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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Lou Anarumo took him to the woodshed. It was actually embarrassing how bad of a mismatch it was. The playoffs are a whole different ballgame. Dorsey's inexperience and lack of creativity was exposed.
  2. 100% true. However, they have weapons on both sides of the ball that don't even compare with Buffalo. CMC, Deebo, Kittle, Aiyuk, Bosa, etc...They indeed have a superior coach and scheme on both sides of the ball. No debate there. Food for thought on CMC. That pick up moved the 49ers offense to elite. Shannahan knows how to utilize him. Do you think CMC would have bern remotely as effective on a Bills uniform? My answer is no and that illustrates your point. Why wait for future failure? Make the move now. Who here feels confident McD can win in the playoffs. It's one and done.
  3. Come on now. You are cherry picking for sure. Look at Rodgers, Elway, Payton Manning, Marino, and Jim Kelly.
  4. That's pretty harsh and I'm a critic of coach McD. He absolutely deserves some credit here. He has made the playoffs in a consistent fashion and the Bills have won the AFC east as well. Is it enough? No is my answer. Nevertheless, he and Beane do deserve some credit. However, the Bills have been in win it all mode for the last two years. Whether that's fair cam be debated. I think that opinion reigns true. So, coach McD has failed the last 2 years with the win it all mindset. His leash is tightening and he probably deserves another shot. I tend to think it will be another wasted opportunity. Truthfully, we have to evaluate and look at the off season moves, signings, or lack of. To be honest the win it all mode might not be realistic. It seems as though the Chiefs and KC are ahead of the Bills. Others are knocking at the door. Lots of variables and unknowns in play. Next season will be interesting. I know right now im not nearly as excited or enthusiastic about the Bills chances of hoisting the Lombardi. Let's wait and see...
  5. I can totally see the Dolphins passing the Bills for the AFC east title. The Jets need a QB. If they get Rodgers or Carr they can give the Bills all they can handle. It's no lock this team makes the playoffs. However, I have to think that Allen can at least win enough games to make it there.
  6. Well said. I completely agree. I would go one step further and ask you if think Coach McD can lead the team to the Super Bowl? I have serious doubts he can.
  7. I agree. The issue with the Bills is really two fold. It's on both the coaches and the players. The coaches lack the ability to win deep into the playoffs. Their game plans and adjustments are inferior to their opponents. The Bills lack talent on both sides of the ball in the trenches. They are soft, light, and vulnerable to being pushed around. Hard to win playoff game vs good teams with holes on both lines. Beane has whiffed badly with his DL drafts. The Bills organization has made poor decisions with regards to their Oline. It's been problematic for years. I will just stop here because they are more concerns.
  8. That's a fair post. Facts are facts. By no means am I saying Coach McD is a poor or bad coach. I'm saying I don't think the guy can led this team to the Super Bowl. It's been 6 years counting and him and his coaching staff have failed pretty miserably in the playoffs. That KC debacle last year was totally unacceptable. A CEO of a company would have been fired on the spot for such negligence. The Cinci game made it clear that Coach McD didn't have his team ready. Did the Bills even have a defensive or offensive game plan? Did they learn anything from the Monday night game? You can make all the excuses you want. However, that falls directly on the head coach! Bills fans in attendance should ask for a refund because the Bills never took he field. To be honest, they were fortunate to win vs the Dolphins. I think it's pretty safe to say if Miami had a healthy Tua they would have likely won the game. Fast forward to now and what do the Bills have. A franchise QB and holes pretty much everywhere else. Poor oline and dline, poor weapons on offense, and a defense that looks very good in the regular season. Come playoff time it's a whole different story. Question: When has a Fraizer led Bills defense stopped or contained a quality playoff offense? I haven't seen it. Have you? Coach McD is a what? A defensive guru and a master of the secondary. Right? Connect the dots... If you are fine with continual playoff appearances only to get bounced early then coach McD seems to be the guy. Cesar the Bengals fan FWIW stated McD isn't the guy. Strange comment for him to make. His eyes are clearly more unbiased in that regard. I'd say that comment is worth something. Six years of a proven track record. Facts are facts. I'd rather take my shot with an offensive minded coach who has won it all. I have lost confidence in coach McD. Just my two cents.
