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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. This post is pretty ridiculous. If course, I don't speak for the team. Not sure what planet you are living on? You don't think the goal of the Bills team the last two years wasn't going to the Super Bowl and winning it? Really? Surely, you can't be that foolish to perpetrate that position. Let me copy Beane's press conference comments after losing to KC. The infamous 13 second game. Beane was brutally honest about one thing. Just because you’re one game away from the Super Bowl, it doesn’t mean you are a “Super Bowl team.” While that might be pretty strong of a statement, there’s is no debating it: That is the truth. “I still think we need to be very honest with where we’re at. We’re still not a Super Bowl team. There’s one team happy at the end of the year. We made a great step last year and another step this year, but we still have to go further. The goal here is to win that game [the Super Bowl], and until we get in that game to compete for it, we can’t win it,”
  2. I agree with you. Making the playoffs certainly bolsters the chances for the regime to remain. The percentage of a team making the playoffs is 59%. Couple that with a franchise QB named Allen. Making the playoffs is hardly a feat. Winning one playoff game isn't the goal. For whatever reason, the team had fallen short. I don't think it's unreasonable to scrutinize the coaching staff and general manager.
  3. I think McD would go before Beane. It's really difficult to find quality GMs. The pool is much smaller than the coaching pool. I suspect when the times right both will be gone at the same time. Clean house if you will. I think you are giving McD way too much power.
  4. Great post! Just not sure many share similar viewpoints. Seems like so many fans are satisfied with the regular wins and playoffs appearances. The bar seems to be low perhaps due to all the previous Bills losses and failures. Lots of fans seems to love McD because of his high character. The regular seasons wins, division titles, and playoff appearances seem to satisfy most fans. Perhaps the bar is set low again; when you compare him to the likes of Rex Ryan and Dick Jauron. The Bills can do much worse than McD. Change is often scary. Combine these two thoughts and the above mentioned. Hence, it's much easier to stay the course and hope McD can " pull the rabbit" out of the hat." We have a six year sample size of McD. However, I'd like to focus on the last two years. The team was absolutely positioned to make a Super Bowl run. Frankly, they didn't come close. The team was out coached and out maneuvered by a wide margin. Frankly, coaching had a lot to do with losing those playoff games. Not sure how the most optimistic fan or McD supporter can argue otherwise. I can see how many are willing to give McD another opportunity. Many have provided excuses for the team's failures. Many point out other coaches mistakes and lack of success before succeeding. Any Reid in Philly comes to mind. This season should be a make or break season for McD. Probably won't happen. The McD rhetoric is getting old because the results have fallen woefully short the last two years. When is enough enough?
  5. Not sure why you think McD gets a free pass if the team continues to fail in the playoffs? I don't think he's untouchable. I think it's widely believed he blew the KC 13 second game. His team was flat and unprepared vs Cinci. There are some valid reasons to think about making coaching changes which includes him.
  6. Both will be able to find jobs easily. They have a proven track record of rebuilding teams into playoff teams. Thus, I don't think their seats will ever be too hot. They know struggling teams will be calling. I'm seriously thinking it might be time to move on. I think the Bills organization needs some different people in charge. Change sometimes is needed. Only issue is capable replacements might be hard to find. I would think having Allen and Von would be a big selling point.
  7. I think the criticism is valid until the organization, coaches, and players prove otherwise. Thus far, they have fallen short. Something Bills fans have unfortunately been accustomed to. I think they both would go. A new GM isn't going to inherit McD.
  8. At some point, the head coach should take some responsibility. His nice guy and great character blurries our vision at times. Coach McD has failed to meet goals and expectations for the last three years. The three playoff losses have been pretty bad. Coaching was pretty bad. This team should be better than early playoff exits with years of a Josh Allen under center.
  9. Robinson will be long gone before pick 27. He's arguably the to 5 BPA on this draft. I know it's the RB position. O think he goes to Tampa or LA Chargers in the 1st round. I too would be happy with him at 27.
  10. Some silly team will often him too much money next year. When is the time to trade him and get some picks?
  11. Absolutely 100% correct. Not sure why others refuse to see or admit it. It's the primary reason why Gabe doesn't get separation. Not to mention he sucks at catching contested passes. The Bills coaching staff has to be able to recognize this.
  12. I'm not a Cooks fan but the theme of your post is correct. Beane will almost certainly pick up a "value" free agent WR.
  13. Davis showed us what he is last year. Frankly, he was disappointing and unreliable. His skill set is limited. He can still contribute as a number 3 or 4 WR. Imho, no way should he be the number 2 option for the Bills. Hopefully not as the Bills number 2 WR. He was not good, reliable, or dependable. He has proven to be effective as a number 3 or 4 option. Hopefully, he falls back into that role.
