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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Agree 100%. All I'm saying is that roughing the passer call was a terrible call. So many have been disagreeing with that. I'm not here saying refs don't make mistakes. I happen to think that call was a HUGE call. Perhaps a game changer. One will never know for obvious reasons. 2 and 15 at the 41 vs 1st and 10 at the 26. That's HUGE in my book under the circumstances.
  2. Oh I agree the McKenzie hit was a penalty. I didn't really see Allen getting roughed up that would be penalties. However, many here in game time were complaining.
  3. You don't know what the outcome would have been nor do I.
  4. It would have been 2nd and 15. Hard to say what would have happened if their was no penalty call. We know the call absolutely helped the Bills!
  5. He barely hit Allen. The Raven defensive player moved his body sideways to soften the hit. He didn't slam him to the ground nor was it a late hit. It was a bad call and even the announcer on TV acknowledged it. Cone on guys let's except the gift. No need to try to justify the terrible refs call.
  6. Oh I agree but that doesn't ease the Raven fans pain or make the refs decision correct.
  7. Give specifics because your general statement falls weak here.
  8. A soft call like that in the last few minutes of the game is inexcusable. Imagine if the shoes were reversed. We'd be livid!
  9. Looks like Picket might get the start. Not sure if that's good or bad. Either way the Bills should win but we know how that goes.
  10. I'm not a hater whatever that means. I know I was very upset at the Bills play. I wasn't kind to a lot of the players performance. Does that make me a hater? That was one heckava comeback. The players and coaches deserve credit for their adjustments, fight, and execution. This can be a nice building block. The Bills will need to play better in the future. Some concerns on both sides of the ball. For now, I just wanna enjoy this win. It as nerve wrecking and euphoric when Bass hit that FG.
  11. Disagree. That was a terrible call at a crucial moment in the game. It was a game changer. The Bills win but the refs get a little asterisk.
  12. It's what most fans do. Can't we have our cake and eat it too?
  13. Yes indeed but give the defense credit too. Even the coaches with their adjustments after halftime.
  14. I'm eating the crow and it taste good. I'll be wrong every week so long as the Bills win.
  15. Davis clearly isn't healthy. I'd rather the Bills just sit him out til he can play effectively.
  16. I don't think he changed things much. The running game has multiple issues. I'd say scheme, poor blocking, lacking RB talent, and play calling.
  17. I don't care about the MVP race. At home on 4th down Harbough should have kicked the FG. #3 was the BS roughing the passer call was huge!
  18. Agree. I thought the Bills were dead in the water. This come back was unbelievable.
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