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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. The line of 3.5 Bill's favorites in Baltimore seems generous. Not sure how Balt stops the Bills? I doubt the Bills stop themselves like they did in Miami. Allen and the Bills receivers should have plenty of opportunities to score. However, I'm not sure the Bills defense can contain Jackson. He seems to be playing at a different level. I don't agree with the premise that McDermott and Fraizer have the scheme to stop Jackson. I looked back and saw the latest 3 game sample . The Bills are 1-2 verse the Ravens. The last game was the horrendous weather playoff game. An outlier for sure. I would really like to see the Bills offense score quick and get a 2 score lead. That may take the Ravens out of their game plan. I'd much rather see Lamar try to beat the Bills with his arm rather than his legs. With that said, I can see another close nail biter game. I took the Ravens with 3.5 points.
  2. You are wildly inaccurate again! Do you realize who the Bills had playing on the offensive line in the second half? Back ups and back ups for the back ups and practice squad guys. Add on the weather conditions. The way you stop the Bills offense is not by blitzing the Bills. Allen will touch defenses that consistently blitz. Allen was very successful moving the ball. 500 yards of offense and 41 minutes of time of possession. Where Allen and the Bills failed was putting the ball in the end zone. Davis not holding the ball, missed field goal, poor execution at before halftime cost potential 3 points, 1st and goal at the 2 and no points, holding call and game ending expired clock, etc...The Dolphins didn't stop the Bills. The Bills stopped themselves. In the first 2 games a relatively healthy offense scored 70 plus points. I do agree that the Bills have to establish a more reliable running threat. This has been a resounding theme of the Bills for quite some time now. I'm sure Dorsey is aware of this and changes will be made. It remains to be seen how effective they will be.
  3. Have you seen the Bills secondary? Lamar isn't a great passer but he's more than adequate enough to do some damage via the pass. Also, the secondary is important to stop the run too. The Bills defense has a tough task in Balt. Lamar isn't Tua, Tannyhill, or an immobile Stafford. This will be a very good test.
  4. Disagree with this take. McDermott and coaches have to take a week to week focus. Each game presents different issues with different game plans. Each week is a building block to the make a playoff push and hopefully a Super Bowl win. The Bills coaching staff does try new things. Cook had a little bit of a run vs Miami. Some weeks Allen runs more, more run pass options are called, different defenses, stunts, blitzing or not, etc... Last year, I felt like the Bills were prepared for the playoffs. What makes you think they weren't? The Bills were on a nice roll and had high confidence. Most fans felt that the Bills had a great chance to beat the mighty Chiefs. To win it all. The Bills smashed the Pats and played a winning game vs KC. The Bills didn't lose to KC because they weren't prepared or the coaches didn't try something earlier in the season. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Early and middle of last season the Bills couldn't run the ball. They changed run schemes and personnel and boom they had a much better rushing attack. Your post is wildly inaccurate with respect.
  5. Good luck with your health issues. God be with you and your family. In the big scheme of things football isn't nearly as important than ones health. Hope you are right.
  6. Maybe you should be a little fearful. The Bills are 0-7 in their last one score games. I'll take a blowout win any day, all day, and every game. I enjoy Bills blowouts just as much as close games. As you can see the Bills suck in close games. God forbid if I say something like 13 seconds. Oops...
  7. Ok you are on the record that the Bills will shut down and or contain Lamar. Things to consider are Balt is at home, Lamar is playing his best football of his career, and the Bills defense is a shell of itself due to injuries. I guess in your eyes the McDermott/ Frazier scheme will prevail. The defense will step it up. It's certainly possible. I still think it's a tall task. The Bills defense played well vs Miami all things considered. You can't discount or discredit the Waddle play. Nice try Scott. However, the Bills offense clearly assisted the defense. The Bills offense held onto the ball for 41 minutes. Miami threw the ball less than 20xs. The whole game very very strange and bizarre. An outlier in so many ways. Hill and Waddle were hardly targeted. But you are correct that I was incorrect about Hill and Waddle. I'm was also wrong about the Bills scoring on the Dolphins. I thought Allen and company would put up 30 plus points on the Dolphins. Not in my wildest dreams did I think the Bills would hand the Dolphins the game with all their colossal mistakes. To be honest, I have no idea how the Bills are going to play. I don't even know whose playing anymore. The injuries are emmense and substantial. Your guess is as good as anyone's.
  8. Certainly not running backs right now. Singletary is pretty good but can't do it by himself. In the Miami game, Singletary was in on 60 plus snaps out of 90. Moss isn't reliable and Cook is young and unknown. I don't think WR is a huge concern.
