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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I agree. I think this year is crucial for the coaching staff. If things go sour, I can totally see the players like Diggs expressing his dissatisfaction. It could be the start of turmoil. McD will be on the hot sear but likely be safe. The scapegoats will be Frazier and Dorsey.
  2. Looking back at the Oliver pick. It was a fairly big risk solely on his size. I myself was intrigued by his athleticism and liked the pick. However, his size measurables are in the bottom tier in every category. Drafting is about accessing risks and this probably should have gotten the Bills off of Oliver. I mean how many dominant Dline players are 6'1" or 6'2" 285? I can't think of any but im sure there are a few. Of course it's easier to criticize after the fact.
  3. Very impressive post. In depth, integrated, conclusive, and analytic. Really appreciate such knowledgeable posts like this. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  4. I hear you. I think the Dolphins will ride Tua until he's incapacitated. That hopefully won't happen. They just want to win and their actions showed that vs the Bills.
  5. I think the Bills organization has let down Allen and it's fans. They have clearly failed to provide adequate protection and dangerous weapons for theor elite QB. They have mostly missed on drafting solid offensive pieces. Some could argue rhey neglected it with a heavy concentration on the defense side of the ball. They have failed to produce in the playoffs. Look at what KC did. Mahomes wins Super Bowl quickly and appears in another. Eagles with Hurts makes Super Bowl in his 3rd year. Allen in 6 years has no appearances. That says it all folks. You have you answer..
  6. Tua proved he is pretty good. The team chemistry with him aboard is at another level. His skill set is limited but his leadership, grit, and ability to win is above average. Of course can he stay healthy.
  7. Agree mostly but the last paragraph is pretty harsh. I think I the window is slowly closing and not shut. Allen with a tiny bit of help can take the team to the playoffs. Many will still see this as a success especially after the past Bills teams. The team doesn't need to rebuild since they are still a top tier team. However, they need more than a tweek as some have suggested. Big upgrades needed on the lines and at WR. Expectations of this team should be tempered. The thoughts of a Super Bowl run next year should be an afterthought. The Bills desperately need new blood and changes in the coaching staff and schemes. Fraizer needs to go, Dorsey needs to show more, McD has to prove he can get over the hump. Beane has to show he can win it all not just have successful regular seasons.
  8. I agree. I think the team is on the decline because it has many holes to fill with limited resources to rectify them. Both sides of the line are not good. Big question marks at RB. The WR core has a great #1 and then drops off the cliff. There will be injuries to deal with next year. That's just football. Which players will step up or disappoint? Lastly, the Bills have a Fraizer lead defense with a scheme that just doesn't win in the playoffs. A Dorsey who underpreformed and hurt the Bills offense especially in the playoffs.
  9. Problem is Bills fans were subjected to nearly 2 decades of failure and mediocrity. Subsequently, many fans are so happy to have a Bills regular season winning record, AFC East titles, and consistent playoff appearances. If you will the "bar" is set low. Winning a Super Bowl almost seems unattainable. Yet, we fantasize about the Bills hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. We remain hopeful despite the overt signs that it's unlikely to happen. Years pass and the so called window gets smaller and smaller. Other teams surpassed the Bills while others are on it's doorstep. The time to hoist that Lombardi trophy was the last two years. Two years of wasted opportunity. How many more opportunities will present itself? As a fan, it hard to be overly enthusiastic about their return. They have been repeatedly out coached in the playoffs. I see a path where that continues. How can Bills fans can trust this regime in the playoffs?
  10. I say 9-8 and miss the playoffs or 10-7 and get a wildcard playoff game. Miami wins the AFC East. Cinci gets the number 1 seed.
  11. Agree but will there be quality starters available in the mid to later rounds? There is some merit to moving up for a top Ol or WR. I'd rather have one big hit than a bunch of mediocre non impact guys. The real question is can the Bills scouting department find the right guys to draft? Make the right moves to position themselves? The track record is mixed. This draft year seems to be crucial due to the circumstances of the cap and holes on the team.
  12. Agree but sometimes it better to get quality over quantity.
  13. Great write up. I don't like the WR Rice pick at 27. On the other hand, I do like the Vorhoees pick. Trade back if you can.
  14. I am greatful of the teams playoff appearances, winning the AFC East titles, and their regular season success. No doubt the teams success is great compared to the Bills previous losing ways. Don't you crave more? A Super Bowl appearance and a Lombardi Trophy? I'm not advocating a total blow up. Everyone's idea of tweeking I suspect is relative and different. My main issue is that Beane went to the podium and basically stated they are going to run it back. No major coaching changes, hope for healthy players, hope for player development, hope for a few good moves in FA or the draft. Sell that dream... A Fraizer's lead defense is incapable of stopping or containing the big boys in the playoffs. It's really just that simple. The sample size is there. Do you really think he's going to tweek the defense? The old saying is you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Fraizer really needs to go. Sometimes change is a positive thing. Dorsey was taken to the woodshed in the playoffs. His offense and his schemes were pretty bad. Clearly, his "learning on the job" hurt the Bills chances this year. (A Daboll lead Bills O might have very well have gotten the Bills over the top.) The real reason the offense statistically did well was because of Allen despite Dorsey's ineptitude. How much better is he going to get? Are you confident in running it back with him? I absolutely love Coach McD character and his ability to bond the team. However, the past two years I believe he's lost quite a lot in the football Xs and Os. Nevertheless, he's a very good coach and a better replacement will be a daunting task. I myself would prefer an offensive minded coach who could take Allen to another level. I don't see McD as that guy. He just doesn't seem to have that killer mentality. The old saying nice guys finish last. Coach McD priorities family, God, community, and being a great person over football. He's absolutely correct here. That doesn't sound like the Patriot way. Just throwing it out there for thought. Running it back with a few tweeks likely doesn't get it done. Cinci is by far better than Buffalo. KC is better coached so they are better too. Miami, LA, Jags, and Jets may very well surpass the Bills. If you are satisfied with making playoffs appearences and not making Super Bowl appearances this regime will excell. Until they can get over the hump I will remain skeptical. Next season just seems like groundhog day... With that, I'm done expressing this viewpoint. I don't want to be a burden or a pain. Thanks for listening.