  9. Imho, 13 seconds was much much worse. That should have NEVER happened. The Bills were the better team. The Cinci game was a thrashing, A$$ whipping, beat down, etc...They were the better team by miles. The score felt like 47 to 10 not 27-10. It was over fairly early. This game was easier to swallow for those reasons. Tip your hat to the Bengals they earned the win.
  10. You are saying this after the fact. Most posters here didn't say anything close to what you are saying now. In fact it's was the complete opposite. It was all Bills and how they were going to smash the Bengals. Injuries and coaching meant little to nothing. At least that was 90% of the sentiment. Now people want to play armchair QB now. Come on... I posted several concerns about how the Bills defense was unlikely to stop the Bengals offense. I merely got my head chopped off. One complaining about my "bad vibe" despite my valid concerns. No bragging here because I've been more wrong than right.
  11. I'm done with Coach McD. The 13 second diasater, multiple playoff failures, and yesterday's debacle is enough for me. My only issue is what coach is out there besides Payton that is very good. Maybe Frank Reich? Lol. I'm pretty sure Coach McD will still be coaching the Bills next season. Next year could very likely be the year he loses the locker room.
  12. The guy is a proven winner with a Super Bowl ring. Took over a failing franchise with minimal talent and a young inexperienced QB. Led his team to a playoff win in his first year there. Yet, he sucks. Coach McD is clapping his way to his couch. Fraizer and Dorsey get their butts kicked. Maybe you missed the teams game plan vs Cinci. Oh my bad, I missed it too. What was the game plan? It's time to seriously make some coaching changes. Going into next season with this crew won't get it done. Fraizer needs to go, Dorsey wasn't good. Coach McD has lost my confidence. Multiple failures in the playoffs with poor game planning and execution.
  13. Another words you knew the Bills weren't a Super Bowl caliber team.
  14. Couldn't agree more. Coach McD hasn't gotten this team over the top. I see nothing that gives me hope that he can. Six years and counting and the Bills are still inferior in the trenches on both sides of the ball. It took Any Reid and the KC organization about 2 years to solidify their Oline. Zach Taylor and the Bengals improved their Oline. They manhandled the Bills with their back ups. You won't beat many playoff teams being weak in the trenches. Fraizer has to go and the Bills need to get way more creative on offense. I'd trade Dorset for Frank Reich. I'd pay a draft choice for Payton and thank coach McD for his service. Another year of these coaches just seems like it won't get it down. Sometimes change is needed. You should save this post. It will likely be useful after next season. Ground hog day...
  15. That's part of the problem. I think their really should be no excuses to why the Bills dline couldn't and didn't pressure Burrow. They had no answer for stopping the run either. Honestly, they were manhandled by second stringers. If that doesn't alarm you then nothing will. Boogie and AJ are just back ups at best. A dime a dozen sort of speak. Rousseau and Oliver are not dependable. I hope the Bills let Oliver walk. He's not worth any kind of deal. He's undersized and shows a flash here or there. The injury excuse just doesn't cut it. Let's hold players and coaches accountable rather than lame excuses. The Oline equally got manhandled by a team that mostly rushed only 3 or 4. However, they threw in timely blitzes which were extremely effective. Quite the opposite of the Bills performance. The Bills organization has a lot of work to do to improve this team. Quickly a Super Bowl appearance looks more distant as the days pass. Luckily, the Bills have Allen but as we've seen even he can't do it all by himself.
  16. Folks here is a great listen. Honest and straight forward.
  17. Fantastic post in a sad way. I couldn't have said it any better. Truthfully, why should we wait another year? What do you think is going to change in a positive way? The guy is a very good coach who can build a team from the ground up. However, he's not capable of getting to the promised land. If you are good with playoff appearances and early exits then he's your man. I'd prefer to go the Rams route. Win it all and then suck afterwards.
