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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'd run to the podium if Wright is there at 27.
  2. Me too and often got it free or at a reduced rate. Still have DTV. With the discounts it's still a bit higher than YouTube TV. I must say their prices aren't cheap anymore. I might look into bootlegging the games.
  3. The Bills organization is very good but they just seem to fall short come playoff time. These next few years should really tell us a lot.
  4. That's just one aspect and consequence of the negotiation process. I believe you are selling what agents do woefully short. Agents do this kind of work daily, are very adapt in the process, and often can get even more than a player expects. Lamar representing himself is a very very very poor move. His decision is really mind boggling. Is he really too cheap to pay a 1 to 3 percent fee to an agent? That's peanuts. Does he really think he can be a better negotiator than a skilled experienced agent? Come on now! The brunt of the blame shifts to Lamar. He put himself in this position and I feel no empathy for him. I believe a deal would have likely been made if he hired a skilled agent. A skilled agent could have had a chance to tell Lamar his demands aren't realistic. Instead, he has his mom patting him on the back.
  5. I'm more thinking about this season and going forward. The Bills really need Von to be dynamic and dangerous. We saw how Tre came back and wasn't nearly as effective. Not sure that's an accurate measuring stick but it sure brings up concerns. Without Miller, the Bills passing attacked couldn't get it done. What kind of Von do the Bills get this upcoming season? It's not like he's 24. Not sure it's been mentioned. I couldn't help but think where was Von after his injury? He was supposedly the leader of the defense and a teacher to the younger players. He seemingly disappeared. Out of sight out of mind. Almost as if he checked out. Not on the sidelines not anywhere. That doesn't illustrate leadership to me. I'm pretty sure he was able to at least be a supportive leader on the sidelines. If anyone has any insight I'd like to hear it. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree? Just seems bothersome to me.
  6. Not sure this is entirely accurate. It takes two to negotiate. Lamar is representing himself and that seems extremely problematic. It's just not the way to get a deal done. For Fing sake hire an agent and pay him their 1 to 3 percent. By many reports his asking price has been almost unreasonable. The Ravens have publicly always backed keeping Lamar. Behind the scenes who really knows the sticking points and truth of the matter. With that said, I believe Lamar shoulders much of the responsibility that a deal hasn't gotten done.
  7. Makes me wonder how you feel about Von Miller.
  8. I'm pretty sure the Ravens were the only team offering that much. OBJ is getting paid. I didn't think OBJ would get that much being he's older and coming off a major injury.
  9. Good breakdown. I'm not really in love with any of the WRs in this draft. None of them seem to be true number one Wrs. I'm not crazy about moving up for a WR in this class. However, every year there seems to be Wrs that outperform their expectations. That's likely the case this year too. Johnston could definelty fall into this category.
  10. Epenesa stinks. How many years of stinkness do you need to figure it out.
  11. No doubt there will be a lot of dynamics and scenarios in play when the Bills are on the clock. That's what makes the draft so exciting and intriguing. So many unknown variables. Trades, who's available, who drops, etc... Sorry, I stand corrected.
  12. The more time passes the more I'm thinking Campbell is the pick at 27. Of course, many things can change. Just hoping Beane can pull off a little trade back, get another pick, and still get Campbell. Pretty risky for sure. By most though Campbell isn't really a 27th pick but Beane still might pick him of he's their guy. O don't fault that strategy either.
  13. Thurman playing the woulda, shoulda, coulda here. Not sure what game you watched? The Bills defense was horrible! They could not stop the Bengals early or when it counted. They did whatever they wanted to do. They shredded the Bills defense. In real time, I remember saying to my son the Bills defense sucks. No doubt the offense equally sucked but to say the defense wasn't horrible is disingenuous in my eyes. The Bengals were up by so much that they decided to run the ball with great results. They could have probably scored 40 or 50 points. Injuries always play a part in football. Clearly, the Bills Injuries on defense hurt. However, good to great teams have to overcome injuries. Players have to step up, execute, and perform at a higher level. Coaches have to have solid game plans. None of that happened. That's a total failure from the players, coaches, and organization. Go back and look at the majority of the posters prior to the Cinci playoff game. 95% of them were about how the Bills were going to beat the Bengals. Many were not overly concerned about the Bills defensive injuries. The talk was how the Bills pass rush would beat the injury riddled Bengal Oline and how the Bengal run game wasn't any good. I don't remember you discussing how the Bills defensive injuries were going to be difficult to overcome? I don't remember many posters echoing your theme here. Time after time and year after year the Bills have continued to disappoint in the playoffs. At some point, Bills fans have to really start thinking can this team, coaches, and organization get over the hump? It amazes me how fans continually make excuses for the Bills playoff failures. You can decide where your mindset fits. Wondering what excuses people will use next year? Groundhog day...
  14. I hear you. Personally, I don't think any WR in this draft is worth trading up for. All of them have some concerns and question marks. I just don't see a logical path to trading up for a WR in this draft. Maybe I'm wrong. As for the Arizona comments in your post. I don't think Arizona is really going to be threatened or intimidated by the Bills moves or lack of. That's a huge stretch at best. Dhop has some value and they certainly will be able to move him at some point. The reporting is Arizona is asking too much. I wouldn't be surprised if KC ends up getting him.
  15. I disagree. Beane has always talked up Edmunds and he let him walk. We fans have no idea what Beane and the Bills plan is for Oliver. Of course, it's conjecture because there is no concrete evidence. The poster you are referring to certainly has legitimate points. Of course, you are welcome to disagree. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Oliver is moved on draft day.
  16. Oliver gets traded and the Bills get Dhop. That's what I'm hoping for.
  17. If KC lands Dhop the chances of KC repeating will go up. Last thing I want to see happen.
  18. Stats really don't give an accurate picture here. Allen alone can make offensive team stats look good. That's the case here. Allen gets 90% of the credit and Dorsey held him back from achieving more. Any football person and casual fan could see that Dorsey was learning on the job. Now, we can only hope that the game has slowed and his mind is sharper and more progressive this year. He needs to make a big jump.
  19. I think Campbell is the best LB in the draft. He'd be a good fit in the Bills D. Ideally, the Bills move down a tad and pick up Campbell with extra picks added.
  20. The QB is the leader of the team. When the team loses most often the QB receives warranted and unwarranted criticism.
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