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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'm one to be very critical of coaching. Sure there were a few bad calls on offense. Easy to say after the fact. With that said, I thought the Bills coaches were solid. The Bills were ready to play, prepared, executed, and made adjustments. The went into Arrowhead and beat them. It was a total team win and the coaches deserve their props too.
  2. I think the Chiefs are a work in progress on both sides of the ball. There defense especially their secondary is pretty young. Also, they were very banged up today. Offensively, the Ju Ju and MVS aren't elite. They are decent but not game changers. Will Mahomes and his receivers get better and hit their stride playoff time? Safe to say Mahomes will make them better and Reid is very good creative offensive coach. Conversely, the Bills are pretty polished on both sides of the ball. Getting Tre back and getting the youngsters more experience is only going to make the Bills D that much better. Offensively, the Bills run game and oline can get better and more consistent. The Bills were slightly better today and they squeaked out a win in Arrowhead. Lots of positives to take from this game.
  3. Much more reasonable post. Solid. Glad you can clarify your opinion.
  4. I can always count ob you for being a voice of reason. Even if we don't always agree I appreciate your input.
  5. Add in 2 rare Mahomes INTs, missed 51 yard FG, and a failed 4th down play inside the 5. Paint a whole picture please.
  6. I'm splitting hairs here. I don't believe needed any extra incentive. He will to win is special along with his talent. The trip incentive is a nice story but I think it fiction. But hey we can run with it...
  7. I knew Allen was going to punch it in. So we agree on that. My worry was giving the ball to Mahomes with a minute and two time outs. Don't know how anyone thought the game was over when Knox caught the TD.
  8. I agree but just look at what many are saying here. They aren't giving the Chiefs very much credit. A common theme is the Bills won playing their B game. Not looking at other variables like how did the Chiefs play, were their injuries a factor, etc...Many think the Bills are by far the better team. Im not sure what game they watched.
  9. I doubt any Chiefs fan would say that was their A game. In fact, they most likely think they should have win the game. I totally disagree with you. Throw your stats out the window too. They didn't mean poop going into this game. Joe Marino in one of his podcasts said it too. Ask Mahomes if he played his A game.
  10. Flawed logic here. Did the Chiefs play their A game? Did the Chiefs defense and the crowd have anything to do with assisting the Bills B game? Do you expect the Bills A game every time they play? Think before you speak.
  11. I was so pessimistic that I predicted the Bills to win! Let that sink in. You argument is flawed. You just can't give the Bills a "pass" or excuse, because their offense was sloppy, made bad calls, and poor execution. That's ridiculous unless you expect perfection. Is that really being objective? Not going to rehash the game and cherry pick plays like you did. Again I ask how objective is that? After watching that game, I don't know how anyone can't be impressed with the Chiefs. This game illustrates that they a legit contender and can clearly compete and beat the Bills. The Bills took the lead with 1.08 on the clock. Then must of us I assume were on the edge of our seats praying the Bills wouldn't blow it. Yet, you and others want to proclaim the Bills as superior or way better. My eyes don't see it. Call the pessimistic all you like. Were the Chiefs injuries significant? Will the Chefs offense with their newly acquired receivers improve? Did the Chiefs play poorly with two INTs? I'm having a great night relaxing after a great, close, competitive win. Hope you do to.
  12. I am surprised at how well the Jets look. NE gets a big win in Clev. Miami gets back Tua. The AFC east is better than I thought. Sorry about that.
  13. Not sure how you can conclude that Buffalo clearly is the better team after this game. Sure Buffalo didn't play a clean game but neither did the Chiefs. Sure Buffalo has some injuries but so do the Chiefs. Sure the refs sucked but for both teams. Truthfully before the game I thought the Bills were the better team because of their defense and WRs. Afterwards, I think the Bills are still the better team but by a thinner margin. Right now not much separates the two teams. Maybe I'm wrong.
  14. What a game! So many ups and downs. Not for the faint hearted. Fantastic finish by the offense and defense. This team sure looks special to me. They didn't play anyway close to a clean game and gutted out a win in hostile territory vs an elite QB. Long way to go but the road is being paved brick by brick. I'm one happy Bills fan.
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