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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. He plays well in their system. Hill and Waddle are just so good. So wide open that Tua can be inaccurate and still look above average.
  2. They would be almost unstoppable. Even with Tua they are excellent and explosive. Can anyone see them beating the Bills if they meet up in the playoffs?
  3. I agree the Bills are the better team mainly because Allen vs Tua. However, it's clear to me that the gap is much closer than I thought. Miami is more than capable of beating the Bills. The dominance of the Bills team in the AFC is no longer a given.
  4. I think Dolphins fans, player's, and coaches would disagree with your take. I don't think any of them think they played their A game. What jumps off the page besides the TD drop was the Dolphins coaching calls on 3rd and 4th and 1. They refused to run the ball which likely would have netted a first down according to analytics. Strange series of calls when their Oline was clearly getting the best of the Bills. Yet, give the Bills D credit for great plays. Listening to fans and experts they clearly felt like the Dolphins blew a golden opportunity. An "A" game performance doesn't include the above mentioned events.
  5. I mean just go back to the Miami game for a reference point. That game went right down to the wire. Bills were at home and conditions slowed down the likes of Waddle and Hill. The Dolphins WR dropped an easy TD pass that clearly would have changed the complexion of the game. According to msny Dolphin fans, the refs were not favorable in their calls. Point being the Dolphins clearly didn't play their "A" game. They clearly had the edge on both sides in the lines. The Dolphins could have easily won this game. I'm sure Dolphins fans/players feel like they should have won the game. They let one slip away. The Bills were very fortunate to win the game. This Bills team is clearly one of the teams to beat. However, they aren't as dangerous offensively as in the past. No Hyde and Von makes the defense very good but not elite or dominant like the 49ers. Thus, teams have a much better belief that they can beat the Bills even without their "A" game. The Bills are winning but they appear to be beatable. Same goes for everyone in the AFC. Every little advantage is huge and the number 1 seed has a huge advantage.
  6. Perhaps. Sure looks like the Eagles are very good with a healthy Hurts. The 49ers with that defense and offensive scheme are legit. A healthy Deebo makes them extremely dangerous. CMC was a fantastic pick up. Can you imagine him on the Bills team? These are the clear top 2 teams in the NFC. In the AFC it is Bills, KC, and Cinci. I don't see much separation between the three. I absolutely think a Cinci "A" team performance can beat the Bills. I could totally see a team like Miami and SD going on an upset run in the playoffs. Yet, they are a tier behind the afore mentioned. Lastly, I'd ask when is the last time this team has played its "A" game? Not trying to be a smart a$$. This week we will see how great this Bills team is. A win likely gets the Bills a buy and the first seed. A loss likely puts them in the 3 seed. A much tougher path to the Super Bowl. Not devastating because I believe this team can win anywhere. They are battle tested, experienced, and very solid on both sides of the ball. Nevertheless, I want that number 1 seed!!!!
  7. No way on earth were the Bills toying with the Bears. I'd include teams like Balt, SD, and Miami as being very tough outs too. If any of these teams are in their "A" game they can be dangerous.
  8. Sadly the Bills WR core is pretty weak. Lately, I've noticed the lack of separation from the WRs. When you make picks ups of the likes of Beasley and Brown that really tells us all we need to know. Several playoff teams or likely playoff teams have more dangerous weapons. Chargers, Miami, and Cinci are clear cut above the Bills. Mahomes has Kelce and a mediocre defense yet they still win. Bills have Allen and Diggs and a good defense. I think both INTs were bad. Both are on Allen and those turnovers have to stop. The Bills will likely not win playoff games if Allen makes those kinds of mistakes. The margin or error and winning is very thin amount the teams in the AFC.
  9. It's not all about the numbers. Other factors are in play. More specifically, experience, team chemistry, rapport, and reliability to name a few. All in which Singletary has the clear edge. Yet, you refuse to see it. Like I said before your numbers are too small of a sample size. We don't even know what kind of workload the guy can handle. He's light in the ass and even in college he wasn't the featured back. He has a lot to prove in regards to handling a large workload. The playoffs are a whole different animal. No way am I trusting Cook to being the starting RB. He's too young and unproven. Too risky imho. I'd even argue that Hines is equally explosive and dynamic or close to it.
  10. I mean how did you think Singletary played today? Is a 33 yard TD run not good enough for you? Or 106 yard running? I'd say that's a pretty effective pay day for Motor. Do you remember how he was running around this time last year? Could he be on his way to doing it again? Why would you change the dynamics of the running game now?