  9. Is it really BS? Tua ahould have never been allowed to play. I believe that is cheating. It doesn't matter how he played and if he made a difference. The fact is a player who is their leader and number 1 QB shouldn't have played. The dolphin doctors should be held accountable too. One doctor can always overrule another or get a sexond opinion. Plus, that was so obvious a blind doctor could see Tua suffered a concussion. Ok now I'll shut up. If the NFL doesn't get involved they are opening themselves up to possible lawsuits. They just can't sit idle and ignore what happened. That's not the point. Plus, you don't really know that's the case. Either way your response falls woefully short.
  10. No one can convince me that Tua didn't suffer a concussion. It's as clear as a blue sky on a summer day. The signs were obvious beyond obvious. The league is looking into the matter. I'm not sure if it can be proved that the Dolphins were guilty of violating the rules. I believe the concussion rules talk about a player suffers any short lived impairment of neurological function that resolves quickly. That's a player suffering from a concussion. That fits the Tua situation to the letter. Not trying to get sympathy votes here but I really think the Dolphins should forfeit the game. The NFL needs to make a statement that this cannot happen. This shouldn't be just a slap on the wrist. Maybe I'm just pissed about the loss. What does everyone think?
  11. Nobody wants him. Why worry about the defense? We have Josh Allen!
  12. I don't think anyone did. It's really disheartening because this team is unbelievably good when healthy.shealthy. Still very good but the injuries already cost us one loss against the Dolphins. Balt maybe another one?
  13. The Bills secondary is riddled with injuries. It just keeps getting worse. Also, the oline suffers more injury news. This is getting pretty bad.
  14. I mean he is one of the most knowledgeable Bills person out there.
  15. I agree with you. We have to see who is playing. I do think it will be a difficult task to stop the Balt offense. Vice versa.
  16. I don't know how you can't be concerned about Lamar. The guy is playing at an all time high and the Bills defense is so banged up. Scheme can only take you so far. It's like having the best jockey on a so so horse. The horse usually doesn't get the win even though he has the best jockey. You need a live horse just like the Bills need quality experienced players. For many, it will be the first time facing the dynamic explosive Lamar. Add in Balt is at home and that causes me great concern. The Bills will have to execute much better on offense than yesterday. 500 yards of offense is great but 20 points is not. Balt defense at home will not likely drop the interceptable balls Allen threw. This is a big test for the Bills. My early prediction is: Balt 35 Bflo 28
  17. Lamar against this current defense is a monumental task. Allen should rip apart their secondary if he has time. This game can go either way and likely goes down to the wire. We all know how the Bills do in close games. A Bills win would be awesome!
  18. I'm not speaking doomsday. In fact, there are positives that can be taken from the Dolphins game. Many have stated them here. A healthy Bills team is dominate and almost unbeatable. Injuries are part of the game. Hopefully we get healthy soon.
  19. Great post! Imho, the Bills are the best team in the NFL when healthy. My premise is that they are not healthy. A healthy Bills team would have blown the Dolphins out of the water. Currently, the Bills injuries gives teams like KC, SD, Balt, Indy, Denver, Clev, etc...a much better chance of winning. My initial thought is the upcoming Balt game is a loss. Bottom line is the Bills team needs to get healthy and hopefully they will. The best team in the league shouldn't gift a team a win. Right? A healthy Bills team is absolutely the best team in the league. The Bills aren't healthy. Do the math...
  20. "Did we make mistakes?" ""Yes" "We and every team in every game do." That had to be one of the most disingenuous statements I've encountered here. Sir, we are talking about game changing mistakes. Not one or two either. Probably close to 10 mistakes that were absolutely game chambers or flat out inexcusable. No matter who is playing that just can't and shouldn't happen. Additionally, several if the devastating errors came from starters and leaders of the team. I'm not going to illustrate them all here. You stated several of them. Stats often don't paint an accurate picture. The Bills moved the ball and ultimately only scored 21 points which only 3 occurred in the 2nd half. I guess your standards are low for this team. I stand by the premise the Bills played poorly. In essence, their mistakes gave the game to the Dolphins. That's exactly how I saw the game. Miami didn't beat the Bills. The Bills beat themselves! Beating yourself equates to playing poorly...
  21. Did you read what your wrote? Add that all up and the Bills played poorly. You can't make mistakes like that! The Bills didn't execute and that includes their franchise QB named Allen. The Bills gave the game to the Dolphins. Enough with the lame excuses sir. Of course injuries played a part just like they will next week.
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