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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I have no issues with negative and constructive criticism when the Bills don't execute. Unfortunately, it's not well received here.
  2. The major issue was Dawkins being out and Quesinberry playing on one leg. That will be rectified soon. Additionally, NE is number 2 in the league in pressuring the QB. I will say that the Bills Oline isn't great. They are adequate and can execute well enough to win and vice versa. Next year, I think Beane will address the oline. That doesn't help for this year. In short, it's not a strength of the team. Middle of the pack I suppose; not sure where they fall statistically. Too lazy to look up. Diggs has been a stud and the rest of the WRs have been inconsistent. I thought the WR core would be better. Davis has been disappointing and leads the team in drops and can't seem to catch contested balls. Lol dirty has played much better the last couple of games. Let's hope that continues. Not sure why Shakir can't get playing time. Just my two cents. TC
  3. Question is will you be one the idiots on the weekend?
  4. I don't disagree with any of that. Conversely, the Bills won the Chiefs game with 1 min plus on the clock. The Chiefs had lots of injuries too. Couldn't you say the Bills were fortunate to win that game. Made 4th down play to stay alive too. Look at the Ravens game. I suppose it can be helpful to look at past games to predict the future. However, there are so many variables in play I'm not sure it's really predictive. Look at the Miami game. Tua played with a concussion. Now the Bills can effectively run the ball, have smoke, Cook is cooking, Hines is added, Von is out, etc... I just find this kind of logic a bit perplexing. So many feel like their team should have won games but then don't look at the games they probably should have or could have lost. I guess that's what fans do including myself.
  5. I agree with most of what you are saying. He clearly blew the 13 seconds. No need to rehash that. I think he's an above average coach and I believe most football fans and so called experts would agree. However, this Bills team is built to win now and at the very least the next few seasons pending a healthy Allen. Anything short of a Super Bowl win or perhaps an appearance won't be a successful season. Coach McD has to lead this team to that Lombardi Trophy. If he can't it may be time for a change. Now, isn't the time for that. He deserves a chance to rectify his 13 sec blunder. I still see a coach who can motivate his players, has passion for the game, and players who respect and play hard for him. Look to the Diggs incident and the 12 day stretch where the Bills won 3 games under difficult circumstances. Look the the victory speech he gave the players after the Lions win. Vintage McD and that's hard not to like.
  6. Should just said this instead of saying "idiots come on the weekend." Don't you think?
  7. I really don't get this thought process. The margin for winning and losing games is pretty thin for most competitive teams. The Bills lost 3 games in a close fashion while playing pretty poorly, injury riddled, and other factors. However, the Bills won 2 games in dramatic fashion in the last seconds of those games. Point being, you could play woulda, coulda, and shoulda, every season. No better example than 13 seconds last year. Every season, I expect teams including Buffalo to win and lose games by the thinnest of margins. That's just football. For me, the frustrating thing about the season is injuries. Sure injuries happen and can be expected. However, losing key guys like Von, Hyde, Dawkins, etc...make it more difficult to win. Perhaps, Bills fans were fortunate not to experience serious injuries the last few seasons with the exception of Tre.
  8. I disagree with liking the Jets more than the Dolphins. I can see the case for liking the Jets because of their defense. However, their QB situation will be their downfall vs quality playoff teams. No way do I think Mike White or Zach Wilson can step up and lead the team to victory. I don't think the Jets D is elite enough to carry them very far in the playoffs. As a Bills fan, I'd rather have the Jets in a playoff game vs the Dolphins. Either way, the Bills should win. I don't believe either team is ready to advance far in the playoffs.
  9. Agree 100% about Miami. They are playing with house money too. They have nothing to lose. Even in the loss against the niners you can see the fins are for real. Tua played about as bad as you could and their defense had difficulty stopping a 3rd string QB. So they do have holes. However, they were in the game until the end vs the best defense in the league on the road. There are a lot of positives that can be taken out of the game for Miami.
  10. All the Bills remaining games will be competitive. Any of these teams can beat the Bills if they make mistakes, have injuries, and or the other team plays exceptionally well. The Bears with Fields running are no joke, Tua with his receivers are very good. The Pats defense is very good and can create turnovers. Of course, the Bills are the better team and should win. That Bengal game should give us a great measuring stick of how good the Bills are. Of course, we want the Bills to have the number 1 seed. It's a huge advantage getting a buy and home field. That would create a nice path to the Super Bowl. However, I am confident the Bills can beat any team on the road in a playoff game. This team is experienced and Allen can be almost unstoppable when he's on. The Bills defense hopefully is healthier come playoff time. That's a pretty tough schedule on paper.
  11. He's going to go back to the Pats and then retire a Patriot without playing a game.
  12. Don't know if it's been talked about. If so, I apologize. What does everyone think about McDaniels going for it on 4th and 1 on his own 18 yard line? There was around 7 minutes to go in the game and Miami had all their time outs. They were only down 6 points. I thought it was a terrible decision to go for it. Way too risky to go for it. A missed conversion and the game was over.
  13. Anything can happen. The Bills are the better team, playing at home, and we'll rested. They should win the game. However, the Jets will be confident since they beat the Bills already, fighting for their playoff lives, and have White who appears to be an upgrade over Wilson. A focused Bills team should take care of business just like they did vs the Pats. My initial thought is the spread is a little high. It's a division game, the Jets D is good, and the Jets team just doesn't give up. I could totally see a backdoor cover.
  14. Agree. I have a feeling it's gonna be huge no matter what. I think the best 3 AFC teams are Bengals, Bills, and Chiefs. No particular order and the separation between the 3 are razor thin. A number one seed with a buy and home field advantage is a very big edge. I like them. They are really fun to watch on offense. That offensive coordinator looks to be quite special.
  15. Agree. On any given Sunday Any team can get beat if they play poorly and the other team very good.
  16. I really underestimated how much of a difference maker Hill is.
  17. I know but right now it's time to be happy about the final results of today's games.
  18. Some great football endings for Bills fans!!! What a great week.
  19. Sure looks like it. The 49er defense is going to have to come up huge. Just so hard to stop that Dolphin offense. So creative and explosive.
  20. Their Wrs and offensive schemes are so good. They are beating themselves. The 49er defense looks average.
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