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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Let's go Buffalo! Bring home the win. This town will go nuts!!!!!
  2. On a scale from 1-10 how confident the Bills win? I'm at a 5.75. Almost a coin flip but slight edge goes to Bills because of Allen.
  3. You are entitled to your opinion. I don't have any urge to visit or post anything on another teams site. However, that doesn't mean others can't, shouldn't, or have the desire too. In fact, I disagree with your whole take. I welcome other fans viewpoints, ideas, knowledge, and differing opinions. Of course, so long as the post is appropriate and respectful. I thought the Bengals fan post was both that. Now agreeing or disagreeing with his take is a whole different issue.
  4. I think we fans are making way too much out of this. When it's kick off time the players have to execute. Talent and execution usually prevails. Hopefully, the Bills come out with the win.
  5. What a great game. The TCU vs Michigan was great too. Fantastic day of football today. That's all I have to say.
  6. I think they are completely separate issues. I welcome other fan bases to the board. So long as they are respectful; it's always good to get other viewpoints. I didn't see where Cesar was disrespectful or unprofessional. A little more humility might go a long way.
  7. Or maybe me if you read his response to my post. Pretty clever slight of hand...
  8. How am I missing the other team's behind? Are you implying I'm a "sell out fan?" Come on man you gotta be better than that.
  9. Great post! A little honesty goes a long way in my book. Very well done. Some people clearly have agendas to attack posters who don't "tow the company line."
  10. The Bengals hopefully lose this game. I hardly think it will be because of a Bengal letdown. Arguably ghis is the biggest game of the season. No way no how will either team not be focused and prepared. Execution is a whole other issue.
  11. Agree on the Chiefs being beatable. I would argue that their is no elite juggernaught of a team in the AFC. The consensus top 3 teams of the Bills, Chiefs, and Bengals all are beatable. The Dolphins, Chargers, and Ravens can make some noise if they get healthy. The AFC seems wide open. The Chiefs stand out because Mahomes is known as the Grim Reaper for a reason. I don't think it means much. This isn't a college game or players. Players don't need extra motivation for this game. Both team will be ready to rumble... Looking for that Bills KO or TKO.
  12. That's very fair. I could be overselling the Burrow skill set. I just clearly remember him on several occasions leading and marching his team down the field. Him using his arm and legs on timely runs. Maintaining his poise in the pocket and delivering on big 3rd and 4th down conversations. He's done it both in college and the pros. He seems to be a leader, a winner. a motivator, and his team believes in him. At least, that's what's engrained into my head when I think of Burrow. Perhaps, it's not accurate as another poster has pointed out his stats that don't elude greatness. I guess we will find out Monday.
  13. I agree with lots off your post. This game on paper is quite fascinating. The Bills D is very good. However, can we trust this defense? Throughout the year the team has been inconsistent stopping the run. They do very well against one dimensional running teams. The likes of the Titans, Ravens, and Bears. Are the Bengals in this category? The Bengals have struggled to run the ball. Nixon can be very good and Perine is a solid #2. The Bengals running game or lack of is one of the keys to the game. An effective running game will open up things for Burrow to carve the Bills D. A similar scenario to the one you have for the Bills. A major issue for the Buffalo has been tackling. This isn't the game to miss tackles. Clearly, the Bengals are a quick passing team. At times, they don't run enough. Sound familiar? I believe this is a game where the Bengals will try to do more with their run game. Negate the Bills pass rush and try to ooen things up for Burrow. Perhaps I'm wrong. Agree with your analysis of the Buffalo defensive scheme. You just don't blitz Burrow often. He usually makes you pay for blitzing. The Bills can't just sit back in soft zone coverage and be a pass funnel offense. Burrow will carve out the Bills D all day long. Imho, you have to confuse and pressure him. Thus, get him off his rhythm and timing. Easier said then done. Agree that the Bills D is better than the Bengals D. LB Pratt and LB Wilson are very good and physical. They will present problems for the Bills offense. Like you have stated the Bengals are good at stopping the run. Will the Bills be able to establish the run game? If they can't the Bills offense may struggle to move the ball consistently. After Diggs, the Bills pass catchers fall off dramatically with a lack of consistency. I'm thinking this could be a nice Knox night. Sure Allen is different than Mahomes. The Bengal D contained Mahomes. I don't think it's a stretch to say they can contain Allen. They are on the same level with a similar skills. Pratt and Wilson are solid LBs with speed, size, and strength. They will be spying on Allen. Great match up to watch. A few big other keys that may decide the game. (1) The turnover battle. Bills and Allen have to protect the ball. (2) Who has more explosive offensive plays? (3) Which coaching staff has the better in game and halftime adjustments. This game is setting up to be a classic. The anticipation is euphoric as a Bills fan and a football fan. On a national stage, I want nothing more than a Bills victory. Can't wait. GO BILLS!!!!!
