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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I agree for the most part. However, there are a some instances where a team can do really well with a manageable QB. Someone who makes a few big plays and takes care of the ball. We can all think of those teams and QBs. One of those teams beat the Bills in the 90s Super Bowl. The game has changed and it's much more difficult to win that way. Look at the 49ers as an example. The Jets really look to have a lot of pieces in place. Their secondary might be the best in the league. Their Dline is very good. Offensively, a healthy Hall will make them more dynamic and dangerous. Garrett Wilson is very good. With the exception of the QB position (huge exception), I'd seriously consider the Jets roster better or equal to the Bills. In short, the Bills have dominated the AFC east for years. Six straight playoff appearances to go with it. The Dolphins and the Jets have made big moves and very good draft choices. Couple that will Beane misses and the gap has severely closed. No doubt the Dolphin and Jet players feel like they have a legitimate chance to dethrone the Bills. I doubt they truly believed that prior to last season.
  2. Did I say something you think is untrue or wildly inaccurate? John, I think it's pretty clear that the Jets are a team on the rise. Bunch of young impact guys that look very good. The just had two guys get the ROY award on both sides of the ball. Their weak link was at QB. It wasn't on defense and they lost Brice Hall early in the season. He looked dynamic and explosive. Unlike anything the Bills have. Clearly don't like the comment. That's fine. What's clear is the Jets have a lot of young stars. A very good defense. A team with lots of potential. They played the Bills very tough last year. In fact, they pushed the Bills around in the trenches. The Bills appear to be a descending team. A team that needs to restock, retool, tweek, and hope for a lot of luck. I think it's reasonable to say the Bills, Dolphins, Pats and Jets (pending a QB) will fight it out.
  3. Depends on how you see things. How many times did Cook and Hines catch the ball? Was there a rhythm to the offense? Did one play set up the next play? Or did it seem like every play was somewhat independent? Did they have troubles in the red zone? Did you see the Cinci playoff game? I'd agrue he wasn't very good. If we are measuring someone from a terrible standard then I guess your statement is right. I'd argue the Bills won mostly because of Allen not Dorsey or his play calling. He was learning on the job. Dorsey absolutely contributed to the Bills disappointing season. 13 wins is great but it's not really about that. The Bills will likely win lots of regular season games with Allen. At this point, it's about winning playoff games and going to the Super Bowl. It's about winning it all. Fans shouldn't settle for anything less when you supposedly have a top 5 QB.
  4. There are so good free agents the Bills should consider to upgrade the Wrs. Chark Lazzard Campbell Meyers I like Chark and Campell for the price. Lazzard and Meyers might be too pricey. I do think Meyers would be very good with Allen throwing hom the ball.
  5. If the Jets sign Carr it instantly makes them a seriously contender for the division. That defense is legit. Don't forget Brice Hall is coming back. The Bills will have their hands full with the Jets. Carr isn't great but he won't have to be on the Jets. Make a few plays and don't turn over the ball.
  6. Maybe it's time to start thinking about trading Diggs? He ia likely to become a locker room problem. Get the rookie number WR1 via draft on the cheap. Take the other draft choices and bolster the oline. Let Edmunds and Poyer walk. Load up on the offense. This current team can't win it all. That's the goal so its time to go in a new direction. We fans just can't be happy with playoff appearances. Any thoughts?
  7. Would love to see him take over as the Bills head coach. I think the guy is ready. He has winning Super Bowl experience. Him and Reid have a fantastic offense. He would be a great asset for Allen. I can dream... Wish the Bills would give him the chance. It's the kind of jolt this Bills team needs. Running it back is so demoralizing...
