. Pretty big spread but not surprising after both teams 1st game results. I just don't see how Tannehill beats the Bills. Stop Derrick H is the number one priority. Traditionally, this has been a pretty bad match up for the Bills. However, I think the Bills D is much better up front. I think the only way the Bills lose is if they are sloppy and have a let down. Very unlikely on Monday night home opener.
  19. Nice post but there was no guarantee that Jefferson or what WR on the board was going to be really good and or elite receiver. The Vikings essentially traded a disgruntled Diggs and hoped to find a viable replacement. No one knew Jefferson would be this good. Of course, many were very very high on him. The Bills were in win now mode and absolutely knew what they were getting in Diggs. Most thought Diggs was the missing piece that could lead to a super bowl appearance and or win it. I give Beane lots of credit for the move! Take a look at the Von Miller move. Beane isn't afraid to grab elite talent because we all know how close this team is to hoisting the Lombardi Trophy.
  20. Don't forget about Shaq yhis game. I think he plays amd does well vs the run.
  21. Howard certainly didn't earn a roster spot with the Bills. By all accounts and in pre season he pretty much sucked. However, you can legitimately say the same thing about Sweeney. He sucks too but he's a great locker room guy. Obviously, the Bills brass felt that was am important factor worth keeping him. Morris does look to have lots of potential.
  22. I like Minn over GB. Not much of an upset. Minn upgraded their defense and GB is lacking wide receivers.
  23. I agree. Add on they are not nearly as good as last year. They lost OBJ, Von, LT Whitworth, and another starting Olineman. Jefferson their number 3 WR was hurt. Halfway through the season I won't be surprised if the Rams are a 500 team or below.
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