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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Nice post. I'm just fearful the injuries combined with Miami's offense might land the Bills a little short. Allen is what really gives me the greatest hope for a win not so much the coaching staff.
  2. The Bills scheme may be a very good one on paper. However, you need players to execute the scheme. Missing key players and having inexperienced players is a huge concern. Scheme can only go so far. What is the Bills strategy on defense? Is it clog the middle and prevent problems in the short to intermediate routes? How will they defend Hill and Waddle when and if they go deep? Will they match up one on one with Hill or Waddle? What about short screens to Mosert or Edmunds who are extremely fast? Do they play a typical bend but don't break defense? Don't give up the big plays and wait for a mistake? Lots of unanswered questions and unknowns about how this depleted Defense is going to perform. It's not a given what the defensive game plan and or scheme will be. It's not a goven the youngsters will step up. In fact, it's more likely the elite receivers of Miami do what they do. If Tua continues to take the next step the Bills will have a very competitive game in Miami. Bills coming off a short week, injuries, and facing a confident Miami team that has nothing lose and everything gain.
  3. Week 3 is week 3. That shpuld be the focus of this team. Every win is important. The Bills defenaive injuries probably will have a negative impact on the game. The Bills best hope is the Bills offense. I'm confident the Bils can score plenty of points. If this depleted secondary severely limits the Dolphins offense the rest of the league should be on double notice.
  4. "The Bills offense is the Bills offense." What does that mean? Does the offensive game plan remain constant? Doesn't matter what the opponent is? Or game score? Come on man...
  5. I've been echoing similar posts. Most here Don't want to hear it. I know you are a long time respected member. Maybe your concerns will have a bigger impact than mine.
  6. You confident Elam can match up with either of Miami's receivers? I'm not. He's a rookie, unproven, and matching up against an elite WR. That doesn't instill confidence. Everyone is banking on a creepy Tua and a Bills pass rush. We will see how it plays out. All I know is the Dolphins have a glaring Bills hole to try to expose. Hyde out certainly makes a huge difference too. The safety net is 50% gone.
  7. I know that the Bills pass scheme is very good. However, isn't anyone concerned about rookies Elam and Bedford matched up on Hill and Waddle? Any legit unbiased football fan can see that's a huge mismatch. Bills secondary is in huge trouble. Hyde and Jackson out is terrible. Not sure the Bills can stop their offense. More specifically Hill and Waddle. Hill has a "Bill beater." This game will need to be won by Allen and the offense.
  8. The Bills pass rush will be the key to stopping the Dolphins offense. However, you do realize that Tua gets most of his passes off very quickly. At least that's their goal. If they are successful that will negate the Bills pass rush.
  9. The threat of the run is very important. In the past, Dabol lacked that threat for too long. I think this offense has a decent run threat now. Not great but enough to be a great offense. I really liked that Allen only had to run once last game. I do think his legs will be used more vs better teams and bigger games.
  10. I do think the Bills want to run the ball effectively to set up the pass and keep the defense honest. In two games, Dorsey seems more committed to the run than Dabol. However, in the end it's Allen who makes this team go.
  11. At first yes. However, the game script game can always change mid game. You are looking at a 2 game sample. With that premise, Tua is the best QB in the league. See how stats don't tell the whole story?
  12. That's a fair post. I slightly disagree with it. I do think the Bills defense is very good. However, they played two teams who don't have an offense and dangerous receivers who are elite game breakers. Heck, Mosert is very fast too. I think they will have a game plan to give themselves bona fide chances to score. Also, think their west coast offense will negate much of the Bills pass rush. I believe Tua gets the ball out in 2.4 seconds at a 70% plus rate. No doubt they will take some shots down field. Power and Hyde are keys to prevent the huge plays. I'm not comfortable with Elam and Bedford on Waddle and Hill. I can totally see the Dolphins having success on the banged up Bills D. I don't the Dolphins can stop Allen and the Bills. I see a shootout here. Maybe I'm wrong.
  13. On paper, the Bills are by far better than the Dolphins. I don't think many would disagree with that. However, injuries play a role in games. The Bills depleted and young secondary vs Hill and Waddle gives me some concern. How will the Bills scheme to stop the Dolphin attack? Clog the middle and passing lanes? Both can beat you deep but Tua's arm is a concern. No way will he find wide open receivers like in the Balt game. Interesting cat and mouse game here. On the other side, I can't see the Dolphins holding down the dynamic Bills offense.