  8. Agree. Meanwhile, the Bills have largely blown their opportunities in the playoffs. Now the orgamization finds themselves in a difficult situation with limited cap space and plenty of holes to fill. The organization needs a lot of things to go right to keep pace with other teams. For example, players to develop, stay healthy, acquire meaningful free agents on the cheap, and draft impact players. Imho, that is unlikely to happen. The current regime has squandered its opportunity mostly due to their mistakes. You can never get everything right. However, the misses and neglect to assist and protect Allen are a glaring mistakes that are extremely difficult to overcome. The Bills management has chosen to run it back next year will no significant coaches changes. A coaching staff that got throttled in the playoffs. A coaching staff that will go done in the history booksas being responsible for a 13 second debacle. A coaching staff that has been through my out coached for 6 playoff years and counting. A Fraizer led defense that's incapable of stopping a playoff offense especially to close out a game. Yet, the start of this season we fans will largely ignore the obvious. Blindly and inaccurately make the case how the Bills will succeed in won it all. I mean we've done it for 6 years straight under Allen. At some point, you have to realistically ask how can we change to get better? What changes are needed? You just can't keep running it back with minimal changes and tweaks, same schemes, hope for health, and pray for players to get better,
  9. Trade Diggs for as much as you can get! This will allow you to pick up a stud offensive linemen. Then bring in a couple of stop gap Wrs. Maybe even keep Beasley. Build that Oline. Josh with time can throw to almost anyone and be successful. Problem is he doesn't get time. Diggs is going to become a problem next year. I truly believe his patience has run out. We've seen his behavior in Minn. Cut ties and get the max in a trade now. This isn't a far fetched wild idea. Look at what KC did. Traded Hill and created a great Oline. Mahomes had a bunch of nobodies to throw too. A bunch of mediocre Rbs. The Oline is elite and makes Mahomes and the Chief offense run like clockwork. The Bills need to take page out of the Chiefs playbook. The Bills just can't run it back this season. That will not work!
  10. Bingo. I wanted to add that Beane looked like a beaten man. Lost searching for answers that likely dont exist and won't rectify the issues. It was as depressing and downer of a press conference I've ever seen from him. Folks, next year is setting up to be a disappointing year. I know many will disagree. Just take off your Bills gear and analyze the Bills situation. The Bills aren't going to sniff a Super Bowl. Not gonna happen! I think they struggle to make the playoffs. At best, the team wins a first round playoff game. Maybe that's a success in your mind? Truthfully, the path for next year is pretty paved. It's a bumpy and rocky road which is serviceable. Patches won't really be effective. The road needs to be excavated and repaved. Terry Pegula should seriously consider a total regime change. It's very badly needed. I appreciate the current regime's turn around. They do deserve credit. All good things come to an end. That time is now. Let's not waste more time watching Beane, McD, Dorsey, and Fraizer fail again. It's time to turn the corner. Allen needs new blood and an offensive minded regime. Peyton would have been a breath of fresh air. Hard to see Allen not excelling under Sean Peyton or someone like minded.
  11. Very nice post. All indications are leaning towards the Bills resigning Edmunds to a fat contract. Beane drafted him and is clearly enamoured with him. Everything he says about him is glowing. You think he's the next Mike Ditka. He's not a difference maker. He has one good year which so happened to be a contract year. Imho, he's not worth the money. Totally agree with what you said. The other guys you mentioned really have little value with the exception of Oliver. Oliver is another guy that needs to go. He's no difference maker. I suspect he could be much better on another team. Seems like that's the way it goes. Something about the Bills coaching doesn't seem to bring out the full potential in its players. Can't really put my finger on it. This off season should be contrentrate on the offensive side of the ball. Oline and Wrs and more Oline and Wrs. The Bills have to protect their franchise QB. Give him the best opportunity to thrive. The D should be an after thought. Of course try to improve but let it fall Where it falls. Sound harsh but I believe it's a valid opinion. This Fraizer D can't stop any formidable opponent in the playoffs. Nothing is going to change that with him still in charge. So fuc# the D!
