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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Would love to get Dhop for Oliver. You can even throw in Gabe. Dhop is elite! Now this would be a game changing move.
  2. I agree but the Bills must have a competent tackle to push Brown or step in if he performs poorly. Currently, the Bills are very thin at tackle. Relying on Brown is a pretty scary picture.
  3. Really nice post Alpha. I too was very excited about Gabe. You pretty much summed up my thoughts as well. It's hard for me not to temper my expectations of Davis. I'd much rather have him be a WR3 where I think he can excell. As a WR2 he wasn't able to beat solid CBs on a consistent basis. I don't see that changing due to his skill set. Imho, the Bills need a legit WR2.
  4. Sadly, I feel the same way about Gabe. Beane loves him too.
  5. You are making my point. That's what makes Allen special! I don't want to limit his skill set due to fear.
  6. You have a way with words. I think people here should reread your post several times. It rings of reality...
  7. I constantly hear this theme. I think it's flawed thinking and mostly living in fear. A few points to illustrate my point (1) The game has dramatically changed since the Cam days. The QB is protected more than ever. (2) Allen has a six year history of being durable. His body had been able to endure most of the defensive damage inflicted on him. Sure, he's getting older but he's still young and strong. Of course, he can always improve on not taking unnecessary hits. (3) Why would anyone want to take away or limit Allen's legs? This is an assest that makes him special. Keeps the defenses on edge. An Allen pocket passer with very limited use of his legs isn't optimal in my eyes. (4) Statiscally, NFL QBs are much much more likely to get hurt when passing the ball. Allen hurt his elbow passing not throwing. Should we limit his passing and advocate him handing the ball off more? Of course not!
  8. It baffles me that the Bills coaches think Gabe is a solid WR2. You want a WR2 to be able to be somewhat reliable, able to run varies quality routes, and win in contested throws. That's just not Davis. He caught a 56% of the passes thrown his way. More specifically, 48 out of 93 balls thrown his way. He had one of the worst contested ball rates as well. This just isn't going to cut it. Gabe cannot great quick separation. He is not fluid in the hips. Both add up to him being a WR3 or WR4. What are Beane and McD doing or seeing? They have to be better talent evaluators. Are they really trying to ran Davis back as the Bills WR2?
  9. The Bills will likely never be a power football team. It will always relay too much on Allen's arm and legs. Statistically the Bills were very good in picking up 3rd downs. It's called the QB down for a reason. I like the Harris pick up. However, let's not act like he's the next Derrick Henry. He's getting paid a measly 1.7 million for a reason. Agree, he adds a dimension to the running game. That's a good thing. Can Dorsey actually use him effectively?
  10. I very much like the Harris pick up. It's hard not to like especially so cheap. I wouldn't say "this is gold" because I don't see Harris as a game changer. Nevertheless, it's a very good pick up.
  11. I just don't see Cook as a number one 20 touch RB. He's never done that in college. He looks promising and to be a nice weapon with further development and coaching scheme. The addition. of Harris on the cheap is a very good acquisition.
  12. That was supposed to be the plan last year. Not sure why Allen didn't throw Cook the ball. Cook looked pretty good at the end of the year and still didn't get targets. Hines was a DNP on the offense as well. Not sure what the Bills plan will be with these running backs. You guess is as good as mine.
  13. I hope you are wrong. Gabe proved he isn't a very good number 2. I have to believe the Bills brass can see the obvious too. Gabe is a very good 3 or 4 WR. That's where he belongs.
  14. How do you think it's looking? Bills should win the AFC East again right? How do you think the oline and dline will be going forward? Have the Bills upgraded the WR core enough? Will Tre be Tre and Von be Von. Is this the year guys like AJ, Boogie, Gabe, Spencer Brown, Cook, Hines, Shakir, etc...step up and play much better? Does the coaching staff do well. Dorsey and McD presumably taking over the defense?
  15. That one game cannot be overlooked. I'm sorry all the regular season stats really don't mean much. You make fair points and I agree with plenty of them. The offense will always put up good to great stats simple because number 17 is at the helm. Clearly, he can't do it by himself. The Bills have been far too long without giving Allen good protection and weapons. The Bills added an olineman and 2 WRs. Hopefully, they can contribute enough to make a difference. I never advocated for an overhaul. I am glad Fraizer is gone. I'm not sold on Dorsey. He seems to have a lot to learn. The offense was kind of schzophrenic last year. Let's see what else the Bills do as far as moves. I am the least confident in several years. Beane really hurt the team with his many misses when Allen was on his rookie contract. That never seems to get addressed by the media or many here. Seems like other teams passed the Bills while others and are right on their tails.
  16. Alpha you forgot one important fact. A healthy Bills offense scored a measly 10 points vs the Bengals in a huge home playoff game. That just can't happen. All those regular season stats go out the window come playoff time. The Bills weak oline was exposed, lack of WRs talent was exposed, and Dorsey was out coached and out schemed. In short, the top regular season offense was stymied.
  17. We are on the same page here. In an earlier post I stayed none of the Bills moves are needle movers. I don't see how the Bills have gotten significantly better. In short, it's exactly what your post says. Swapping of role players. Guess we have to keep our fingers crossed. Folks, the Bills are "running it back" hoping for different results. I smell regression...
  18. I'm not on board with the OBJ hype. He's older coming off an injury and wants a ton of money. I'm more inclined to draft a WR and spend that OBJ money on the oline. Protect Allen and he will deliver.
  19. Excellent point! Sad but true. 😤😁
  20. If you think all games are the same then I don't know what else to say. My previous point wasn't that difficult to understand. The theme of it has validity. Go ahead and take it out of context if you want...
  21. Thus far, I don't see anything that jumps off the page and makes the Bills significantly better. The 2 WR picks up seem decent but I think it's safe to say they won't move the needle much. They absolutely still need a legit WR2. Sorry Davis isn't that guy in my mind. The oline still has too many question marks and weaknesses. Imho, this will be the key to the Bills success or lack of. More has to be done and hopefully it will. As of now, no way to I feel confident about this oline. The defense dodged a bullet by keeping Poyer. Edmunds can be replaced.
  22. Is it enough? Hard to get that image of the Cinci thrashing out of my mind. Old saying is you are as good as your last game. Looks like the Bills have a lot of work to do.
  23. As it stands right now, the WR core is a big question mark. Feels like some darts throws.
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