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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I think the Ramsey pick up is solid for the Dolphins. I think Ramsey is still solid. I think he's lost some but his experience, talent, and moxy will help the Dolphins. It certainly makes them a better team. By how much is debatable. Make no mistake about it the Dolphins are going all out to dethrone the Bills. Damn that's a scathing post. Ouch...
  2. My comment was more about the Bills and Pats than it was about you and your post. I hope it didn't come across as being attacking. That wasn't my intent at all.
  3. Do you feel it slipping away from the Bills?
  4. Great analogy. The truth sometimes hurts. The Bills should never be compared to a dynasty Pats team. This Bills team has fallen short come playoff time. The Marty and Charger comparasions are sadly accurate.
  5. Yes and no. Life is so much bigger than football. It's not always about Xs and Os. Good character always counts and should be recognized. However, pro football is about winning. The character aspect takes a back seat to winning. If coaches don't win their character and good guy mentality will be secondary.
  6. Ben Johnson the OC was brilliant with his schemes and play calling. It won't be long that he will be a head coach.
  7. Can't deny the facts. Diggs has been ineffective in the big playoff games. However, I think we need to "Digg" deeper as to why. I believe it's pretty easy to take him away with double teams. That's why Davis was able to have a monster game. In short, it's not all Diggs' fault. I would absolutely be open to trading Diggs. Get Dhop, another WR, and valuable draft picks. Heck yes sign me up. My prediction is that Diggs is going to become a problem in the locker room. He's beginning to show early signs of discontent. We know his history in Minn. Connect the dots sort of speak.
  8. I stand corrected. I had in my head that he was consistently injuried. Thanks.
  9. That would be fine in my eyes. My only real concern is Dhop can't stay on the field. His sample size is very large too. Could be a Crowder like scenario. Big risk vs reward.
  10. You anointed the Carlona QB draft pick a franchise QB? Wow that's pretty bold. Agree 100%
  11. Davis was hurt earlier in the year. He was very healthy towards the end of the season and in the playoffs. Davis isn't a very good receiver. He is average to good. He had one if the best QBs in the league throwing to him. He caught 48 of the 93 passes his way. A terrible catch ratio, he lacks quick explosion and separation, and his route running is limited. All of that adds up to a middling WR who should never be a number two target on any team. He's a good 3rd and 4th option receiver. I believe many Bills fans have the image of the Gabe Davis in the Chiefs game. Obviously, he was fantastic in that game. However, that game was an anomaly not the norm. In short, the Bills must get a true #2 WR option. One who can run all routes and create separation. Zay Flowers is that guy for sure. The only big question is his size.
  12. I can't say that I'm a guru QB scout. I've watched Stroud play about 5 to 6 times. He really didn't impress me. Folks here with more knowledge could maybe give some insight on his future? Is he really top pick worthy?
  13. The Bills really need to upgrade the Oline and WR core. It will be crucial if they want to make a serious Super Bowl push. Let's not forget a healthy Bills offense scored a measley 10 points vs a mediocre Bengal defense. There are no real excuses for such a poor performance in such a big game on a national stage. It was frustrating to watch such ineptness, lack of weapons, no creativity, etc...
  14. Very good insight. I'd say it is McD being passive and quiet. He absolutely did little to take the blame. In essence, I think he used Fraizer and others as a backdoor screen. McD never apoears front and center when the heat is on. The Buffalo media treats him with kid gloves. The only one asking tough questions (Sully) is gone. I think we the fans, myself included get a little blinded by the McD nice guy nice character guy. For me it's getting old and losing its steam. Im glad McD us likely taking over the D. Now he has nowhere to hide or put up that shield. I'm interested to seevif he's up to the task. All this talk about how good of a defensive mind he is will be put to the test. Its about time because the Bills need something to get over the hump. Wasted opportunities are passing by year by year.
  15. Thank you so much for this post! Not sure why others still think Davis can be that solid #2 WR? It baffles me how people don't trust their eyes. I suspect Davis will be gone next year. Some team will foolishly pay him more than he is worth. Also, I have to laugh at how people say Davis and Allen have great chemistry. Last year, Davis had 93 targets for 48 catches. That's terrible and near the bottom for WR2s. His only saving grace was catching 7 TDs. Probably more of Allen's doing then Davis. Caught by default sort of speak. Year after year we hear how Davis works his butt off. Beane continues to sing his praise. You believe Beane or your eyes? You have a whole seasin of mediocrity to critique. I'm all for keeping Davis as a WR3 or 4. That's where he can produce effectively. You need a WR2 to be able to be 3 dimensional. Gabe can't great space quickly and his hips are too stiff. That's not going to change. He will likely never be a WR 2 for this reason. His skill set is limited.
  16. Carolina gave away a lot for a so so QB. None of this class of QBs are likely franchise. Perhaps serviceable to good is likely their landing spot. I think the Bears did well. Their fans have to be happy.
  17. I would really like the Lockett addition to the Bills offense. I think he would do well with Allen throwing him the ball. He's solid, dependable, makes big plays, and scores TDs. It would be an instant ugrade to to the Bills offense.
  18. Very well stated. As for myself, I know the Bills are a top tier team. Not sure anyone would dispute that. That makes me excited about the upcoming season. The Bills absolutely have to make solid moves via free agents, signings, and draft picks. Like you've implied the margin for error is pretty thin. There is no doubt several teams are breathing down on the Bills. KC and Cinci are likely better teams and better coached. Has the path to the Super Bowl diminished under this regime? Seems like the last few years have been lost opportunities. What will it take to get this team over the hump? The holes and weaknesses of the team seem bigger than the previous few years.
  19. Oliver is a nice piece and a good contributor. However, he is not a difference maker nor consistent enough to warrant a big contract. The Bills would be foolish to give him big money. I tend to agree with your sentiment. Let's wait and see what moves and pick ups the Bills make. Then we should have a clearer picture about the upcoming season.
  20. I never got that impression. I never got an impression that he wasn't a team guy. Oliver isn't bad. He's serviceable but inconsistent. That happens when you are undersized. That's why he fell to rhe Bills. His size metrics were a glaring red flag in hindsight.
  21. I'm not that foolish to make that bet when odds are 50 50. However, the $50 bet is my sweet spot.
  22. Great post. I enjoyed it. I'll have to check out Full Swing. I'd be a fool to take that bet for even money.
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