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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. He can do his best Josh Allen INTs. Well said.
  2. Truthfully, was anyone confident in real time that the Bills would successfully convert that 4th down? I wasn't...
  3. Just watch the Jets game or the second half of the Packer game. That's what Cleveland is most likely going to do. Cleveland would love nothing more than to have long sustained drives running the ball and making a few timely passes. Don't discount Chubb breaking off long long runs that might result in a TD. Chubb is the best in the league in doing that. Cleveland best defense may very well be their running game. Thus, keeping the Bills offense on the sidelines. Brisett is capable of using his legs and making a few crucial passes to Cooper and Peoples. At this point, I'm not sure how any Bills fans can be confident goung into this game. The Bills have shown us their weakness vs the run. The defensive injuries have hurt the Bills in every facet of a defense. They were healthy vs the Rams and Tenn. The Bills aren't that team! They are a less talented team now then when the season started. Players and coaches have under preformed and made many mistakes. It's too early to tell but it sure is feeling like the season is or could be slipping away. The big bad Bills are no longer that. This is a get right game for the Bills. Then again didn't we say that for the last two weeks?
  4. I agree. However, it appears to me that Fraizer stays in his nickel base far too much. He seems reluctant to make adjustments to stop the run even when playing obvious running teams. The Jets game was a perfect example of that. I would had rather made Wilson beat the Bills with the long pass. Fast forward to Sunday. Statistically, Brisett is one of the worst long passer QBs in the league. The Browns arguably has the top RB in the league named Chubb and a back up named Hunt who could start on most teams including the Bills. So you think Fraizer stays in his safe defenses? Wouldn't you think he adds some guys on the block? I dare to say that Chubb and Hunt will gash the Bills if Fraizer stays in his traditional defense. The Browns are very very good at gap running. The Bills seem to have issues filling the gaps with the Packers and Jets. Minn is a little different running style with more outside run. Nevertheless, Cook was able to take a long run to the house. What makes you think the Bills can stop the Cleveland's rushing attack? Without Poyer, Hyde, Tre, and a banged up Edmunds the Bills have an uphill battle.
  5. At some point, I think you have to look at Fraizer's defensive scheme.
  6. I mostly agree with your post. However, a defense can't allow an 81 yard TD run. That's a serious problem. Almost like saying a CB did great breaking up all those 10 passes but he gave up two TD bombs. He he just cleaned up those 2 plays. Your argument is flawed at its premise. Not to mention they were gashed by the Jets and Packers. The Jets ran the ball 8 straight times in the crucial point of the 4th quarter. That drive started at the 6 yard line. I guess maybe it's a matter a semantics. Whatever you cal it the Chubb, Hunt, and Brisett running combo will test the Bills suspect run D. Teams have consistently sold out to stop Chubb without success. It's not like it's a secret what the Browns will do. On A positive side, he Bills were able to stuff Henry. Perhaps then can do the same to the Cleveland's rushing attack. However, the Bills defense seems to be a shell of itself since that game. Injuries, poor coaching, lack of game time adjustments, poor tackling, etc...are all in play. On a different note, I'd add in the Bills rush has been inconsistent and teams are able to get 3rd and long conversions at a higher rate that's acceptable. That was very clear in the Minn and Jets games. In concluding, the Bills have played remarkably poorly in their last 3 games. Starting with the once favored MVP candidate named Josh Allen. Can The Bills protect that ball and execute in the red zone? This is a game the Bills should win. At home and semi desperate for a win. The Browns have nothing to lose and I'm sure are looking forward to a Watson debut.
  7. I get what you are saying. However, I see a bit of a hedge of what you are saying. More specifically, you say you can't see the Bills losing. Yet, you admit it won't be easy and the Bills pull out a win. I would think it's reasonable to say that if the game won't be easy that the Bills can lost the game. I would think if you think the Bills can't lose you wouldn't be saying they will pull it out. Instead, I would expect you to be calling for a blowout. Maybe I'm splitting hairs.
  8. I can definelty see the Bills losing this game. Not sure why you can't see that? The Browns have a very very dangerous run game. Did you see Cook romp for an 81 yard TD last game? Chubb can break long long runs at every touch of the ball. The Bills have had serious issues stopping the run. Packers, Jets, and Vikes. Now they get Chubb and Hunt. Also, don't discount Brisett. Sure he's not great but he most likely won't have to be. Just asked to do enough to win the game and make a few big passes or runs which he's capable of doing. Think Zac Wilson. The Bills team is the X factor. Who knows what their game plan will be? The coaching has been very poor recently. Will they commit to the run the whole game? What kind of Allen shows up? Will it be Allen who leads the NFL in INTs? He ONLY has 6 INTs in the last 3 games. Will Gabe be the good Gabe or the bad Gabe. Same goes for McKenzie. Can The Oline open up holes for Singletary? How do the Bills stop Chubb and Hunt? The weather will be a factor. Snow and windy conditions clearly favor the Browns. How can Bills fans be confident going into this game? No doubt the Bills are the better team. We have seen the last two games and the better team doesn't always win. This team is playing poorly, injury riddled, and led by poor coaching. Until I see signs of progress, I will remain skeptical of this team. The "I can't see the Bills losing" is just out of touch with reality.
