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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I hear you. I get your line of thinking. Much of your opinions can be justified and validated. I think my previous post addresses mostly what I wanted to say. I'd ask you to reflect and ask yourself this now that the season has ended. Are you disappointed in the season? Do you feel let down in anyway? Was the season a success in your mind? Did the team meet or exceed your expectations? Great response. Bingo!
  2. Agree 100%. My big concern is will Dorsey be able to have the rights calls and schemes to take full advantage of this two headed monster?
  3. This is a fair post. Let me add my perspective to it. I don't think anyone is really saying McD or Beane are bad. Of course, they deserve credit for building a winning culture and consecutive playoffs appearences/division titles. Comparing the previous coaches and past Bills failures vs the present isn't the logic or path I want to go down. It's really fruitless and kind of gives an impression of hey be satisfied with the winning. Be happy about making the playoffs. Of course, there is a kernel of truth to that thinking. I myself was very happy with the early success and turnaround of the Bills team. Beane and McD were excellent at rebuilding and molding a winning culture. They absolutely deserve accolades for this. However, at some point the goalposts have moved. Maybe 2 or 3 years ago? Wouldn't you agree. The Bills have their franchise QB whose developed into one of the best in the league. The last few years were absolutely windows to smell and or hoist that Lombardi Trophy. The winning the division and making the playoffs just weren't enough. Frankly, shouldn't be enough. This is where division amoung the fans start to arise. Be happy with its nice regular season record, winning the division, and one playoff win or wanting to make that Super Bowl appearance and or win it all. Imho, it's clear McD and Beane have turned around the franchise primarily because of Allen. Once again, they deserve high praise for this. On the other hand, they have failed to progress the team. Many mistakes along the way has lead to many playoffs failures and early exits. Expectations weren't met. Now we go into this year with several question marks. I think it's perfectly rational to start questioning and criticising McD and Beane. Imho, it's called accountability and as a fan I want more from this team. That doesn't mean I'm a troll or any less of a loyal fan. In short, McD and Beane deserve much credit as well as much criticism. At some point, change can be a positive thing. Personally, I would have very much liked to see Fraizer gone. An upgrade to Dorsey certainly could have been on the table. Coach McD probably deserves more time but honestly I'm losing my confidence that he can get it done. Hope that gives you a little different perspective. Thanks.
  4. I agree but he wouldn't be used in the same way in Buffalo. Allen would losen his load. The two together would compliment each other so well. It's hard to see defenses stopping the Bills. The preface is an improvement on the oline and play calling. I think the Bills are in win mode now. This is the kind of pick up that dramatically puts the Bills in position to do that. I don't mind swinging for the fences here.
  5. Can't argue with your logic. Not a popular view but very hard to dispute. More specifically, Allen doesn't have adequate oline support or weapons to take full advantage of his skills. Thus, the term Super Man is often used when describing him. This issue isn't a new one. For years pundits, fans, and the media have chimed in about how reliant the Bills are in Allen. To a fault. It rears its head especially on the playoffs. It's utter failure on Beane and company to get a good supporting cast for Allen. I'm not optimistic they can after basically 6 years of trying failures.
  6. I'd give up both Oliver and Knox for Henry. Build up the oline and the offense would be unstoppable. A two headed monster of Allen and Henry. Henry had also become a very competent pass catcher too. Generally speaking, I'm not an advocate of paying a RB big money in this era of football. Henry with some good oline additions would put Buffalo right back in the mix for a Super Bowl. A game changer in my mind. Think the 49ers and CMC. Right now, I'm not confident this team can make that type of run.
  7. Agree. Gabe was targeted 93 times and caught 48 balls. You don't have to be a math major or a football expert to know that's not good. Certainly isn't what the Bills are looking for in a so called number 2 WR. I suppose one could say Allen just couldn't get him the ball. That's a big stretch. Instead, my eyes saw a blanketed Davis time after time. A Davis who rarely fought for a ball and caught it. We had a whole season to see he's not the #2 guy. Will be interested to see if this fantastic offensive coaching staff thinks Gabe can step up and improve.
  8. Thanks. I get a lot of negative feedback for my critical posts which I admit are usually ultra negative. Nice to get some positive feedback.
