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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Disagree. I don't think that there was no evidence of a concussion existed. I think a jury would see the game film followed by expert prosecution testimony. The defense would be left with bull#### testimony from the defense witness. The jury would sniff out in a jiffy the weak defense testimony. The judge would give jury instructions and discuss beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Within hours the jury would vote in favor of the prosecution.
  2. Let me ask you this. From the inception of the concussion protocols when have you ever seen a player return to play within 30 minutes of suffering a head injury and resulting loss motor skills? I can't think of any for any sport. This has to be a first. Also, we are being told it was a back injury. Did Tua reach for his back? Was he xrayed? People deserve to get sued and fired for sure for incompetence and or corruption.
  3. That's fair. I'm no doctor but what I saw on TV sure looks to be a clear concussion. Not sure how anyone can advocate Tua wasn't concussed. Here is the definition of a concussion: "temporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head." Our eyes are not lying here! Believe what you saw! In A court of law this would be considered "beyond a reasonable doubt." I'll ask this. Since the inception of concussion protocols in the NFL (all sports) when have you ever seen a player return to play 30 minutes after receiving a head blow and stumbling/ shaking their head? NEVER!!! What's a lie is that Tua suffered a back injury and that caused his loss of motor skills. I don't know how anyone in these right mind can believe this. Investigations can only show 3 things. (1) incompetentence (2) Nefarious behavior (3) a cover up.
  4. Agree 100%. 👍 I get that. However, in this Tua situation there can only be two realistic decisions. Either the medical staff was corrupt or incompetent. It's really that simple in my mind. Maybe I'm off in my thinking?
  5. I can't see how Tua could have been cleared to play. Like you stated concussion protocols and changes have been made. It's no longer a "wink wink" thing. With that said, I've never seen a player who suffered that kind of head trauma and with clear motor skills loss afterwards take the field in a matter of 30 minutes. Not in this modern day. The changes have prevented such occurrences until this incident. Add in we were told it's a back injury. Lol. What an insult to our intelligence. This whole thing stinks to the high heaven. Whether it's corrupt and or negligence some heads should roll. This just can't happen.
  6. I appreciate your knowledge and info. According to what you are saying it seems reasonable to conclude the neurologist errored in judgement. Tua should have never been allowed to play. Or am I assuming things incorrectly?
  7. I get what you are saying. It does appear that Tua is part of the problem here. He is a danger to himself and he clearly wants to play. However, it may not be in his best interest. That's where family and close friends have to intervene. Convince him that his health is the number one priority. To seek medical advice. It's not a sign of weakness. Further neurologist's evaluations would be very wise. It is quite possible.
  8. If I were Tua, I'd be looking for several neurologists opinions and evaluations. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th independent evaluations. Decide if he should continue to play football. His health should come first. His family and friends have to encourage him to reevaluate his football career. Secondly, I would be consulting a lawyer to see if I have a legitimate law suit against the league, the Dolphins, and various doctors.
  9. He was throwing to Ruggs, Waddle, and Juedy. Now it's Hill and Waddle. Need I say more.
  10. We need more evidence on whether there was a cover up and why he was allowed to play. Where we disagree is whether Tua suffered a concussion and why he was allowed to play. No one can convince me he wasn't concussed and he passed protocols. That's an assumption I'm willing to make based on the evidence I saw. Maybe this will help. You look outside before you go to sleep and the ground is clear and you can see the concrete. In the morning you wake up and the ground is covered with snow. It's pretty safe to say it snowed last night. What you are saying is wait maybe someone bought a snow machine and it really didn't snow. We need to investigate it. You are probably right here. I can say with reasonable validity that his arm isn't anything special in the NFL. In fact, it appears to be more inadequate strength wise than an asset. For whatever that's worth.
