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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. The Bills win and likely get the number 1 seed. The Bills lose and they are likely the 3 seed. That's about as big as an implication you can get for a regular seadon game.
  2. I'm not sure I've aeen hom break a tackle either. I guess that's not his game. He makes people miss. Once he's grabbed its over. I really liked Blackshear. He looked great granted it was preseason. However, he looks solid in his opportunities in Carolina.
  3. To be fair, Hines has never had a chance to prove himself as a RB in Buffalo. Clearly, he was picked up mainly for special teams. The coaches have decided to groom Cook which is a wise thing to do.
  4. Spot on question. I know many are calling for Cook to start over Singletary. At this point, I absolutely disagree with that logic. More touches for Cook is fine and I suspect that will happen. I have my reservations as to whether he can be a number 1 RB for the Bills. He is very unproven in that category. As previously mentioned, Cook wasn't even the cow bell running back in college. No doubt he will get an opportunity to prove himself next year. Personally, I'm hoping Devin signs with the Bills at a reasonable price. His best value is probably being a Bill. I'm not sure the open market will be that big for him.
  5. Agree with this. The offense needs explosive dynamic players. Cook and Hines are exactly that. I'm not convinced Cook is a 20 touch kind of guy. However, he's beginning to show his value to the team. Feed him little by little and see how he responds. Baby steps because he's obviously young and still learning. Motor is playing well and much more reliable and experienced despite lacking Cook's type of explosiveness. I trust the coaching staff to make solid decisions on how and when to play the combo of Motor, Cook, and Hines. I suspect all 3 will be an integral part of the hopeful Bills Super Bowl appearance and win.
  6. I like his quickness. However, he looks pretty light in the ass. I don't see him breaking many tackles when he gets hit or wrapped up. I realize that's not his game. I like the role he's playing and his current contribution. I'm skeptical that he's a starting caliber RB and a reliable workhorse type RB. To be honest, Blackshear looked and looks better than Cook. I get the Cook hype because we all want him to be the reliable, dynamic, explosive RB that the Bills have lacked for years. However, we've been here done that with so many RBs. Cook's sample size is way too small to start declaring him the next Barry Sanders. Let's wait and see how he develops.
  7. The two teams I don't wait the Bills to play in the first round are Miami and SD. For arguments sake that's the Bills don't get the first seed. Still think the Bills would win but it wouldn't be easy. I'd much rather play the Jets or Pats because their offenses are not good.
  8. You might be correct for some of their base. I'd like to think the majority of fans are more honest and humble when it comes to assessing and addressing their team. Unfortunately, the most radical and irrational are usually the loudest.
  9. Can they still make the playoffs?
  10. I agree do you think that's do to inexperience? How much upside does Tua have?
  11. Hope this humbles some of the Miami fans. They were talking mad crazy shi# for awhile now. Tua MVP, winning the AFC east, and going to the Super Bowl.
  12. Maybe Coach Flores knew something many didn't...
  13. Love the Dolphin loss. However, standing and seeding wise it doesn't change the needle for the Bills.
  14. Tua should never be mentioned in the same breath as Allen.
  15. No surprise here. That's all they run.
  16. It's Tua time folks. Who believes he can do it?
  17. Burning the clock so the fins have less time to score.
  18. I meant to jinx him. It worked.
  19. Tua time folks. The guy is a winner.
  20. He strikes me as a strange weird kind of guy. Maybe so smart he's kind of weird if that makes any sense. Sure seems to like his job, h8s players believe in him and play hard, and he appears to be solid in game planning and Xs and Os.
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