  9. At this point, I'm just spinning my wheels. You won't convince me that the Bills will win a Super Bowl anytime soon. Neither will the Vegas line. Hopefully, significant changes are made. That has to start with coaching, schemes, play calling, player developement, etc.. Then I can get aboard and think differently. Until then, I will remain skeptical for good reason. I'll end with a Edmund Burke quote "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
  10. It's about probability and likelihood. No way a competent head coach doesn't take charge there. Got your head out of your butt! It's like saying OJ didn't do it. Stop embarrassing yourself with outlandish claims. A CEO of a company would have been fired immediately after such a blunder. Shareholders would have demanded a vote to terminate. Stop telling yourself fibs...
  11. How did Vegas do on the Bills winning the Super Bowl last year? Take your homer glasses off and look at reality. No way this coaching staff leads the team to a Super Bowl. They continue to fall short yet you continue to believe the unlikely. The team has several holes that have been exposed especially in the playoffs. The last three years are plenty of proof that this coaching staff doesn't have what it takes. Maybe rewatch the Miami and Cinci playoff games. Take a look at the infamous 13 seconds. Why in the world world you have a mortal of confidence they can get it down. Rule of thumb is the games won on the trenches. You agree? Take a serious look at the Bills line. The Oline has been a major issue for years. Fact is its clear the Dolphins and the Jets have closed the gap. Anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly in denial. Is that you?
  12. I don't dispute any of that. I didn't mean let him walk literally. I just was saying that because I don't think he would be missed. He has a very limited skill set. His hips are not fluid or shifty. As a result, he can get quick separation and his routes are limited. He blows at contested catches. Gabe will likely never be a dependable and reliable receiver without a true elite number 1 and 2 on the team. As a 3 or a 4 he can do well and we've seen that. Next year, no way should Davis get anything close to #2 WR money. I believe that would be in the neighborhood of 15 mil. McKenzie is likely not on the team next year. An upgrade is badly needed. Although, I think the Dorsey scheme hurt McKenzie.
  13. I wouldn't be upset if they let Gabe walk. He's replaceable and nothing special.
  14. You are correct because the Bills are playing and using Davis as the #2WR. However, he should not be the #2 WR. He's skill set is very limited. He's ability to create space takes too much time and he's too stiff in the hips. Additionally, he's terrible at catching contested balls. The fact that the Bills play him as a #2WR speaks volumes about the inept coaching staff decisions. As the season progresses it became apparent Davis is no #2. He's a #3 or 4 WR at best. I'm curious to see if the Bills coaching staff still goes back to the well. Will they use Davis as a #2 WR. Imho, that would be a colossal mistake. Why do I think they will line him up as a #2 again? You know the team is in trouble when they have to go back to the streets and pick up Brown and Beasley. Yet, they let Hodges walk and other better receivers were available like TY Hilton.
  15. I have to agree and disagree. Many Bills fans here absolutely discredit Mahomes. Not sure how you can state otherwise. Definelty disagree with you. Mahomes has a much better Oline, play calling, coaching, etc... Definelty agree with you. Both can be true. What's true is Mahomes has two rings and Allen has none. You can do the math. At this point, the Mahomes vs Allen comparasion should cease. It's a worthless conversation. Mahomes is the clear cut #1 QB in the NFL. Burrows has likely surpassed Allen.
  16. Are you saying tje Chiefs know how to build a Championship team? Are you implying the Chiefs coaching is very good? What are you trying to say about Buffalo's organization amd coaching?
  17. Agree on Crowder. His talent was never really an issue for me. He's not great but he would have positively contributed to the offense. The real question was if he could stay on the field. The Bills gambled and lost.