  11. I think you are misintepreting what I've said. I do see Cook's explosiveness and quickness. I also see him missing blocks, missing gaps, and mistakes in the passing game between him and Allen. He's young, learning, and not as dependable as Singletary. No doubt Cook can be used and should be used in the Bills offense. He brings another dimension to the offense. I just don't think he's ready to step in as the starter. Motor is not as explosive but he's more experienced and dependable. Thus, imho he deserves to be the starting RB this year. Next year is a whole other discussion. I trust the Bill's staff will continue to use their RBs effectively. The call for Cook to become the starter is too premature and not warranted imho. That's really my point.
  12. If he was elite as you proclaim he would have been in the starting line up from day one. He would have gotten way way more touches than he's gotten. I trust the Bill's coaches decisions more than some internet guy drooling over a 6 game sample size. No offense.
  13. We know what we have in Singletary. 100% correct and I'd be more than content to see him as the Bills starting RB. Do we know what we have in Cook? Answer is no no and no. He's gone from being terrible to now playing well. He is progessing and showing promise. By no means does he look elite or to be a game changer. I don't think the Bills coaching would trust Cook to start in a must win game.
  14. I think the consensus of football fans and experts have the Bills, KC, and Cinci as their top 3 teams in the AFC. It's debatable as to what order you place each team. I think you are looking at the Cinci team through your Bills goggles. Cinci is absolutely a very good team. Very dangerous weapons, experienced, and a big time QB. All 3 teams have flaws. I'm pretty sure Cinci fans like their chances at home.
  15. Perhaps. At halftime, I had some reservations. I thought they would still win for various reasons. However, I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't concerned at halftme.
  16. I think you are getting a little lost with your stats. I've said over and over that stats don't tell the whole story. That's exactly the case here. Look at your sample size. It's not like Cook has been beating the drum for upteen games. Sure he has been playing better and is explosive. That's a great thing for the Bills offense. However, Cook is anything but a proven reliable commodity. His nice stretch of play doesn't warrant the starting role over Singletary. It warrants more touches which he is getting. The 1-2 combo of Singletary and Cook is nice to see. Now isn't the time for promoting Cook. I might add that it feels much more comfortable with Motor starting in big game vs Cinci, KC, SD, Balt, or any other quality playoff team. It's not like Motor is playing poorly. He ripped off a 33 yard TD and ran for 106 yards. This reminds me of last year when he really started running the ball well during crunch time. I can't believe you are "banging the drum" for Cook being the starter. Don't get lost in a tiny small sample of games and stats.
  17. The Bills were the superior team. It was pretty clear. The Bears probably have the worst WR core in the league. Their Oline is sub par as well. The only have Fields and Montgomey. The Bills talent coupled with a great game plan and execution was too much for the hapless Bears. With that said, I Give the Bills much respect for staying focused and taking care of business. I might add this wasn't an easy win like the score indicates. The Bills were losing the game at halftime. I know I wasn't the only one a little concerned.
  18. I just don't see Cook being the starter this season. That's my point. He's a rookie, still makes mistakes, isn't as reliable as Motor, and his rapport with Allen is ongoing. With the Bills in win now mode with upcoming crucial games it's no time to change. It's not like Motor is playing poorly.
  19. He's getting a little more integrated in the Bills offense. He can and does make some big plays. He could be an under the radar guy that can help the Bills win games. I would like to see him get a few more plays in the offense. However, Cook is looking better so that could limit his touches.
  20. This game should be a war. Bengals at home certainly helps them. I can definelty see this game going right down to the wire. The Bengals have some scary offensive weapons. Burrows usually shows up in big games. He's capable of going toe to toe with Allen. Chase and Higgins are a very good 1-2 punch. Nixon is capable of having a big game. The Bills offense with Allen will have to play well to win. This is going to be a really good measuring stick for both teams.
  21. I disagree. Cook is coming along well but he's not ready to be the starter. The Bills need Singletary's experience. He has a much better rapport with Josh and is a much better pass blocker. Right now, the Bills coaching seems to be figuring out the 3 headed monster on Singletary, Cook, and Hines.
  22. At this point, Hurts looks to be a much better passer than Lamar and Fields. Plus, the Eagles have a good oline and nice weapons with Smith, Brown, and Godart. The Bills D will have a hard time with their offense. I wouldn't complain seeing a Bills Vs Eagles Super Bowl.
  23. Really a solid Bills win considering being on the road, weather conditions, and a dangerous Bear running attack led by Fields. It wasn't pretty but the Bills team played solid as a team on both sides of the ball. The defensive game plan was simply outstanding. Give lots of credit to the coaches and the players executing. Much better job tackling today. Offensive was excellent running the ball. I'd say that was the best running game of the season.
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