  14. Not sure what Beane sees? Davis has a limited skill set. He is stiff at the hips and not fluid. Thus, he is not able to create separation quickly. This limits the routes he can run. A number two WR has to have a better skill set and run more diverse effective routes. Lastly, he absolutely blows at contested catches. He was target 93 times and caught 48 balls. That's just plain terrible. The Bills need a big upgrade at the WR pistion.
  15. Exciting is implementing a defense that's new, innovative, and effective in the playoffs. A defense that can stop a playoff team from scoring at will and in 13 seconds. Agree on changes are unlikely. That says it all.
  16. Truthfully, I'm not concerned about the defense at all. It's clear they won't step it up in the playoffs. It's a recurring theme for years now under McD. So why even bother investing in the flawed McD scheme. Granted it's a nice regular season D. Let's let the D fall where it falls. Contrentrate on building the offense. Give Allen weapons and protection. Solid play calling and offensive schemes and cohesiveness.
  17. Did you see Diggs on the sideline conplaining? Frustration absolutely equates to displeasure.
  18. Now, we can hope Coach McD is next. It's time for him to go. The Bills needs a change. He's proven he can't get over the hump. Let's not think he's going to lead this team to the Super Bowl. Diggs and Allen have always shown signs of displeasure. We all know Diggs' past. I would welcome an offensive minded coach. Too late now. This is McD defense make no mistake about it. His defense has fallen woefully short in the playoffs. I know you will disagree and many others will too. Next year you may be singing a different tune. The Bengals could have put up 50 points against the Bills defense.
  19. 100% spot on. The only thing that changes is McD doesn't have Fraizer as his fall guy.
  20. Very weak response Thurman. The goal is to win the Super Bowl. Beane's words not mine. Allen, Diggs, and Miller aren't satisfied with being very competitive. The fact that 31 other teams don't succeed is no excuse. While true, it should never be used to vindicate or justify failed results. I think it's safe to say that's what you are implying perhaps unintentional. Secondly, I agree the Bills are and will be very competitive. You should always be very competitive when you have a top QB. That goes without saying. A healthy Allen should keep this team competitive for many years. In short, I don't give a damn if 31 teams don't win the Super Bowl. I'm concerned about one team winning it. That's the Buffalo Bills. The goal posts have moved from being competitive to very competitive to winning it all. They have been in position to achieve the goal. The team and organization have failed in the Allen era. Years are marching by with inadequate and disappointing results. Very competitive has yielded very disappointing results. Especially, the last three years. Thurman, something has to change in order to get this team and organization over the top. It's debatable what that is.
  21. I think a lot depends on the Bills board. Let me give you this example. Base on the Bills BPA board say they have Robinson ranked 11th. Come pick 27 he's on the board. Based on the existing board the next BPA is ranked 22. The best WR is ranked 31 and OL is ranked 28th. In essence, Robinson is sticking out like a sore thumb. It would be quite difficult next to select Robinson. Also, I would like to address Breece Hall. He looked fantastic in his limited sample size. Looked like frankly a dynamic weapon that really helped the Jets offense. That kind of production looked every bit worth the pick. As for your earlier statement about having a draft process ans sticking to it. Agree you have to have a plan but you can't be rigid. You have to have a plan A,B, and C. The draft is fluid, ever changing, and often unpredictable. I think it's wise for teams to look at metrics, stats, and probabilities. However, there is a human factor and intangibles that have to be in play too. It's a science but not an exact one. I'll use Oliver as an example. He was clearly an undersized DL based on NFL standards. I'm assuming that's why he dropped to the Bills. They liked what the saw, heard, and valued that more than the negative frame. After the fact, there were much better picks the Bills could have made.
  22. "Did you just compare Jackson to Jones? Awful. Jackson wins 70% of his games and has won a MVP. Awful, awful comparison." Care to comment on the Mahomes to Allen comparasion? One has two rings and MVP awards.
  23. I don't disagree with your premise. Generally speaking it's ill advised in modern day football to draft a RB high in the first round. However, there are exceptions to everything. I think Robinson at pick 27 fits this exception. I think there's a convincing case if he's still there that the pick can be justified. I totally get what you are saying.
  24. Ok Thurman obviously you have issues with what I say. So let me go a different route. GM Beane 2021 press conference statement after KC playoff loss. "I still think we have to be very honest with where we’re at – we’re still not a Super Bowl team,” he said candidly during an hour-long season-ending Zoom call with reporters. “There’s one team happy at the end of the year. We made a great step last year in ’19 from ’18 and another step this year. We still have to go further. The goal here is to win that thing. Until we get in that game to compete for it, we can’t win it. So it wasn’t good enough this year. Does it still apply after the Cinci game?
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