  18. That's fair. I feel like the Bills organization is settling on being a good to very good team. Seems like they want to make minor changes and run it back. Coaching and schemes need to change. The Bills haven't learned from the past. Recently, we have seen some frustration by Allen and Diggs. I believe they want changes that can led to big playoff wins and advancement. What are those changes? You think McD, Fraizer, or Dorsey are going to change enough to make a difference? Analyze the team's roster. It has some holes that truly prevent the Bills from beating top tier teams in the playoffs. We've seen that the last few years. What makes you think the Bills can close the gap and improve enough? The Bills organization has failed to adequately build up both sides of the line. We all know that the game is usually won in the trenches. That just so happens to be a weakness of the Bills. A weakness that has existed for years. Correct? In short, I see a descending Bills team not an ascending team. The Jets, Dolphins, Cinci, KC and the Jags are on the right track. The arrow is clearly going up. Not sure you can say that about the Bills. We fans have hope and Allen. Frankly that's fallen short and likely to continue.
  19. No doubt the Allen pick was a grand slam. It was a high risk high reward pick. It arguably transformed the Bills franchise. Beane deserves credit and praise and then some more. He found the coveted franchise QB. A huge game changing selection. However, what has Beane done since the Allen pick? He doesn't simply get a pass because he found the Bills QB. I agree that Beane's misses have hurt the team. The failure to support and protect Allen has led to disappointing losses. The failure to change coaches and schemes has led to early playoff losses. That's on Beane. In short, the team with its franchise QB has flatly disappointed to advance in the playoffs. Something has I change and I don't see much change yet. I don't think I'm exaggerating. I have little to no confidence that a Fraizer/McD defense can get it done in the playoffs. Not sure how you can?
  20. Not claiming he hasn't done good things. I absolutely give credit to Beane and McD for building a winning franchise. However, they have woefully fallen short in progressing the team further. That's my major issue, complaint, and concern. The last two years the Bills were primed to make at least a Super Bowl appearance and arguably win it all. The organization and team failed miserably. Coaches were clearly out coached and out planned and out maneuvered. Players failed to step up and execute. Allen had very little support. Any reasonable football fan can see the Chiefs and Cinci are far better teams than the Bills. Other teams like Miami, Jets, LA, and the Jags are right there maybe better. This Bills team is likely descending than ascending. It's a good to very good team that's just not good enough to proceed to the Super Bowl. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they lost the division and failed to make the playoffs. I still lean on giving the division edge to the Bills purely because of Allen. He's just that dynamic and good. Likely make the playoffs if he stays healthy. Depends on how you measure success. As for me, 3-5 years ago. It was such a pleasure to see them winning in the regular season. Win the division. Great to see them advance to the playoffs. However, at some point the goalposts have moved or should have moved. The last two years weren't just about making the playoffs. It was about going to the Super Bowl and winning it all. Fast forward to the state of the team now. It has holes or weaknesses throughout the roster in various areas. We know what they are. No way in heck can they all be adequately be addressed. Let's not even get into the injuries the team will suffer next year. They will have injuries. Hope that helps you see things in a different light.
  21. This is 100% on point. Go back to the 13 second disaster. We fans never got a full explanation of what happened. Arguably, one of the worst beats in team history and it got swept under the rug. The media treated the coaching staff with kid gloves. McD dodged every question. Fraizer was left off scott free. Most fans have moved on and accept the blunder as a one off. Using examples of other coaches who blew it. Total BS. Now, fast forward one year later and Cinci buries the Bills in their own building. Again, no accountability. Excuses of injuries, crazy season, Damar, etc...BS again! The team wasn't ready to play. The coaches had terrible game plans. Learned nothing from their rehearsal in Cinci weeks prior. Let's not kid ourselves either. Coach McD took over during that 13 second span. There's no way he didn't. This team will not advance far in the playoffs with McD, Fraizer, and Dorsey leading the way. The time is now for change! Good guy McD has to go. Fraizer just plan sucks when it counts. Horrific decision to keep him on. Dorsey is a young baby learning and hurting the Bills chances in win it all mode. Beane sold us manure in his press conference. Allen and Diggs can feel it slipping away. Why can't the fans?
  22. Beane missed his window to capitalize on vastly improving the team. His misses were and are huge. Both sides of the lines are not good enough. Other weakmesses exist too. The time to do it was while Allen was on his rookie contract. My initial thought is the Bills aren't as good as Cinci amd KC. I don't think they can make up the ground now. Beane's hand is exposed. His presser was a huge bluff to the fans. Are you calling him or.folding?
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