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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'd like to add the Bills catch a really nice break with RB Jeff Wilson being out. They will have a hard time establishing the run.
  2. I think the recent success against the Fins O has been press man to man coverage. I suspect the Bills will play more press coverage tonight until the Dolphins can show they can beat it. Fraizer has been more flexible in his schemes. Look at the Clev game and how they shut down Chubb.
  3. I'd love to see a blowout too. Big time revenge for the loss in Miami. Should have never lost that game and the Dolphins fans celebrated like they won the Super Bowl. Afterwards, they talked mad crap. I hope it's a big time Bills beat down.
  4. I think it's more about the skill set of the players. Elam was very good in college as a press CB. I think the Bills will play more press tonight since it worked well for SF and SD. Elam has struggled more with the Bills zone schemes. I'm thinking we much see a very good Elam tonight.
  5. Agree. I'm not sure why people would think this game is a blowout. The Bills are clearly overmatched on their oline vs their dline. I think the Bills will be able to overcome this but it won't be easy. I'm expecting Josh to really use his legs and create passes on the run. I think Tua will struggle in the weather, the crowd noise, and the Bills D. I expect a hard fought out low scoring win for Buffalo. Just win baby!!!!
  6. I know it's not likely but man I'd love to see Beasley play well and make some big plays. Does anyone feel like this could be a Knox or McKenzie day?
  7. Looking for a big game from these guys tonight. They need to harass and keep Tua out of rhythm. Hoping for some big turnovers too!
  8. I agree but the Dolphins defensive front is going to be a problem for the Bills Oline. Wilkins is the new Donald and Phillips is very good. Spencer Brown sucks and Bates is out. Allen will be running for his life as the Dolphins will be bringing the pressure. The Bills coaches better have a solid plan.
  9. Wow. What a fantastic breakdown and analysis. Really appreciated the in depth details to support your valid points. Well done!
  10. If we wanna play this game than most 100% would take Mahomes over Allen. Just saying...
  11. The cold and snow should favor the defense and limit both offenses. I think that's a win for the Bills. It probably neutralizes the speed of Miami's dynamic duo of Wrs and Mosert. The Bills have very little speed weapons. The Bills defense is better the Miami's. Well frankly that should have been done when there was 13 seconds left in a game.
  12. Wondering what the Bills game plan is for the Dolphins pass rush. I don't believe Spencer Brown can hold up well vs Phillips, Wilkins will create havoc because he's a beast, and the Dolphins like to blitz and bring pressure. The Bills coaches have to be prepared for their pass rush. Herbert was under duress all game. He was passing on the move often. Thinking it might be best to have Allen on the move rather than in the pocket. Maybe some quick screens and run the damn ball. Anyone have other ideas?
  13. The Chargers have more dynamic weapons than the Bills. Eckler, Allen, and Williams to name a few. Basically, the Bills have Diggs and who knows who from game to game. Add in the Bills Oline in not good either. Agree that Josh is special. However, he's dialed it back for many games now. We haven't seen a Bills offense that's explosive and dangerous in many many games. In fact, it's pretty much the opposite. The offense has failed to close out games and teams repeatedly in recent games. I no longer see this offense as scary or dangerous. The Oline has trouble protecting Josh, the Bills run game is sporadic, the pass catchers are inconsistent with the exception of Diggs, and Dorsey is learning on the job. I like the moves of getting Brown and Beasley because you have nothing to lose. However, these moves aren't a glaring endorsement of a well functioning offensive juggernaut. I suspect from here on out the Bills will be in many close games. No more boat racing teams. Great thing is they are battle tested and able to win tight close games.
  14. The WR core including Knox has been disappointing. Gabe hasn't been nearly as dynamic or consistent as a number 2 WR. Knox just isn't being utilized as a pass like you said. Lil Dirty is either good or bad with little in between. Can't count on him. Shakir is non existent. Kumerrow when healthy isn't very good. Brown and Beasley are dart throws. Crowder can't see the field year after year. The offense lacks constitency and true weapons. The Oline needs to be addressed to. Brown just blows and Stafford is washed. Add in an average RB core as well. Add it all up and you have a Franchise QB with little weapons and protection. Exactly why the Bills offense is no longer a quick strike feared offense. With Josh the Bills always have a chance. The defense is going to have to win a lot of games for the Bills. Very confident they could with a healthy Hyde and Von. With those 2 out it becomes a tall task for Buffalo. I'm not so confident they can defend KC and Cinci with any consistency. Thus, the offense at some point is going to have to respond.
  15. I think he did both. His latest comment was a good example of what you are saying. Clearly, he could have asked Josh why do you think this offense is good enough to win the super Bowl? It's recent play indicates it might not be. Instead, he choose to give his opinion or comment without a question. Obviously, Jerry is a very smart journalist. This wasn't accidental. I'm not sure what his intentions were. As a fan of the Bills, I liked what Sullivan brought to the table. His articles were often very good, accurate, controversial, and created a buzz. He's really one of the few Buffalo journalists that was extremely critical of players and coaches. Perhaps, to a fault but I do believe what he did was benifical to fans. Brings me back to the days of Larry Felser. I'm showing my age here. I miss Larry and his opinions. I'm sure I will miss Sullivan's work as well.
  16. Agree. The employer has every legal right to fire him. However, the punishment sure does feel extreme. A heart felt apology by Jerry should have been enough. Imho, it's an overaction. I always liked Jerry because he often asked questions or made comments that others were afraid to make. There is worth and value in that. Look at the 13 seconds and how that was pretty much swept under the rug. Never would have happened in a market like Chicago, NY, or Philly. Coach McD and others would have been pressed and pressed until the media was given some resemblance of a credible answer. With Jerry gone, now there will be a happy circle jerk for everyone . Times have really changed. I remember the days as a kid when there was a good old fashioned fist fight. Not anymore.
  17. I think it's fair to say he's not the 2020 Beasley. I don't think any of us or the Bills' brass thinks so either. The real question is can he help the team? Be a more reliable 3rd down receiver than McKenzie. Can he positively contribute? Obviously, the Bills think so or think it's worth a shot. Nothing to lose really just like the Smoke pick up. At this point, and little edge can make a difference.
  18. I agree. The formula to stop Tua was seen by the Chargers D. Press coverage and be physical. I think the Bills secondary in better than the Chargers secondary too. With that said, I doubt the Bills will change their defensive scheme. I will say Elam was a pretty good press man guy in college.
  19. The Bills pass catches seem to lose a lot of contested passes.
  20. I don't think it's accurate to call out the heart of the offense. They are giving it all they have and always play hard. I'm with you on the lack of talent, consistency, weapons, and creativity.
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