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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. The stats only tell a portion of the story. The Rams oline was as porous as can be. Bills had relentless pressure on Stafford without blitzing. The Titans just plain suck in the passing game. Tanny is average at best and they probably have the worst WR core in the league. Both were recipes for the secondary to excell. I'd say thus far they really haven't been tested. Miami with Waddle and Hill should be a better test for the Bills.
  2. No fan of Edmunds here. However, he has played well the first 2 games of this season. Not sure why people here can't admit that, see it, or acknowledge it. Hope he continues to play well and I will gladly become a fan of his.
  3. We have been fortunate to play the Rams and the Texans. Neither team could expose the young corners. Rams Online was so porous and Kupp was the only quality pass catcher the Bill's had to cover. Tanny sucks and the Titans WR core is arguably the worst in the league. With that said, I still give the Bill's D lots of credit. However, the Bill's without Dane is concerning. He has been solid and reliable out there. Two big blowout wins and on to Miami. My top three AFC teams are Buffalo, SD, and KC.
  4. It's a big jump and usually there is a learning curve. Clearly, reports throughout camp and pre season shows that's the case with Elam. Also, Benford is a great story but he's a 6th round pick for a reason. Right now, I see both as weakness in the secondary because of their inexperience and learning curve. Hopefully, they will continue to grow, learn, develop, and limit their mistakes. Maybe I'm wrong in my thinking...
  5. I get that and I understand that. The secondary was the number one hole to fill for the Bills pre draft. Beane even said so in so many implied and explicit ways. Now after one game, people are like hoe hum the Bills secondary is good to go. Little to no concerns because it's a DB friendly system. I'm not totally sold. The reason why it looked good in game one was because of the Bills pass rush (no blitzes) and combo that with a putrid Rams Oline. Until Tre comes back healthy, the secondary will need a very good pass rush to accommodate for its deficiencies and growing pains. Week 3 vs the Dolphins is a good to great test for the Bills secondary. As noted, Hill is a Bill eater. Waddle is excellent as well. In the Rams game all the had to worry about was Kupp. Right now, let's beat the Titans who always seem to play the Bill's tough.
  6. I don't disagree with your post. I took exception to you not acknowledging the Bills secondary is inexperienced. Your previous response painted an inaccurate picture. This post here cleverly eludes the inexperienced secondary issue. Not sure why it's so difficult to admit the Bills corners are very young and inexperienced? I do think it's a legitimate concern versus the Dolphins wide receivers. Comparing the Rams game with Miami isn't totally accurate either. Completely different teams with different strengths and weaknesses. In the end, I think the Bills are the better team because Allen is just that good. However, the best team doesn't always win. We will find out soon how good the dolphins and Tua really are.
  7. How about the CBs? Come on stop your non sense.
  8. Did you see the game winning play and throw by Tua? It was a thing of beauty and the strength of Tua. He moved up into the pocket avoided the pass rush and threw a perfect pass to a well covered Waddle. Perhaps it was a young QB growing up before our eyes. Who knows? What I do know is that play was quite impressive.
  9. Good post. The Miami game is a very dangerous one. Tua and the dolphins have a belief and confidence. They foundnd a way to win. This is always dangerous for a young up and coming team. Add on what many think is the best one two wide receiver combo in the league and a young inexperienced Bills secondary. I still think the bills are clearly the better team. If they play well they should win the game. However, this dolphin team appears formidable.
  10. Neither QB is elite in my opinion. I wouldn't start my team building with either QB in a perfect world. However, Murray is much better than Tua because of his experience and legs. His legs make him extremely dangerous unlike Tua. Tua seems to be an injury waiting to happen. His arm is weak and he's a pure system QB. Not even close to franchise or elite. However, his receivers are borderline unstoppable. That one two punch will make Tua look very good at times.
  11. Week 2 of 2022 may have been one of the worst football ever played. Just trash and a garbage product. Miami vs Belt. High scoring but terribly sloppy. Balt secondary was horrific leaving The a wide open Waddle and Hill numerous times. Miami get beat on a Lamar run for 61 yards. His longest run ever. Both teams looked bad in so many ways. Jets Vs Clev. Flacco vs Brissett. Who was glued to watch these two? Enough said here. NE vs Pitt. Jones vs Mitch T was a snooze feast. Jones was ok at times. Mitch T is God awful. Muffed punt by Pitt was horrible to watch. This game was almost unwatchable. TB and NO. Talk about a sleeper. A 3-3 game at the end of 3 quarters. James with 3 ints and Brady threw for a whopping 190 yards. Seattle vs SF. Another lack luster game. Geno back to Geno. Only Seattle Rd was on a blocked FG return. Game was unwatchable. Houston vs Denver. Mills vs Wilson. Another poorly played game. Sloppy with no offensive flow. Wilson was every bit as need a Mills. Chicago vs Green Bay. I stopped watchibg the game at halftime. It was so bad. The NFL has to give us a better product. The terribly QB play, sloppy play, terrible drops and turnovers, and boring football.
  12. He doesn't look special to me. At best a serviceable QB. Bears front office can t think he is elite or franchise.
  13. Hill and Waddle can take over a game. Don't just focus on Tua. Think Alabama. Tua was able to get the ball to his playmakers. The young Bills secondary has its hands full next week. Also, the Dolphins will move Tua and make quick passes to avoid the Bills pass rush. No easy game. However, I want to focus on Tenn for now.
  14. Come on. It was a fantastic comeback lead by a young Tua in a hostile Baltimore environment. He clearly had the "it factor" like the Alabama days. I'm not gonna crown him elite but damn give him his props. The one two combo of Hill and Waddle might be the best in the league. Its early in the season but Miami has gotten my attention.
  15. My go to spot when I visited family was La Nova BBQ grilled wings. They were expensive but very good.
  16. Years ago I went to Duffs and the wings were just too salt to enjoy. I got the wings hot. Not sure what happened but haven't been back since. When I'm back in town I'll have to try Bar Bil
  17. Bills are just too good. Home opener on Monday night too. Tenn has lost their best playmaker in AJ Brown. I think Tenn comes to play but will be overmatched by the Bills superior talent. Bills 28 Tenn 17
  18. Good teams usually fund a way to win. The Chiefs are extraordinary good at this. I think Mahomes has a lot to do with it.
  19. It's week 2 maybe they learn from this and are ready by playoff time. Missing 2 Olineman and Allen is substantial.
  20. It's week 2 and way too early to start comparing with any level of confidence. I know it's fun to do though.
  21. Why? I think both KC and SD are more than capable of beating the Bills. I still think the Bill's are better but barely. Home field is important.
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