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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. They play Pacheco, CEH, and Mckinnon. None are great or elite in my opinion but each one can be dangerous on any given play. I'm more worried about one of them in the screen game. I think the Bills run D can contain them.
  2. Stats are great to look at folks. The Bills are statisically better than the Chiefs. Players win the game not stats. I think this is the kind of game that stats don't matter. Throw them out. With that said, I think it's safe to say the Bills are the more talented team. Usually the more talented team wins. Does this equate to a Bills victory in Arrowhead? Buckle up for Sunday. I would love to see the Bills blowout and dominate the Chiefs. Imho, it's unlikely to happen but I'll take a win by any margin.
  3. Really nice breakdown. A few comments. You can't say the home field advantage is neutral. The Chiefs clearly have a huge home field advantage which is likely to influence the refs calls too. 100% the Bills have a huge defensive advantage. However, Mahomes can be a one man wrecking show. The Bills secondary is still very young too. The Bills defense must pressure, contain, and sack Mahomes. Imho, that is the key to stopping them. Also, Reid will have several new wrinkle plays. What's very helpful is that Mahomes hasn't been effective with the deep ball. They play more of a plotting, dink and dunk offense. I'm wondering if they don't try to take some deep shots this game? Sure wish Tre and Hyde were playing. Oh well. Two difference makers missing sucks. At least Tre is coming back soon. Back on point. I just can't see this Chief defense stopping Buffalo. They are young, inexperienced, and like you illustrated statistically poor. I agree about airing it out. However, I think the Bills will take a different approach and try to effectively run the ball. Running the ball should slow down the Chiefs pass rush. We've seen in the past Reid daring the Bills to run. Concentrating on attacking and pressuring Allen. In 2020, it worked because the Chiefs were the better team. Not so much in 2021. The Bills were equal and probably better than the Chiefs. Allen was fantastic. In 2022, I believe the Bills have surpassed the Chiefs in talent. Better Wrs and defense. One point of emphasis in this game is going to be the aggressiveness of the offenses. I believe both coaches will be ultra aggresive. I'm expecting to see several 4th down attempts. The importance of TDs vs FGs is huge. My final prediction is: Bills 38 Chiefs 30
  4. I believe the Chiefs are playing much more cover 2 this year with their young secondary. Correct me if I'm wrong. The Chiefs will concentrate on not getting beat deep. Allen is number one in the league in long pass plays. With that said, the Bill's will have to be patient and take the underneathth and short passes. The Bills slot guys will be busy. I think the Chiefs will be content to try to force the Bills into longer drives which hopefully for them results in some turnovers. However, Allen has grown so much and he's willing to take what the defense gives him. I just don't think this Chiefs defense can stop the Bills. offense.
  5. I wrongly assumed the post was about traditional play action pass plays and not off of RPOs.
  6. Bills aren't really a play action offense. I'd suggest a few more RPOs instead. Another distinction is that the Raiders gashed the Chiefs between the tackles with Jacobs a work horse. Bills pretty much suck running between the tackles and Singletary is no Jacobs. The Bills are more successful running to the outside. That just so happens to be the Chiefs strength. It's truly a cat and mouse game.
  7. I think 50-50 is pretty generous. The game total is high so that bolds well for scoring. My biggest concern is how much playing time does Shakir get? McKenzie's return certainly cuts into Shakir's snaps. How much do the Bills coaching staff trust the rookie in a big game?
  8. I like McKenzie over Shakir. He has better chemistry with Josh, has played big in games, and I think his speed is needed and will be utilized in the pasding game and a couple of runs. I'm most interested in seeing how the Chiefs secondary plays Diggs and Davis. Clearly, they chose to take Diggs away and Davis tourched them. I just don't see their secondary being able to to contain the Bills Wrs. The only way is if Josh has no time to throw. The Bills oline pass defense has been very good. I like the Bills offense here.
  9. This is probably the biggest key to the game. I must say it feels good to be right. Thanks!
  10. I'll be the first to admit I was wrong and eat crow. Obviously, that was an opinion not a fact. Aren't we allowed to give opinions anymore? How is saying the spread was too large a criticism? Talk about grasping at straws. Did you forget that I said the Bills would win?
  11. Depends how you see things. What's "innessantly" mean and include? Does that include positive posts too? A balance of positive and negative critiques is probable a good thing. I saw a long time poster here pretty much attacking another for his valid negative critiques. Happens all the time! It is what it is...
  12. Scott very well said. Some people are very sensitive when you say anything that's critical of the Bills players or coaches. It's just the way it goes here. Validity and accountability takes a backseat in most instances. Look at how much slack Virgil (well respected contributor) got not long ago when he called out Allen. Instead, its perfectly acceptable to post things like 19-1 Bills. You will never get negativity from outlandish posts like that.
  13. At this point I could careless about what the odds makers think. It has no barring on the outcome of the game or if the Bills will win. If you are going to bet the game then it matters. Other than that all the hype is just external noise.
  14. Disagree. This game is big and realistically could be a decider in home field advantage. Not sure why there is so much defiance in acknowledging that? Both teams are 4-1 and it's quite possibly the tie breaker comes in play. Sure its early but the statement that this game could be a decider for home field advantage is valid. Go ahead and mute me if you like. Extra points can be huge too.
  15. Eagles? Their defense looks legit. AJ Brown really makes a difference in their offense. Jalen had really improved his passing game and is ultra dangerous with his legs. Its early but they look legit. The winner Sunday certainly has a leg up on home field advantage. Of course, it isn't a given and I don't think anyone said it was.
  16. The Bills aren't the Raiders. Allen and our receivers are more than capable of " lighting up" tTthos Chief defense.
  17. I mean who is going to be comfortable if the Bills go up 17-0 in the first quarter? I'll be happy but I'm not going to lie and say I won't be thinking about a probable Chief comeback.
  18. I felt the same way even when it was 17-0. However, lots of my thinking was because it was the Raiders too.
  19. Throw all the QB stats out. It means nothing! Obviously, the two QBs are elite. This is about a great game plan, adjustments, and execution.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Mahomes takes several shots down field.
  21. Really nice post. For the most part I agree with your post. I wouldn't go as far to say the Bills are the "superior team" this year. I do believe that the Bills are the better team talent wise and on paper. However, I don't think the gap is huge. For example, the difference between Buffalo and Pittsburg was huge for obvious reasons. The KC team led by Mahomes is more than capable of beating the Bills. This game is most likely a dogfight til the end. Most seasonal football fans and experts don't see a blowout for Buffalo.
  22. I completely disagree with your assessment of the KC offense. Yes, they are less explosive without Hill. However, the Chiefs offense is still dangerous and the number 1 scoring offense in the league. Did you see the Tampa game? Tampa which has been gone of the most difficult defenses to run on. KC ran gashed them on the run. They rotate in 3 different RBs who aren't great but can be effective. The Bills have to respect their run game and screen passes. Reid loves screen passes. Mahomes is definelty not as successful throwing the longer ball this year. That doesn't mean he can't beat the Bills long. Make no mistake about it the KC offense is not one dimensional, easy to defend, or vanilla. This is a great test for the Bills defense.
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