  18. I just assumed Payton wasn't interested in coming to Buffalo. You think he would be if the job became available? I absolutely think he would be a great addition. This team and organization needs a change. Coach McD has been in Bflo for 6 years. He's been very successful. I'm grateful for his accomplishments. However, I'm convinced maybe wrongly so that he can't and wont get the team to the Super Bowl. An offensive experienced man like Payton is a proven commodity. Allen will excell under a Sean Payton led offense. Terry P. get it done please. I agree. They need to address the offense. Oline and Wrs. Go down swinging in shootouts like the Detroit Lions. Get rid of Fraizer and bring in an aggressive D coordinator like Swartz or Wink.
  19. He definetly regressed some this year. In his defense, he had a new OC learning on the job, a poor OL, had an injuried elbow, and lacked weapons. So it's pretty to see why he wasn't at his best. Allen is the least of the Bills problems.
  20. It won't surprise me at all if this team regresses. The holes are major to fill at almost every position except QB.
  21. I will summarize what you are saying. In essence, the Bills aren't that talented or good. They were overrated. The future doesn't look as promising ad we once thought. How did I do? Pretty easy not to hold when the other team's back ups are better than your starting group. To add insult to injury, the Bills Oline couldn't hold off a Bengals rush that frequently rushed only 3 or 4 players.
  22. Good post. Agree and disagree with your points. Agree, I didn't see a blowout coming either. I thought it was going to be a close fought game. I expected the Bills defense to have major problems stopping the Bengals offense. I figured Burrow would carve up the Bills D. I had little faith they would set up. Stated so here and people were patronizing me for my thoughts. No pat on my back here as it isn't consolatory. I was unfortunately correct. On offense, I thought the Bills would be successful. I imagined a fairly balanced attack with TDs passes to Knox and Davis. Envisioned a great effort by Allen in crucial times. The Bengals were able to rush and pressure Allen with ease. They dropped back defenders and didn't even need to blitz often. I thought the oline would be vastly better. Unfortunately, I was incorrect. Fast forward to today which I can describe as a "football hangover." I have not watched one single interview, press conference, critic, etc...The wound is too fresh. My initial thoughts going forward. The Bills are a good team. A team that will likely make the playoffs for several years to come. The have Allen and enough pieces to accomplish this feat. However, the Bills will likely fall back into the back to the likes of other playoff caliber teams. Miami is basically as good as the Bills and maybe better if Tua can stay healthy. Miami, Pitt, Jags, Jets, Pat, Balt, etc...will likely close the gap on the Bills. The Bills will not be a dominate team nor will they be feared. In short, the Bills organization is taking a step back not forward. Why would I think that? Two reasons. (1) the Bills have a lot of holes to fill. Both sides of the ball in the trenches are inadequate. Poyer is likely gone and the Bills secondary isn't elite. Their defensive scheme is very beatable. It's effective vs inferior teams thus you get inflated D stats. We've seen this for several years now. Two years in a row the Bills D has crapped the bed in the playoffs. You just can't ignore this. The Bills D is not playoff reliable! (2) The coaching staff is good but not elite. Truthfully, a change is badly needed. Coach McD and company has run its course. I give coach McD credit for installing a culture, winning, making the playoffs, and being a high character guy. He's a great coach for turning around programs and developing a winning culture. Imho, coach McD isn't the coach to take the Bills to the next level. Several years of failed playoff appearances . 13 seconds still looks large and yesterday he was clearly out coached by a country mile. I suspect my views here are in the minority. I get that. My only issue is what coach is out there to replace McD? It has to be an forward offensive minded individual. Is that person out there? In concluding, I look forward to another season, the Bills moves, trades, signings, releases, and changes. No one really knows how it will play out next year. What's known is this year was one hellava roller coaster ride. So many highs and lows. Very disappointing ending to a season with the loss to Cinci. However, it was overwhelming and exhilarating to see Damar alive and well. I'll take that trade all day any day! With that said, this makes the season a success because football became secondary in my eyes. Thanks to everyone for putting up with my posts and thoughts. I know I'm not an easy read.
  23. Because they were. Their second stringers were better than the Bills first stringers. If that doesn't raise eyebrows I'm not sure what does. Beane has failed time after time with his high draft picks in this area.
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