  12. Agree. Did you notice lots of that swagger was gone at his last press conference?
  13. I'd ask a similar question. How good is a 34 year injury pron Von Miller gonna be?
  14. Sadly I agree. It looks like the Dolphins are set to give the Bills all they can handle. Also, the Jets will get back Hall who looks to be a game changer. If they get a solid QB they will be right there too. The Bills have some glaring issues in the trenches. Football 101 says you have to be strong in the trenches. KC and Philly are nice examples of that.
  15. Bingo! Very unlikely Dorsey, Frazier, and McD are the winning combination to propel the Bills to a Super Bowl win.
  16. Coaching matters and the Bills are running it back with the current coaches. Shameful
  17. Pretty harsh but I don't disagree. To be honest, I'm ready to move on from the Bills coaching staff. That includes McD.
  18. Nice breakdown on Allen. Allen needs more help from the Oline, WRs, and coaching staff. These defiencies really hurt his ability to shine. I do think Allen is better than a good QB. He's not flawless but I definitely categorize him as elite. Where I take exception is people thinking he's better than Mahomes. Mahomes is a generational QB. I suspect he's not done collecting rings.
  19. Critical thinking isn't an issue here. It's called objectivity. So are you implying that Allen is on a lousy team? I mean basically the whole football world from fans to experts regard Mahomes as the best QB in the NFL. Burrow likely has surpassed Allen. Yet, Bills fans consistently want to bang the table and say Allen is the number 1 QB.
  20. Me too. Tired of hearing next year and we are close or not that far away.
  21. Of course many factors are in play throughout a full season of football. However, great teams with great coaches usually prevail. (Something the Bills aren't.) That's exactly what you saw tonight. You can't tell me with reasonable confidence that you thought Philly was going to win that game midway through that 4th quarter. I remember telling my son the Chiefs are going to win the game. I said it with confidence because Mahomes and Reid are just too good. That's what the greats do. Win anyway they can. Create your own luck sort of speak. Think Brady and Belicheck. Certainly it's not Allen and McD... Winning teams can overcome injuries, have unexpected players step up, and almost always find a way to win. That's KC to a T for several years. No way can you say the same about the Bills organization. To their credit they built up a losing organization and have produced a nice playoff team. A Super Bowl seems more like a fantasy than a reality. The Bills are not a Super Bowl caliber team. Cinci destroyed the Bills and Miami had every chance to beat them with a terrible 3rd string QB. The Bills aren't that far away scenario is just hogwash. That Cinci thrashing illustrates that the Bills are indeed far away. The struggles with a Miami team indicates they will be serious contenders for the division. The Bills are deficient at WR, both sides of the lines, and overmatched in the coaching arena. They have failed to address the coaching concerns which is beyond perplexing. Bills will roll out basically the same D and O which has been a constant theme of playoff losses. What a great idea...Not that far off my butt! The Bills have little room to address both sides of the line and the WR position. Safety and RB positions are also areas that may need to be addressed. Their cap space doesn't allow much room for new blood. Beane has squandered the opportunity to successfully upgrade needed positions to make a realistic Super Bowl run. The time for him to work his magic was when Allen was on his rookie contract. Frankly, he blew it badly. Now, the Bills are backed into a corner. The organization has to hope players don't get hurt, players miraculously get better, hope the coaches see the light, and Allen has a shiny new cape. Maybe that's what you mean by luck? As a Bills diehard fan I don't feel great about this upcoming season. My eyes see a Bills team that will likely fall short again. Early exit from the playoffs again. I will continue to think this until real change occurs in the organization. Playing it back with these coaches is safe. Gives the Bills a nice chance to get a playoff birth. If that's what you seem as success or being close then so be it. I want more!
  22. My eyes see a Bills team descending while other teams like Miami and the are Jags ascending. My eyes saw a Burrow led Cinci team destroy the Bills. I don't know how one could think the Bills are a better team. The upcoming season is going to be very challenging. I think we fans should be focused on making the playoffs. That might be a big challenge. Bills Super Bowl talk should be squashed.
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