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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I think a lot depends on the QB situation for Miami and NY. If the Jets get Rodgers that would put them on par with the Bills. A healthy Tua certainly can beat the Bills. Heck, they almost beat Buffalo in a home playoff game with a 3rd stringer. Let's not overlook the Bills offense was completely healthy. I'm not sure why so many on here think the Bills team is a lot better than either of these teams. The gap is miniscule in my eyes if either opposing team QB situation gets solved. Even if it doesn't, look at how the games were played last year. I certainly am interested at looking at getting Miami or the Jets to win the East. Depends on the odds and upcoming events. Right now, Miami and Jet fans have to feel pretty good about knocking off the Bills. I think prior to last season the belief wasn't there. The Bills were feared and in awe of. Those days are over as it's evident the Bills teams can be manhandled on the line of scrimmage.
  2. I get that tje Bills are favorites to win the division. They are defending champions and have the best QB in the division by a country mile. I'd argue that the Bills roster is not much better if that than the Dolphins and the Jets. That's very debatable. As mentioned, Allen is really the difference maker. Just go back to last season and watch the Bills vs the Jets and Miami. You can't tell me that both those teams aren't breathing down the backs of the Bills. We will see what McD can do with the defense now that he's likely taking over. I can't wait to see it. I don't disagree with that. The Bills should be the favorites. Like I said I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they finished 1st to 3rd.
  3. Thank you. With respect I am as relaxed as can be. Thanks for inquiring or at least being inquisitive. NASCAR isn't my thing but golf certainly gets my attention. Who doesn't love March madness? It will be very interesting to see the Bills upcoming decisions. In the past, I've had great confidence in Beane, the scouting department, and Coach McD. Frankly, the last few years they have underwhelmed in my eyes. The confidence factor is much less. Pretty sure I'm not the only one that feels such? This off season should very well tell us what path the Bills organization is on.
  4. Yep! Beane asleep at the wheel while the Jets just seemingly get better. The AFC east is going to be a dogfight. I can see the Bills finishing 1st or 3rd. Not much separation between the 3 teams. Is there a changing of the guard taking place?
  5. The offense was awful. Bordering on pathetic. WR Davis sucked and couldn't catch a pass or create seperation. Inconsistent to say the least. A fairly common theme throughout the season. Refer to the 93 targets and 48 catches. A whopping 56% catch rate. That's the Bills WR2. Oh boy...Yet, Beane continues to sing his praise. Are we fans that naive? Diggs was taken out of the game again. What a surprise! A common theme that defenses double him. He's the only legit weapon teams have to worry about. Lack of weapons, creativity, talent, and play calling all contributed to the puke offensive performance. The Oline failed to protect Allen. Their defense swallowed up Allen and forced lots of poor throws. Yes, the Oline sucked. Again it's been an issue for how many years? Another failure on Beane. Yet, you continue to show "blind love" that he will get the job done. Working his butt off only goes so far. How about that Saffold pick up? Great move by Beane? Spencer Brown was one of the worst graded tackles in the NFL. Yet, Beane continues to sing his praise. Dorsey got taken to the woodshed by Lou Anarumo. It was like men playing against boys. It was embarrassing. Yet, Beane continues to give Dorsey praise. So yes we agree that the offense was terrible. What do you expect when you only have one legit WR weapon, a swiss cheese oline, and an OC that's "on the job training?" Allen can't always play Superman, especially in the playoffs vs excellent teams. Don't get carried away with regular offensive stats. They mean little come playoff time. The Cinci game proved that. I might add that the offense was very healthy. All the above is why I'm pounding the table for offensive picks and pick ups. Defensively we disagree. The defense was equally bad if not worse. Not sure how you could think they weren't anything but that. Definetly a D to a D- grade. The Bengals came out and shredded the Bills defense. Quick TDs with ease. Like taking candy from a baby. Their offense did whatever they wanted to do. Pass, run, or run pass and then some. Burrows was dominating the Bills in their own house. The D had no answers. They were manhandled and mauled in every category. Sure felt the the Bills D of old. To this day, I have no idea what the D game plan was? Fraizer and McD defensive game plan was horrendous. The Bills vaunted pass rush was missing in action. Couldn't even beat a depleted second string Bengal oline. So much for all those top draft picks. But wait, this year Epenesa and Boogie will step up. I just know it! A 34 year old Von Miller coming of ACL injury is going to dominate come playoff time. I just know it! It will be Tre like. Look Thurman you can lie all you want about this defense. Don't get carried away with regular season stats. You can make excuses about injuries. You can minimize how bad they played. You can neglect to see a pattern of poop defensive play in the playoffs. I guess that's called being a "loyal fan?" Carry on...
