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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Tua just threw 2 bad passes let's hope it continues. Big advantage to Dolphins with Jimmy G hurt. Sucks! Looks like the 49er defense is gonna have to win this game.
  2. I agree. What did Elam do that was so poorly to be benched? I don't think he's been great nor horrible. He's been ok and is still learning on the job. Overall, a slight disappointment perhaps thus far. I mean what is Rhodes really going to give you besides some experience. His good days are long gone. There has to be more to this then we know. Coach McD response just doesn't pass the sniff test.
  3. Beane will never sign a deal like that. No worries. Bingo! I like this thought process. Cooks would ba a nice addition.
  4. I think Gabe has to get better at winning the contested and hard catches. His win percentage is near the bottom for WRs.
  5. Too bad the Bills couldn't have gotten Sauce Gardner. It just cost too much to get there. But damn that guy looks like the next Revis.
  6. Jones certainly doesn't have a strong arm. No denying that. However, while watching the game I thought he panicked under pressure. Very poor QB under duress. He had some opportunities to hit some open guys but caved under pressure. Maybe it's the system or lack of he's playing under. However, his eyes aka vision looked worse than his arm. Give the Bills D credit for playing well. Wonder how Mike White will preform? I think his first game was an outlier. I'm thinking the Bills D will force him into mistakes. I do believe he played the Bills and threw several INTs.
  7. Agree. I think maybe the elbow is feeling better. He had his first full week of practice in a few weeks. Add in a good run game too. Now, let's get Dawkins back soon please.
  8. I think his skills will be showcased when it really matters. Right now, the Bills seem to be happy with just using him in the return game. I might add he's very good, steady, and reliable. Huge upgrade there and worth the pick up alone on special teams. No doubt Cook emerging might derail Hines' playing time. That's not a bad thing. I'm thinking Hines will be used more in the passing game come playoff time.
  9. First off, i firmly believe what I say and said. Of course I was wrong and rightfully admitted it. I'm not here to " save some face" or play " I told you so." I've never once done that. So feel free to dislike and disagree with my takes. That's fine. To make untrue accusations and accuse me of being a worse type of fan is unprofessional and trivial Mr Moderator. I'll continue to wear my Bills gear proudly win or lose.
  10. Einstein, the Bills played a fantastic game. Can't play much better than that. Great mix of running and passing. Fantastic defensive and offensive game plans. Players on both sides executed well. Lastly, the offense was superb on 3 down efficiency and in the redzone against one of the best defenses in the league. Your final statement is disingenuous. The Bills weren't playing KC, Miami, or Cinci. The played the Pats and gave them a beating. I'm not short in criticizing the Bills. But man, it's really splitting hairs to find fault in tonight's performance. Josh looked like franchise Josh. Run game looks better than good. The offensive looked much more explosive while being much more diverse and balanced. Cook looks to be coming around. Lol dirty was solid for the 2nd game in a row. Defensively, Von who? No no just kidding. What a difference in the Bills defense with Tre, Rousseau, Epenesa, and Edmunds back in the mix. However, let's not get carried away here because the Pats offense sucks. Nevertheless, the Bills defense played well. Gotta give them credit. Just my two cents. Double post sorry.
  11. I've been the worst critics here. Boy was I wrong! Embarrassingly wrong. I watched the game and no way was it boring for me. It was a great win, complete domination, great game plan, awesome execution, vintage Allen, Diggs, Davis, Cook, Lol Dirty, Morse, Bates, Edmunds, Poyer, Rousseau, Epenesa (yes him), etc... In short, Bills put on a clinic and I saw an as$ whipping. Ok now I'll go back in my hole.
  12. Can't resist. What a great half by the Bills!!!!! Throughly enjoying it.
  13. I'm going to shut up now. No need to ban me. Give me a chance to shut up please.
  14. Ok I'll shut up and leave for a while. I'll just read others responses with no replies. Sorry to disrupt the board. Bye.
  15. That was a pre season assessment which is much different than an in season 11 game assessment of the Bills. Big difference! What do you disagree with what Cosell said? And why? I mean your more than welcome to address what Cosell said. What did he say that you think is inaccurate? And why? Those are his words not mine.
  16. Very fair. Of course Cosell isn't always right. However, his assessment of this Bills team Is based on analyzing the the tape and players. He is looking at an 11 game sample. This guy knows his football. Pretty sure you will agree with that. This assessment is much different than the example you provided. I think folks here should not dismiss what he says as a nothing burger.
  17. But the mistakes were made. You can't discount or minimize them.
  18. The offense is no longer quick strike and explosive. Greg Cosell has just recently stated this: We’ve become so enamored with Allen as a talent…they don’t have a good OL…they have one good receiver and a bunch of other guys…this is not a super talented offense.” @GregCosell not pulling any punches discussing what he sees from the Bills offense. This guy is as sharp as they come. He knows personnel and Xs and Os. A football guru if you will. When he says something like this Bills fans should be concerned. The alarms bells are ringing.
  19. Since your a big " homer" I thought I'd share this with you. A little reality check. Have you ever heard Greg Cosell? He is a very respected football analyst. Here is what he's recently said: We’ve become so enamored with Allen as a talent…they don’t have a good OL…they have one good receiver and a bunch of other guys…this is not a super talented offense.” @GregCosell not pulling any punches discussing what he sees from the Bills offense. Folks it's time to wake up and see the Bills team for what it is. They aren't winning out or winning a Super Bowl.
  20. The Pats have the number 2 QB pressure rate in the league. I believe they are top 5 in sacks as well. Judan leads the league in sacks. The Bills oline is injured and down their best player. I hope Allen doesn't get killed back there. Maybe he should run the ball 20 times. The Jets, Dolphins, Browns, Detroit, and Vikings pressured him somewhat consistently. How the heck are they going to stop a better unit in the Pats? More running since the Pats are vulnerable to the run, spread them out in 5 wide formations, more screens, etc... Almost game time. Can't wait to watch the game. Huge division game. Still think the Bills are a better team just because of Josh Allen. However, we need the best Allen on Thursday night.
  21. You can't play woulda, shoulda, coulda in football. If that's the case the Chiefs and Raven fans absolutely feel like they should have won the games against Buffalo. Early in the year, the Bills were healthy and dominate. They blew out teams. However, that early version of the Bills team is not what we see now. Not even close. No need to list all the injuries we all know them. Some might say if you have 2 score leads and lose the game your team isn't very good. Right? Or at the very least your team has some major issues to address. I'll stand by my statement that there's no way in hell this Bills team wins out. It's really blind homerism if people think that is a reality.
  22. Where did I say or imply awful? Please don't put words in my mouth or misrepresent what I said. Thank you.
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