  11. You keep going back to Tua when he played un high school and college. That's really not relevant now. It's looking like maybe he was a very good or great college QB. I mean his supporting cast was second to none. Fast forward to the NFL and its pretty clear by most Tua isn't very good. Brian Flores refused to play him. A well respected coach even amount the players. That should speak volumes. The Dolphins were actively seeking Watson and Brady. That should speak volumes. The guy has woefully fallen short this far. He has literally the best 1-2 Wr combo in the league and still looks average at best. I suggest you get dismiss the HS and college Tua and focus on the NFL Tua. The NFL Tua is not what the Dolphins were looking for. The Tua pick is in line with the Josh Rosen pick.
  12. You have yet to explain why his long ball throws in the NFL look terrible. Why he throws it so high? I don't see Tua as having a strong arm. Burrows and Hurts throw a much much smoother and tighter long ball. We've seen a big enough sample to say Tua's long ball is pretty bad. Perhaps it's mechanics.
  13. I think it would be wise for him to retire. My 18 year old boy made a good observation. He said dad Tua throws off his back foot a lot. His size and being off balance is going to result in moret hitting his head when tackled.
  14. GunnerBill, it doesn't take a doctor to know Tua suffered a concussion in the Bills game. Scott is 100% correct! The doctors errored in their judgements and who knows why? That's the bottom line. I can definelty go there because the evidence is overwhelming and indisputable. Now let the cover up begin...
  15. Agree the Bengals didn't look great. Their oline is still a big concern. Their division is winnable. If their oline improved with time the Bengals should be a tough out. Burrows and his wrs can make plays when it counts. Hope they aren't peaking cone playoff time. Right now, they are struggling and a work in progress. Perhaps. I would think a overnight observation would be pretty standard all considering. Even if he received negative results. Maybe I'm wrong.
  16. I mean the back injury narrative is beyond ridiculous. The Dolphins have a least a certsin amount of culpability. There is no other way to put it. They doubled down and let him play yesterday.
  17. The process clearly failed. I believe the concussion rules state that if a player can't play if he exhibits motor skills loss due to a head injury. Come on the play shows exactly that. It's undeniable evidence. This is gross negligence and or flat out fraudulent behavior. Heads should role here. The NFL and medical doctors are looking at multiple lawsuits.
  18. I can absolutely say that as a Bills fan QB Tua instills no fear in me. I know Tua will not beat the Bills. It's a big game for being early in the schedule. I really don't want the Bills to be 2-2. That isn't horrendous but it just doesn't sit well with me.
  19. I'm almost positive Tua signed himself out of the hospital. There is little chance the trauma hospital unit discharged him on his own. No way no how would they take on that kind of liability. He would be at least observed overnight at the hospital. Yet, McDaniel gets on the podium and talks about how things are "rosey" for Tua. That guy is going to get him killed or seriously injured. The NFL doesn't care. If they did Tua would have never played yesterday.
  20. Plus, they shouldn't have won the game vs Balt. Miami isn't that good. A fringe playoff team.
  21. The whole organization is pathetic in regards to how they treated the Tua injury. They put out a false narrative in the Bills game so Tua could play. They continued to sell their BS back injury so Tua could play vs Cinci. Tua suffered back to back serious concussions in a matter of 4 or 5 days. It was so bad his hands locked up. If that wasn't a wake up call then nothing is. Now this idiot McDaniel is downplaying the whole situation. Heads should roll and people should be fined and fired. Tua should go see an independent doctor. Playing football might not be in his best interest. Think Luke Kuechly.
  22. Exactly. He is unable to stretch the defense effectively even with Waddle and Hill. Of course they are so elite his " moon balls" will be caught here and there. It's more about the WR than it is Tua. Tua doesn't pass must peoples eye test. McKenzie is pretty quick.
  23. Ok if that makes you feel good I'll concede that. Your point proves nothing though. When you watch him play in the NFL his arm certainly doesn't seem strong. Like others have said his ball has a lot of air on it. We saw that in the Buffalo game and tonight with the interception. I don't see his arm as a strengthth in the NFL game. I'd say it looks like a weakness at this point. So go ahead and beat your drum that his arm is strong and or stronger than Burrows.
  24. Tua might be the classiest guy in the NFL. That doesn't equate to being a productive NFL starter. Maybe Brian Flores knew what he was doing.
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