  9. At this point, I would rather see him run than pass.
  10. At the time, I thought Minn would not be able to score two TDs against the Bills at home. I thought they had a small chance to get a TD and a FG. Either way it was another colossal failure to close out a win. Gut wrenching and so frustrating. This team has been disappointing on so many levels. It's only week 10 but I just can't see this team with this coaching staff hoisting that Lombardi Trophy. Maybe I will feel different come playoff time. I think it's a pretty safe bet to say the division is up for grabs and the #1 seed and bye is bleak.
  11. I agree 100%. I was screaming at the TV in real time to take the easy 3 points. However, I understand going for it too.
  12. I thought the Brown secondary was pretty bad?
  13. Agree. There is merit and validity going for it up 10 points. A TD and extra point makes it a 17 point game which is likely the game. However, a miss keeps the game at 10 points and would obviously give the Vikes the momentum. My thought process in real time was take the 3 points. I was happy with making the Vikes score two TDs to win the game in our stadium. Imho, there is a huge difference between scoring a TD and a FG rather than two TDs. In summary, both decisions I think can be supported relatively easy. In hindsight, it's always easy to make the better decision.
  14. They can all be activated so they watch the game from the bench.
  15. I absolutely think the Bills can turn it around. They are not out of it by any means. They have a lot of games they can win. It first starts with Allen. He leads the league in INTs. Six in the last 3 games that we basically all on him. Several at the worst moments which led to the Bills not winning. Of course, several factors are in play as well and have been mentioned here. No need to rehash them. Are you confident this coaching staff will put the team in the best position to win? Are the Bills simply not quite as good as many of us thought. Inconsistent pass rush, poor run defense, WRs not named Diggs inconsistent, questionable coaching, play calls, and adjustments or lack of, Oline issues, Injuries, etc.. One game at a time has to be their mindset. This Cleveland game is crucial to getting right. Their running game will challenge the Bills. This is a game where the Bills offense should produce. Let's hope so.
  16. I screenshot a wide open Singletary on that play. I can't attach it because its too big. That was the obvious pass. Have you seen how open he was?
  17. I guess your expectations of a franchise QB are low. Take the INT that ended the hame for the Bills. Allen has all day in the pocket. He has an easy dump off to Singletary for a nice gain probably a first down. He could have ran the ball too. Instead he looks onto Davis who is coveted and covered by the Vikes play making best CB. Sorry that's not acceptable. Prior to that he fumbles a good snap to give the Vikes a TD instead of sealing the win. Let's be honest here.
  18. This is flawed thinking imho. It's like settling for mediocrity. Yes the Bills have found their franchise QB. Yes fans are grateful and estatic that Allen is the Bills QB. Is that the end of the story? Of course not. Allen had to produce and play like a franchise QB. Frankly, he had played like Shi# by his own account. He had reiterated he has to play better. In this game, when you don't produce especially at QB you will deservedly got blow back and criticisms. It comes with the territory. Allen isn't immune to it. That only part of the story though. It's not all Allen's fault. The team has offensive and defensive line weaknesses, problems at RB, consistency issues at WR, injuries galore including Allen, and into the worst overall coaching job I've seen in a long time. With that said, the fans want a Super Bowl and many realize that it may be slipping away. The Bills are no longer a dominate or intimidating team.
  19. This is the ultimate homerism post I've seen in a long time. So many excuses and optimism that defies reality. Let's set the record straight. Good teams just don't make the kinds of mistakes Buffalo is making. I'm not going to allow you to simply shrug them off as how hum and going down swinging. This is a pattern for several games and neither the players or coaches seem capable of stopping the wave of inexcusable mistakes. Edmunds is playing well but I fail to see how him in the game would have led to a Bills victory. The guy has NEVER been a gamer changer or wrecker. The team gave up an 81 yard TD run to Cook when it looked as if the game was almost over. With or without Edmunds, that just can't happen! Shouldn't happen! The Fraizer led defense still continues to have major issues stopping the run. What adjustments are being made? Your Minn get lucky and isn't sustainable is a ridiculous statement. Enough said there. Couldn't you say that the Bills strategy of abandoning the run and letting Allen play barn yard football is not sustainable? The shake it off and bounce back attitude was the same thing you and others said after the Packers 2nd half play and the Jets loss. Fast forward to a Minn. loss and it's the same old song again. Ground hog day anyone? The Bills are in jepordary of losing the season. Alarm bells are humming and hopefully they don't get totally activated Who knows how it will play out? There are several reasons why the Bills are playing poorly. It's injuries, play calling, coaching, players not executing and or not good enough, in game adjustments, etc...They are a team who continues to struggle to win close games. That's a sign of weak coaching and not an elite team. In conclusion, you have every right to see the glass half full just as much as anyone who sees it half empty. There are valid reasons to have concerns and hope.
  20. The Super Bowl hopes are fading with each game. Not sure the Bills even win the division. The Dolphins are the better team. Tua is playing great, Hill and Waddle are unstoppable, RBs Wilson and Mosert are dynamic in that offense, and their coach is everything that Dorsey isn't which is creative and innovative. I'm not sold completely on their defense but it's pretty clear who the better team is. However, what really matters is whose the better team going into the playoffs not right now. Hopefully, it will be Buffalo.
  21. Plenty of players, coaches, and injuries are to blame. Dorsey is certainly near the top of the list. As of now, I'm confident in saying a few things. The Bills are vastly overrated, coached very poorly, and unlikely to win a Super Bowl. My disappointment is growing with each game. I totally bought into the hype. Shame on me.
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