  14. You don't have to convince me that Allen is a "different cat." I no Allen is elite and a franchise QB.
  15. The Bengals oline certainly is one the Bills can and hopefully exploit. Show me a QB who is really good with a very poor oline. Perhaps Allen is the best off the 3 when his oline breaks down. Hard to really know. Mahomes has an excellent oline. Imho, Allen is a better QB than Burrows. If I had to rate the 3 QBs it would be 1. Mahomes 2. Allen and 3. Burrows. One thing of note that I haven't seen mentioned is the offensive scheme of the Bengals. They play a west coast offense which is based on a very quick release passing game. Burrows gets the ball out very quickly. I believe he's in the top 5 in the NFL. Also, he is very good against the blitz. In short, his quick release may negate some of the effectiveness of the Bills pass rush. The Bills defense will have to successfully try to get Burrows to hold the ball longer. Burrows is quick to throw the ball away and move on to the next play. Perhaps the Bills can clog the middle, have tighter coverage, mix up their defenses looks to confuse Burrow, etc... Chase is very explosive, Higgins is huge and catches contested passes, Boyd is a solid #3, and Nixon and Perine can do damage catching the ball. The Bills defense has a difficult task on Monday night. With that said, they will be ready to play. They have to tackle well this game which hasn't been a strength of the team. Just my thoughts. Thanks.
  16. I hear you. I think many football fans get enamored with stats. Sure they are important and give you a general picture and platform to look at. However, stats can be deceiving and often don't tell a accurate picture. Let me use Allen as an example. Look at his college stats. Look at his accuracy. No need to get the numbers because we all know them. Prior stats confirm he was very unlikely to become much more accurate. Would you agree? See my point? Furthermore, show me the stats that show heart, will to win, leadership, and ability to make others better. Mike White this year comes to mind as a good example. So you can refer to the stats all you want. They are what they are. When I see Burrow in a big game I clearly see a man who is elite. I saw it in college, last year, and a bit this year. There is a reason why his name is associated with the likes of Mahomes and Allen. It's not because he's average or very good. It's because he's reached elite status. In short, the stats don't tell the whole picture and that's clear with Burrow. Trust your eyes just as much as your mathematical stats.
  17. If the Bills lose on Monday night it's not like the season is lost or the Super Bowl is not attainable. Many on here will be acting like it's over. It's not! Without a doubt it's much much more difficult to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. Nevertheles, I won't stop believing the Bills can win it all.
  18. i don't want to split hair here. I stand behind what I said. I'm going back to Burrow in his college days too. I saw a winner and a guy who knows how to lead a team to victory. I saw a Burrows who was elite in the playoffs and in the Super Bowl. He was absolutely fantastic in Arrowhead leading his team to a huge upset victory. Under attack and pressure he maintained his poise and delivered. Burrow is elite when it comes to big games. Sunday is a big game. You can do the math. Lastly, I agree with your Allen take. My post wasn't meant to be an Allen vs Burrow comparassion. I'd take Allen over Burrow all day any day.
  19. For the most part I agree with you. However, isn't there a chance that Josh and the Bills offense underpreform? Hear me out before you bash me. The Bengals D has been able to contain Mahomes and the KC offense. They had very good game plans. I'm thinking they will have a similar game plan for Allen. Will it be effective? Besides Diggs, who can you trust at WR? I get the leave it to Josh statement. He certainly can take over a game. However, he's not exactly been a world beater of late. It's been more the running game that's played well. This team seems more balanced and a bit less reliant on Josh than the past. Probably a good thing. Definelty have to limit the turnovers which has been problematic for the Bills. Containing Burrow is easier said than done. Burrow almost always comes to play when its a big game. The Bills should be prepared for the best version of Burrow. I hope the Bills D is up for the task. For sure, I'd feel way more confident with a healthy Von and Hyde. That's a moot point though. Go Bills!!!!
  20. A few things that make me less confident. Cinci defense plays Mahomes exceptionally well. Think they will have a similar game plan to stop Allen especially his legs. Cinci has 3 very good WRs who are all excellent at catching contested balls. Chase is a threat at all times to take it to the house. Burrows is a big time elite player in big games. He's a winner.
  21. I mean there is a legitimate path for the Bengals to win. They are at home as well. I've seen some picking the Bills as well. Imho, I could careless who they media is picking. It's meaningless.
  22. Maybe it's me but I see a lot of the same routes being run by the Wrs. TY is very experienced and I'm thinking he would have fit in pretty well. He looks decent in Dallas.
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