  14. I hope you are right! As a Bills fan, I would love to see that happen. However, I try to analyze every game and give my opinions. By no means am i an expert and often I'm incorrect. I feel the the Dolphins will be successful against the Bills defense. Why? (1) the Bills secondary is thin and banged up. (2) I think Tua and the Dilphobs have confidence after their comeback win. (3) Hill and Waddle are game changing Wrs and they happen to play ob the same team. I think the Dolphin passing game can be successful vs the thin and inexperienced secondary. The Bills offense should be able to score on the Dolphins. Allen is elite and right now seems "God like." The home field should be able to help the Dolphins so calm, focused, and frenzied. I see a close game. I've waivered back and forth on who wins.
  15. The Titans are terrible. Without AJ Brown they pose little to no threat in the passing game. All the Bill's needed to do was stop Henry which they did. The Rams only had Kupp as a receiving threat. Robinson is overrated and often disappears in games. Kupp is excellent and he was successful statistically. However, he's not a speed burner like Hill. Hill presents different problems for the Bills D. Couple that with Waddle and it's a very difficult task for the Bills secondary. Lastly, the Rams Oline is a work in progress. The Bills front just overpowered them. The Dolphins do have a couple of exploitable offensive lineman. Hopefully, the Bills can pressure Tua into mistakes. Frankly, I see a hard fought game. I'm not getting too high on either of the team's 2 wins. Each game presents another and different challenges. I don't see a Bills blowout here.
  16. Miami has a new coach, new offensive system, offensive speed up the butt with Hill, Waddle, Mosert, and Edmunds. The Rams and Titans didn't pose nearly as much of a threat offensively as the Dolphins. Hill has given the Bills nightmares if you want to include past performance as relevant. I'm not sleeping in the Dolphins. I do agree that Buffalo is the better team. Allen is a monster and it's hard not to take that into consideration.
  17. What happened in previous games isn't really relevant here. Miami is a completely different team especially on the offensive side of the ball. Tua looked very calm and in control with their 4th quarter come back on the road. That is something the team and Tua may be able to build on. This is a statement game and a measuring stick for the Dolphins. I do believe the Bills are a better team but Miami at home with momentum, great offensive weapons, and have formidable defense. In no way, would I sell the Dolphins short here. Think David vs Goliath. A focused, good game and well executed plays by the Bills should bring home the win. Allen is elite and the Bill's have the best QB. Hopefully, he plays exceptionally well. I think he's gonna have to because the Dolphins will be ready to steal a win.
  18. All these injuries are very concerning especially on the defense side of the ball. Offensively, I think the Bills will be fine. However, the defense will have its work cut out for them with Hill and Waddle. Mosert and Edmunds are very fast and dangerous in the open space. I'd feel like the Bills D would dominate them for the majority of the game at full strength.
  19. The Miami offense is built on quick passing and run after the catch. Coach McDaniel is a disciple of Shanahan. The Miami offense does present some concerns for the Bills defense. At some point, you know Tua will take his shots down field with Hill and Waddle. At any point, they can score quickly. Scary! Poyer and Hyde need to play big. QB pressure is always a recipe for turnovers. Get Tua off his comfort zone. Edmunds and Milano are also important pieces to clog the short passing zones. I think the dolphins will try to run the ball more effectively. They haven't been all that successful in their first 2 games. I suspect they will not be all that successful against the Bills. The Bills rush D is vastly improved from last year. I do believe the Dolphins offense will have some success vs the Bills. Waddle and Hill are just too good. I think one or both will have good games. However, the Bills team is hungry, experienced, and has the best QB on the planet. A focused Bills team, a good game plan, and players executing should lead to a Bills win. It almost seems like a David vs Goliath compassion is applicable. This game won't be easy.
  20. Like I said stats only tell a portion of the story. No doubt the defense has played well. There is no way that the defense is better without Tre. Stats show otherwise and that proves my point. Sure could have used Tre in that AFC playoff game vs the Chiefs.
  21. Every year is different. No doubt the Bills defense has excelled. I believe this years defense with its new additions is and will be even better. Getting a healthy Tre back while the young CBs get valuable game time experience is a scary scenario for opposing offenses. Barring injuries this team is scary good. My early call is the Chargers and the Chiefs are the only 2 teams in the AFC that have the talent to compete and beat the Bills.
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