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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'm really not concerned about any of the things you mentioned. I'm very concerned about the Bills mounting injuries. Seems like half the team is hurt. Hyde out for the season. How will Tre bounce back? Who's next to get injuried? Is this the year the injury bug invades Buffalo? No one knows. Imho, injuries are the only thing that can slow down the Bills and prevent wins. Today was a clear and concise example of that. It's on the Balt half hobbled again. Oh boy...
  2. Not so sure of this. It's way too early to project. If injuries linger or get worse the Bills might very well fall back into the pack. I'm getting a little tired of hearing how the Bills are the best team in the league. After today's lose and so many injuries who knows what's gonna happen. Certainly, the Bills were not even close to being the best team. Injuries are crippling the Bills. Could it be an injury riddled year?
  3. The Bills need to get healthy. The upcoming Balt game is a huge ask with their injuries.
  4. I just don't think they would have overturned it. It was a bang bang play. I think they would have said the call stands.
  5. This is a huge win for Miami. They could careless about all the Bills injuries. They beat the big bad Bills! That's the message the coaches will sell and the players will believe. New regime and this win and the Balt win are cultural changes. Imho, they are still a ways away from being a serious contender. They are learning how to win and beat good teams. Miami took what the Bills gave them. The Bills have them that game but they just don't know it yet.
  6. I hear you but I disagree to a certain extent. Fans will always evaluate players after games especially the QBs. No one is saying Allen sucks. No one is saying we shouldn't evaluate a QB on a season of work. What some are saying is Allen didn't get the job done today, his passes were slightly off, he was very fortunate not to be picked off several times, in the second half he never looked comfortable, and his terrible pass at the end of the game likely cost the Bills the win. It was shades of the old Bills regime and a young Allen. By that I mean, running for his life, getting rattled, never getting into a comfort zone or rhythm, making some really poor passes and decisions, and trying to do too much. Fortunately, there are logical reasons for the above. Injuries, injuries, and injuries. So there is no need to panic or get too down so long as the Bills can get healthy. With that said, this version of the Bills is something that I hope dissipates quickly. Today was ugly and that included Allen when it really counted. It is what it is. I'm not even thinking about Baltimore. The road to the playoffs has suddenly gotton much more difficult due to injuries. Imho, this was really the only way to beat teams could beat the Bills. Until the Bills get relatively healthy (hopefully they will) i think most games will be dogfights.
  7. Your point illustrates it was a team loss. Allen is the unquestioned leader of the team. His effort, heart, and desire to win is second to none. However, he did fall short on leading the team to victory. Allen would be the first one to admit this. That's what leaders do.
  8. No one in their right mind would ever question Allen's heart and effort. The end result is what really counts. He fell short as did the team.
  9. Have to wonder if that big contract was worth it?
  10. Virgil, I agree with your take 100%. Of course you knew you would get slack when you criticized Allen. Allen wasn't the steady rock we've grown spoiled to see. Of course, it as due to the injuries and perhaps the heat. It wasn't all ob Allen. It was a team loss via miscues. Allen especially in the 2nd half just wasn't as consistent as he needed to be. He seemed panicked at times and made rookie like throws at times. Especially, that series in the end where the Bill's failed to score. Your franchise QB has to get a TD. To boot, he short armed a sure TD to little dirty. He will make That throw 99 out of 100 times. That just can't happen!!! Allen needed to be superman today. That's a bit unfair to him. Maybe that's too high of a bar? It is a team.game too and the depleted oline sucked in the 2nd half. He will no doubt come back better. Allen is the least of this teams worries.
  11. This is not correct. I haven't heard one person say it was his back. You can clearly see his head slam on the ground. He was beyond wobbled when he got up. Two times he basical was falling and needed help to stand up. That wasn't a back issue. It was a head injury and a concussion. Clear as day. He should have never been allowed to play. Some heads should roll for allowing him to play.
  12. If you look at the play Allen rushed the throw. He was sandwiched beteeenb2 Dolphins applying pressure. First It was the outsidecrusher and he adjusted to the inside and saw the other pass rushed. He looked to alter and hurry his throw. It's a pass he makes in his sleep. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw it leave his hand.
  13. It was the holding penalty that was the culprit of not getting the field goal attempt. That was a huge 10 yard penalty.
  14. I don't know what your idea of a troll is. I do know that I get beat up on the board for my construction criticism of the Bills. Seems like it's not allowed here. Bottom line is the Bills are not the same team with all their injuries. That includes the offensive side of the ball too. The game reminded me of the old heartbreak Bills if a few years ago. Not a good feeling. Injuries are killing this team. I would rephrase what you said. The Bills are the best team in the league when healthy. Right now we are not healthy and not the best team in the league. Hoping by playoff time the Bills will be healthy. Well said.
  15. Depends on the health of the team. Right now, the team isn't fine.
  16. I couldn't help but have flashbacks of old Bills games or a rookie Josh Allen. I know that's not the case but it sure feels that way. The Bills beat themselves. Miami didn't beat us but they get the W. The Bills team was a shell of itself. It looked like 2 bad teams playing each other. Entertaining but it was anything but quality football. The Bills need to get healthy. I'm fearful the Bills suffered more injuries in this game.
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