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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Generally speaking, I agree. However, it will depend on who Miami gets to replace Tua. For example, Aaron Rodgers with those WRs seemingly would be scary.
  2. Of course we want to be entertained. That is a pretty low standard. The team goal of the players, coaches, and management certainly isn't to entertain fans. It's a by product of winning. The goal is winning the Super bowl. First, let's try to get there. While, your feelings are yours, I doubt most Bills fans are truly satisfied with being entertained. Weak response!
  3. Me too! Do you like disappointing playoff losses too? A Bills defense that can't stop a good quality playoff offense? A coaching staff that blows playoff games and clearly gets out coached? Whats the ultimate goal of the team Augie? Think macro not micro Not me. Im not timid about calling out foolish posts. Including yours Mr. Thurman. Great thing is I know I get the same back in return.
  4. Fantastic synopsis! Pat yourself on the back for such a brutally honest assessment. I'm in totally agreement.
  5. Most leaders I know take responsibility for their mistakes. The lone exception would be a narcisst. Clearly, McD doesn't meet that criteria. However, he has adequately ducked responsibility in the playoffs. Maybe that's acceptable? Not my style and it's certainly not authentic. I like to have the Buffalo media ask him the tough questions. For example, what do you plan to do to be more successful in the playoffs? How can you beat Cinci and KC in a playoff game? Why has your team have limited success in the last three years of the playoffs? Why should we believe you can led the team to the Super Bowl? This is where we miss Jerry Sullivan.
  6. I don't see McD as an alpha. I see him as a high character guy that creates an nice team building environment. I see him as a calming influence and more passive than aggressive. Not a bad thing. An alpha has a really hard time letting others take control. He is known to let his coaches coach. Not sure if that's valid but many think he let Fraizer run much of the D. Not an alpha move at all. McD isn't new to coaching. An alpha would have taken control of the Bills defense years ago. I'd argue McD has shielded himself from much criticism. Look at 13 seconds as an example. He walked away from that unscathed. Alphas own their mistakes. The Bills team often lacks toughness. They have been know as being soft and or a finesse teams for years. A team follows the example of its coach. McD has some great qualities. He is a high character guy and a good team builder. He does have some alpha characterics but I would not characterize him as an alpha. He's no Bill Belicheck or Andy Reid. Those are clear alphas.
  7. No he didn't. In fact if you listen to his comments at the combine he sounded like he was leaning towards not calling plays. Likely it will be an in house DC. McD has to have an out and a scape goat. Him calling plays will leave him out on an island likely without a boat.
  8. Hope you are right. That's tje scenario I'm looking for. A dynamic offense and a step up defense when needed.
  9. McD defense has failed us fans for several playoff appearances. There is little to agrue about that. As to why can be debated. Gunner, make no mistake about it this is and always will be a McD defense. Fraizer was just a warm body executing McD plan and defense. His role was limited. He was a perfect incognito fall guy for McD. Surely, a smart guy like yourself can see that. At some point, changes need to be made. I'm at the point that McD D can't get it done when it counts. Let's try something different. Imho, there is little to lose.
  10. He's better by a lot. Don't get caught up with that stat. That was a huge mistake. Poor coaching at its best.
  11. They should have. Fangio is one of the best defensive minds out there. His defense is different than McD. It would require lots of changes. I welcome the changes.
  12. Agree 100%. Great post. McD has run its course. It's time to move on. Would have loved to see Fangio come in here and completely revamp this defense.
  13. Who hold McD accountable? You don't think he was primarily responsible for the 13 sec loss? How bout the game plan and adjustments vs Cinci? Ultimately, the coach had to bare some blame. It can't just be everyone around him. That's just unrealistic. Now more than ever, McD needs to step up and get the team over the hump. Enough of the excuses and blaming others.
  14. Sure seems like this is a valid opinion. McD would have been crucified by other media markets like NY and Philly. The media is soft and Buffalo fans are way too nice. McD has had no accountability for his playoff blunders. A blunder so big that it will go down in the history books. Hoe hum..
  15. I'd rather go in a direct direction. Of course defense is important. This is McD defense. It always has been and will continue to be. He's shown an inability to get it done. We can debate the reasons why. I'd rather allocate the Bills resources in the offense. You have a special QB. Get him protection and weapons. Give Allen the best chance to succeed and thrive. Clearly, the organization hasn't. I'd rather go down swinging with Allen than investing in a defense that fails to get it done year after year.
  16. I agree. Just refer to the Super Bowl as a reference. Eagles a legit team on defense couldn't slow down a hobbled Mahomes and an Andy Reid led offense.
  17. Did you see the offense against Cinci? They were basically a very healthy unit. The old saying is you are only as good as your last game. Beane has used this phrase several times. However, he failed to give that massage in his end of season presser. Hmmm...
  18. Yes it matters. If Allen gets hurt you want a capable backup to hold down the fort until Allen returns. Who that guy is I couldn't tell you. Maybe it's Keenum.
  19. Sounds like Thurman is playing arm chair QB here. Lots of excuses after the fact. Part of being a great team is having back ups step up. Take a look a the Cinci Oline for a fantastic example. Wondering why you didn't share these concerns prior to the Bengal game? Or were you thinking the Bilks would overcome their injuries and succeed? At this point, your optimism and excuses fall very short. Fact is the Bills got smoked at home. They were flat, unprepared, overmatched, and outcoached. Stick with the facts and stop intellectualing.
  20. Fantastic post! Witty and painfully accurate. It won't resonate as popular here.
  21. Bingo! I just don't understand the Bills defensive game plan. What in the world did they learn from the 9 min Monday night game? They seemingly did nothing different. That defensive game plan was doomed from the start. You can't tell me coach McD didn't have his hand on that game plan. It was a colossal failure in everyway. However, coaches have to create effective game plans to give their players the best chance to win. The exact opposite happened.
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