  15. Depends on how you look at things, your expectations, and your end goal. This regime as you have stated has made 6 straight playoff appearances. No small feat and a nice accomplishment. However, what has the team accomplished in the playoffs? Have they even advanced to a AFC conference game? Answer is no. What makes you think they can get over the hump? If you are happy with consistent playoff appearances with constant disappointment then I get it. That's exactly what this team has done. You can have hope and be optimistic about the future. I get that. Hope and optimism are great but it's no indication of future results. All we have is past results. Thus far, the Bills team has failed to meet its goals. The last two playoff appearances have been extremely disappointing. Imho, the cracks are beginning to show. Those cracks make it much more difficult to be optimistic.
  16. The whole offense seemed to never be on the same page. Often out of sync, rhythm, and lacking cohesion and identity. The Oline obviously has issues. No need to rehash them. The run game and run game plan was sporadic and schizophrenic. The use of Rbs in the passing game is beyond questionable. Dorsey was the main issue for a lot of the above. The pass game lost its potency. Besides Diggs the Bills had no reliable WR. The Bills WRs couldn't get any seoeration. Seemingly, the Bills WRs were always covered. Opposing defenses were all over the predictable passing scheme of the Bills. Dorsey was the main issue for a lot of the above. However, Dorsey can't only be the one to blame. Plenty goes to head coach McD for his hands off approach especially with the offense. Players play the game. Safford and Brown on the Oline were liabilities. Gabe and McKenzie are nice back ups. Brown and Beasley shouldn't be on the field. The Bills were desperate. Cook, Shakir, and Hines were underused and their skill set was mainly wasted. Coaching coaching coaching... Lastly, Allen has to be discussed. Make no mistake about it he is elite and a top 5 QB. His poor play was a result of poor coaching, game planning, and lack of weapons. As a result, Allen pressed, took reckless chances, lost some confidence, and was a turnover machine. The offensive issues were exposed in that Cinci game. All the above was clearly evident in that game. It wasn't a "one off" as presented by Beane in his presser. As Beane stated many times you are as good as your last game. The last game tells you about your weaknesses. Conveniently, Beane skirts that issue. Folks, the writing is on the wall. This team is likely to regress. With Allen, the Bills always have a fighting chance. I'd argue the chances diminish so long as the current coaching staff remains. It's clear they can't get it done in the playoffs. Six years and counting. What's going to change now?
  17. I'd try to trade Oliver and get a draft pick. Hopefully a 2nd but more likely a 3rd or 4th. No way should the Bills pay him big money. Oliver is nothing special and far too light in the bootie. He shows a flash here and there but not even close to what you want in a top 10 pick. He's serviceable but very replaceable. Not an anchor on the DL for sure. Another miss by the Bills drafting department. In fairness to them many had Oliver very highly ranked. If memory serves me right Oliver dropped to 9 and many thought he was a steal for the Bills. An after thought is the Bills drafting department. All departments can't get all their picks right. It's the nature of the business. However, the Bills dept seems to be below average in their top half of their drafts. You just can't afford to do that if you want to be a top tier team. The importance of "grand slam" hit with Allen cannot be underestimated. It sort of gives the Bills a pass. Seems like the Bills are more effective in latter round picks. Wondering if the Bills might need to revamp their drafting process? Any thoughts?
  18. I'm really starting to think this team won't even sniff a Super Bowl appearance. It's pretty clear the Chiefs and Cinci are better teams than Buffalo. Other teams like Miami, Jets, Jags, and Chargers have closed the gap. I am thinking the Dolphins may very well be a better team than Buffalo. I'm thinking this upcoming season is going to open up a lot of people's eyes.
  19. That says it all there. Stafford was terrible and Crowder got injuried as usual. What a surprise. Let's hope Beasley and Brown can add something to the roster. Meanwhile, Hodges can make an immediate impact and continue catching TD passes from Daniel Jones.
  20. It was a total team loss in every fashion. Coaches to players and players to coaches. Imho, I just can't forgive how poorly the game plan was. The Bills had a free 9 min rehearsal on the Monday night game. What on earth did they learn? What the hell was the game plan? The defensive and the offensive game plans were pathetic. The game adjustments and lack of were equally deplorable. The players from Allen to the whole defense sucked as$. They should have been booed off the field. Fans wasted their money seeing such a pathetic effort. A refund should be given to all Bills fans who attended that massacre. Of course, we Bills fans will mostly deny the facts. See the glass half full. Make excuses and cheer for the best. Next year we will likely be discussing the same issues because the team has flawed coaches and a lack of talent. Let's run it back and hope for a different result. Of course, there will be no significant injuries either.
  21. I am fine with scaling back his running. However, his legs are a huge weapon which makes it difficult on defenses. I'm fine with some timely run by design and improvised runs too. No way to I want to see Allen only as a passer.
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