  6. I hope he's gone. I'd rather spend the money on the offense. Orlando Brown or Mike McGlenchy make sense. This defense with Edmunds can't stop top tier QBs in the playoffs. That's just a fact beyond dispute. Sure it's not all Edmunds but he certainly didn't change the games in the Bills advantage. Where was he vs Cinci? McD is supposed to be this defensive guru. Let him coach up the players. It's officially his D now. Beane drafted Bernard for reason. It's not inconceivable he could have a breakout year. Maybe he's the next "difference maker?" In Beane we trust! Let Allen cook is my motto this season. Load up on acquiring oline help. Draft and acquire WRs and Olinemen. It's been painfully obvious that the Bills have put way too much on Allen. Year after year the pundits have pounded this drum. Yet, the Bills organizatiob has failed to solidify a solid oline. That's really been the fatal flaw of Beane and McD. Instead, they have invested and invested and invested on a pass rush that has yet to deliver. Just the facts Thurman. No way should this team go into this season depending on the defense. The numbers and stats don't tell a complete story. The real story is how the defense blows come playoff time. With a franchise QB, I don't give two craps about this overrated Bills defense. That's why you let Edmunds walk! Give Allen what he needs and he will outgun and outshine his opponents.
  7. In a perfect world yes. I like this train of thought. However, I think Coach McD has run it's course. The best way to find out is to let him call the D. If he's successful than he probably gets added run. If not, maybe the needed change will be quicker. It's a win win for the fans.
  8. I really hope McD calls the plays. Thus far, he has been able to shield himself from much criticism via Fraizer. This will put him front and center. I suspect this will make or break his tenure with the Bills. We are about to find out how good he is. That's a good thing.
  9. No. I think it would be ideal though. The offense needs innovation, weapons, protection, and change. I have little confidence in Dorsey. His offense had no identity or consistency. He never used plays in conjunction to set up other plays. It was a series of individual plays. I know the stats look very good. I'd credit Allen rather than Dorsey. Ben Johnson is one of the best offensive minds out there. He's getting the best out of Geoff. I know it won't happen.
  10. I wouldn't mind seeing McD get demoted to DC. Bring in someone like Brian Callahan OC for Cinci or Ben Johnson OC for Lions. I would prefer Johnson. He is innovative, creative, and very smart. Think he would enhance Allen and others game.
  11. As a fan, I don't view the Bills team as a "product." Perhaps you do? The team is so much more than that. It's a culture, the talk of the town, a sense of togetherness, Bills mafia and Bills babes. Fans who live out of town or state like myself proudly where my Bills gear win or lose. Many of us fans have invested so much into this team. Whether it be season tickets, traveling to games, having family outings and parties to watch the game, purchasing merchandise, etc... I myself as a fan of over 50 years is craving for a Lombardi trophy. Without a doubt tears of joy will be rolling down my face. I had to hold back tears after the Bills TD in KC with 13 seconds. Only to have my heart ripped out shortly thereafter. Of course, it's an exgerration but you get the point. I know it's only football but some take it seriously right or wrong. Allen is the pie in the sky. The Bills finally found the coveted franchise QB. The Bills should always be competitive based on how good he is. However, it's clear he needs help and can't do it all. The Bills franchise needs to find a way to help Allen succeed. With proper help he can certainly led this team to that Lombardi Trophy.
