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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'm not in the camp that Allen doesn't have it. That's absurd. I'm down on his recent play mostly because of the inexcusable turnovers. I just didn't expect this from Allen.
  2. You can't run the ball in that situation. Too risky. You only had two good options. One was the sneak they ran. The other was shotgun and have Allen roll out to his throwing side with a tight end or wide receiver in the flat. Allen can decide to run if there's sn opening, pass the ball if the pass catcher is wide open, or just throw the ball away. Both plays have risks. Of course, the fumble we saw and there could be a blitzing defensive player that doesn't allow Allen out of the pocket. Either choice should have easily amounted to a victory. Leave it to the Bills to give another game away. Ellie teams just don't blow games like this. This team seems really overrated at this point. Their lines have holes, secondary is decimented with injuries, WR and RB depth is questionable, Allen is hurt, and the coaches are average. Hopefully, this team can get healthier and execute and play better. It's very possible but right now it feels a little morbid.
  3. Agree for the most part. However, I am down on Allen for a couple of reasons. (1) this is two and a half games of poor play. That includes 6 INTs in the most important of situations. Frankly losing the game or if you will preventing the Bills from winning. (2) Allen is not a rookie anymore. Hes a seasoned veteran with arguably the best talent in the game. These mistakes are inexcusable, rookie like, and difficult to understand. It's not just one bad game here. It's more like 3 to 4. Pitt, Miami, Jets, and Minn. Almost seems like the Bills and Allen left everything on the table after the KC win. Well said!
  4. Mango spot on once again. Will be unpopular here but the truth is spoken.
  5. Who does Mahones have as offensive weapons besides Kelce? Mediocre guys at best. Yet, he is able to spread the ball around and be productive because their offensive system which includes play calling is superior to the Bills.
  6. Criticizing his play doesn't equate to not having his back. That's really not a hard concept to understand except here on this board.
  7. Agree 100%. If you look at the last play Allen had a wide open Singletary. He would have probably reached the 10 yard line.
  8. Disagree it looked like a good snap but it's hard to tell whose fault it was. What is know is that should have never never never happened. It's probably less then a 1% chance of occurring. Leave it to the Bills. Disgustingly bad in every way. I wanna laugh just to take away the pain. Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much. The Bills are often their own worst enemies. There's my rant...
  9. I see little to no evidence of people turning on him. A few irrational posters perhaps. It's more of Alpha venting then anything else. Let him vent.
  10. This post is really over the top. It's reverse crying sort of speak. An overreaction to an overreaction. There are only a select few here who are in the category you are referring too. It hardly needs to be addressed or commented on. But hey, if it makes you feel better go for it. The vast majority here still support Allen. Still appreciate his skill set, Superman like plays, toughness, and will to win. Most are criticizing his colossal blunders at most crucial parts of the game. Frankly, they are beyond bad and inexcusable. Like it or not that's the blunt truth. That doesn't mean I'm throwing him under the bus, unappreciative, or ungrateful. Allen has said I'm playing like shi# and repeatedly said I have to play better. Soon it's going to be put up or shut up.
  11. For me, he blew the game in 13 seconds. His leash should be very tight thereafter...
  12. Beane is too smart for that. You have to look for a proven coach that has won and is offensive minded. Look at the KC offense. They throw the ball to everyone. You never know who is going to score. Bills don't utilize their offensive players. Where was Guilliam, Hines, Shakir, etc...I digress. No one is saying McD sucks what many are saying is he's flawed and unlikely to lead the team to winning the Super Bowl or even going there. If there's a coach who is available such as Peyton etc I'd advocate a serious look at him
  13. I yelled kick the FG and that mistake is owned by McD.
  14. At least Levy took the Bills to the Super Bowl. MCD can't even be the team to the AFC championship game.
  15. Most have already said he isn't going anywhere. You are late to the circle jerk! Maybe you can join coach McD and break one off...
  16. McD is just good enough to keep around. Seems unlikely to bring home a Lombardi Trophy.
  17. Again you are spot on. I can't say it better myself. So many people are blinded by the success MCD has had making the playoffs. So many aren't able to look past this and see the guy has choked away several playoff games. The guy just doesn't seem to have what it takes to get to the Super Bowl yet win one. This year is becoming clearer that Coach McD will likely not get it done again. One thing is know that Peyton can get it done! I think his experience with great QBs and his offensive mind is just what the Bills needs. I'd be fine with McD as the defensive coordinator. I mean look at what Daboll is doing with a sub par team in NY. It's beginning to look like Daboll was the mastermind behind the Bills success rather than MCD.
  18. I agree 100% with your opinion and analysis. Well done.
  19. Yes many were. However, how relevant is that statement? Each year is different with its own dynamics. Thus far, this year is disappointing. Perhaps my expectations of the team we too high. I totally bought into the hype. I didn't think we would be seeing Allen making critical INTs in crucial situations. Sure, I expected some bad throws or a poor game here and there. Let's be clear that's what's not happening now. It hasn't been just one game either. Looks like an earlier version of Allen. Add in he has an elbow injury which is likely going to be an issue all season. Not good!!! The WR core isn't nearly as strong as I thought. Besides Diggs they have been widely inconsistent. The RB core is very weak. Singletary is serviceable but he often doesn't "get run" and he's not a gamer changer. Teams don't game plan against him. The half dozen other RBs are all a dime a dozen. The Oline lacks depth and isn't a dominate unit especially in the run game. The defense is riddled with injuries. Poyer can't stay on the field and Tre can't get on the field. Hyde out is huge. Bills still are a liability in the run game. Gave up an 81 yard TD today. Typical long runs given up by a Fraizer run D. Coaching is not a stong point of the team. Dorsey is inexperienced and it's evident. His initial game plans appear solid but after the opposition makes adjustments he's lost. Abandons the run game and let's Allen play back yard football. That what my eyes are seeing. The season isn't lost by any means. 6-3 is still right there to make the playoffs and win the division. However, let's be realistic. The Bills are not the juggernaut we all thought they were. Of course, injuries are playing a major role here. The Bills have their work cut out to turn things around. With that said, let's forget about the Super Bowl talk until this team proves it's worthy.
  20. This team can't get it done on both sides of the ball. It's a good team but not a great team. I think it's safe to say Allen has regressed, secondary can't get healthy, run defense stinks, the offensive game plan and calling is poor, the WR besides Diggs are inconsistent, and the team is very good at losing close games. Good news is the Bills are 6-3 but it feels more like 3-6. Don't know how the Bills turn around the season.
  21. Who knows? What is know is that Allen and Davis have to be on the same page. Under those conditions they are no excuses. Allen had all day to throw that ball. Why are they challenging the Vikes best CB? Throwing in the middle of the field which is the most likely area for a INT. A colossal fail on every level. This team is so disappointing. At least now the Super Bowl talk should be put to rest.
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