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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Gets me a little upset that the Bills kept Kumerrow and let Hodges walk.
  2. The defense when healthy is elite. However, with the injuries the Bills have I think they are good to very good. It clearly shows when they play inferior teams. However, I really don't trust this defense to stop quality playoff offenses. That's exactly what we saw for 5 minutes in Cinci.
  3. I don't dispute that. However, the Bills were going to be down 2 starters in the secondary and have Tre White looking average at best. I'm not convinced lots of adjustments would have slowed the Bengals down. Imho, the Bills just didn't have a healthy enough defense to stop them. I would have had little confidence they would have made the big plays when needed. Sure I could be wrong. I think it's safe to say the Bills defense got worse not better after losing 2 starters. If the Bills were going to win it was because of the offense. They would have have to played exceptionally well which is viable. Plays like the Beasley missed pass wouldn't have cut it. Bingo. I already said this. The Bengals attacked the Bills secondary With all their weapons. It wasn't just a Chase show. If it was I'd be more inclined to think the Bills could step up and stop them. Burrows has his way picking apart the Bills secondary finding the open receiver.
  4. Agree what baffles me is that the Bills D were getting blasted by the Bengals with their best line up. Yet, people think the Bills D is going to step up being down 2 starters in the secondary. Maybe I just don't know football.
  5. Here is the issue with what you said. Prior to the game, so many here refused to acknowledge or see exactly what you said about Cinci. That includes you too sir. I
  6. No one is saying that. At least I'm not. I think you are taking many people's posts out of content. All we have to go by is the 5 minutes and change of the game. With respect, it certainly wasn't going as planned or hoped by Bills players or fans. That's the point I am making. From the start, the Bills D was getying gashed and smashed. Sorry, there is no other way to say it or see it. Now, could the Bills come back and win the game? Absolutely they could have. We've seen it time and time again. This team is tough, resilient, and does win close games. However, the Bills were behind early, on the road, playing an excellent team with an elite QB and excellent receivers, and extremely banged up and thin in the secondary. Add that all up and it's a tough sell to me seeing the Bills win.
  7. I didn't get that feeling because I felt like the Bills O would score. I did feel like the Bills D was going to have major difficulty stopping the Bengals O.
  8. Sadly, I agree with you. However, one thing about this team is it's ability to weather the storm and win close games. This team does know how to win. The Bengals offense would have been difficult to stop with Hamlin and Johnson being out.
  9. Perhaps. May I ask if you think the Bengals D would have adapted and adjusted to the Bills O? Is that a possibility? Lou Anarumo is one of the better at in game adjustment D coordinators in the game. It cuts both ways here. Can't just say Bills D would have adjusted and tighten up the screws without saying the Bengals might have too.
  10. Very true but at least you can admit the game wasn't an ideal start for the Bills. Especially, playing on the road against an elite team, elite QB, and a dynamic WR core. Sure no one knows the final outcome but the beginning surely wasn't encouraging. Can we agree on that?
  11. When an offense scores a TD on its first drive and is driving for another score in 8 plays that speaks volumes to me.
  12. I saw a slim path for a Bills victory the way the game was playing out. I don't see how the Bills secondary would have stopped the Burrow and his pass catchers. Allen would have had to played the game of his life for the Bills victory.
  13. Disagree. I think we can tell a lot from what we saw in the game. I'm pretty sure that Bengals fans and players feel much better about their chances of beating the Bills. They were up 7-3 and likely going to score again. Bingo!
  14. The offensive styles were the major difference of what we saw. The Bengals were fast, dynamic, and explosive. 8 plays a TD and likely another score in the process. The Bills D looked lost, out classed, and porous. Sure we've seen it before but nothing indicates this D was going to slow down the Bengals O. The Bills looked much more methodical. Mixing in the run and pass. The Bengals D would have struggled stopping the Bills O. However, I just felt like the Bills O had little room for error. Tougher to go on long methodical drives and score time after time. Thus, the Bills settled for 3 points.
  15. Prayers go out to Hamlin. That's obviously the most important priority! Waiting in agony for positive results. However, maybe we can just talk a little football just to escape reality and cope with the sad occurrence of events. With no disrespect, I'd like to address the 5 min and change of the game. Please no disrespect is intended. Bengals elected to get the ball and moved through the Bills D like Swiss cheese. They made an early statement that their offense had no fear. They immediately went after Tre. Tre is not the Tre of old. No way can he play Chase one on one. Very surprised that the Bills immediately blitzed Burrow. Burrow has killed the blitz all year. Not sure what Fraizer was thinking. After that, it was Burrow playing catch with his receivers. Early on it appeared that the Bills secondary and zone scheme was over matched by their receivers. Their second drive which ended in the tragic event started out similarly to the first. At this point, it looked as though the Bills couldn't stop their potent offense. Would the Bills be able to make adjustments and tighten up? They have done this in the past. The Bills offensively on their first and only drive looked good. The were well balanced mixing in the run and pass. It was quite different than the explosive fast striking offense of the Bengals. The Bills methodically moved the ball down the field. It was clear the Bengals were going to pressure Allen. It looked like the Bills O was working very hard for every yard and first down. Tough way to score and win. I felt like the Bills had to be precise on every play with little room for error. Turned out to be true with the Beasley missed pass and catch. My early thoughts of the game were that this was going to be a very difficult game for the Bills to win. Bengals offense was simply too good and too explosive for the Bills. Meanwhile, the Bills offense was had little room for error. Allen was going to be pressured throughout the game. I still felt like the Bills offense would score plenty. We will never know how they game would have ended. Just pure speculation on my part. Early on the Bengals were the much better team. Get well #3.
  16. I work security in different hospitals. I've seen many patients incubated and survive. I know each case is different but there is hope. The longer the incubation the less the patient has to survive. Prayers for #3🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  17. The hit really looked harmless. I'm thinking he may have an unknown pre existing heart issue. Not that it matter just speculating. Right now, let's hope he's gonna be OK. F football right now!
  18. Thanks. I guess we all want answers we can't get right now. Prayer is needed.
  19. The game really has no more significance to me. Its not about football right now.
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