  12. Nice post. It's really hard to project how any of those guys will do. Will they be immediate impact players? What's the learning curve? Can they develop into solid contributors? The Bills traditional move draft picks along slowly. Look at Elam and Shakir. Imho, it's going to be difficult to get immediate impact players from the draft positions the Bills hold. I believe they can pluck some talented guys that will become solid players down the road. Will that be enough? I want a Super Bowl appearance not an early playoff exit. The path to that seems slimmer as times passes. The Bills because of poor drafts, poor player development, poor coaching, and injuries have underpreformed the last few years. It's seemingly becoming a pattern. Good to great regular seasons with disappointing playoff endings. What's changing this year to think a different more positive result is likely next season? Same GM, same OC, same defensive scheme, and multiple holes to fill on both sides of the ball. We are left with hope perhaps false that Beane and McD can get the team over the hump. Past actions are often predictions of future results. History is studied to learn from previous mistakes. What will Von be like after his injury? Tre? Can Brown improve? Can Davis be that number 2 WR? Can the O and D line improve? Will the Bills be healthy? So many unanswered and unknowable questions. What's known is the Bills have failed to take steps forward as many of us thought they would. Excuses as for me are getting old and tiresome. I think we are nearing a point where something has to give. The team simply has to get over the hump soon.
  13. He would have improved yhe Jets. However, Carr isn't a QB that I think the Bills fear. Carr isn't elite. He's a decent QB.
  14. All easier said than done. (1) who is that RB? (2) Hard to trust the Bills staff when it comes to solidifying the Oline. Ford pick, Staffold sucked, Brown is not good and who knows if he will be. Bottom line is Beane and McD have had years to get it right. What makes you think they will get it right after years of incompetence? (3) Agree Bills need playmakers. Agree Davis had his chance. I don't wanna see a Davis WR2 rerun.
  15. Why? Not all crimes are equal. Similarly, not all football mistakes are equal. What's so dumb about that?
  16. Look at the Rams roster when they won it all. Look at the Chiefs roster this year. Mahomes played on one leg. Look at how bad Cinci's oline was when they went to the Super Bowl and when they hammered the Bills. Point being coaches, game plans, and schemes make a difference. Unexpected and inexperienced players step up. The last two seasons has shown us that the above mentioned is where the Bills fall miserably short. Until I see something different, I cannot have much faith that the Bills organization and team can stride to the next step.
  17. I agree. I have no interest in Robinson unless we draft one with the 27th pick.
  18. "IMO McD run his course, so has Beane. Could I be wrong? Of course. We'll see what this Draft brings, but given the results to date, the odds of one of our rookies stepping up to make a difference is nonexistent. It would be a first for Beane. As to McD, he won't have nearly to work with what he's had to date. White may be finished after his surgery, he certainly wasn't good when he returned this year. Poyer gone. Even drafting a WR at 27th isn't going to cut it. There hasn't been a WR drafted after 11th in either of the last two drafts that has put up starting #2 numbers or even close. Cinci's improving, KC's still KC, Miami and the Jets are breathing down our necks and each took one from us this past season. We can never rule NE out. Lawrence and Jax seem to be coming on and we couldn't beat them last time we played them when they sucked." Really well thought out and written. I concur with everything you said here. A sad and discouraging read but as accurate as could be. I really think it's time to move on from McD and Beane. They should move to a mediocre team that needs a build. They are great at turning around a losing organization. It's clear they can't get over the hump. McD consistently gets his butt waxed come playoff time. Besides Allen, Beane has way more misses than hits.
  19. Disagree and I know I'm likely in the minority. I know a lot depends on the board. Of course, if there's a glaring discrepancy then I can see the defensive pick. However, at pick 27 I tend to think there will be some good value on the offensive side. The Bills can always try to get a stop gap LB on the cheap. Too bad Bernard can't step in. He looks to be a wasted pick. Just my two cents.
  20. No to defense! Sorry man. The 27th pick has to be an offensive player. I wouldn't mind if every pick was offensive. I'm going into rhis year with the mindset of giving Allen protection and weapons. Let him cook. The defense falls where it falls. McD can try to get the best out of what he has. The organization has to change its mentality and focus. For too long it has concentrated on upgrading the defense. It hasn't worked come playoff time.
  21. Let Edmunds go. Not worth that kind of money.
  22. I'm no fan of Rodgers. I think he's likely on the decline. Mentally, I'm not sure how heart and mind is all in on playing football. 50 mil a year is a nice reward to keep playing. With that said, half a Rodgers is still better than what the Jets have. Probably, just as good or better than a limited and injury prone Tua.
  23. Some mistakes are worse than others. There's a reason why the "13 second game" will go down as one of the greats. The 13 seconds is certainly part of why. It's kind of like comparing a manslaughter charge to a petty thief.
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