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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I'm happy with the selection. The value was too great to pass up. Just saying let's wait and see how he plays. He dropped for a reason and he appears slower and lumbering at times. I like his size and how he can maul players at the attack point.
  2. He's not as strong as he appears. His bench press at the combine was very disappointing.
  3. That's really fair. I too have some serious question marks about Torrance.
  4. Everything I read and saw seems like he's not a great fit for the Bills. Guess we will find out soon.
  5. At 59 he was great value. I get the pick. However, he's not a great fit for the Bills blocking schemes. His footwork is slow and not a great puller. The pick does come with some question marks.
  6. I have little confidence in the Bills LBs with the exception of Milano. What do you see in Dodson or Bernard that makes you think they are or will be a quality starter? I'm sorry I don't see it. Optimism is great but I'd rather really on talent and play on the field. Neither guy looks very good to me. The Bills badly need an upgrade but I'd rather say "F" the defense and go all in on the O. Not popular but I'm tired of Allen not having protection, weapons, good play calling, and a disappointing D in the playoffs.
  7. I'd rather get 2 or 3 quality starting prospects than 4 or 5 draft picks that will likely have less of an impact. I hope Beane can move up to get Bergeron.
  8. I think Beane trades up to get a LB or Oline man
  9. I like the post but I'm concerned about Dorsey. Last year he was learning on the job. I'd argue that he hurt the team more than helped. More specifically, offensively the team seemed to lack an identity; sometimes from half to half and from game to game. He must be better. An OC has to be able to reign in his QB. Their cannot be a communication breakdown between the two. They must be on the same page and often it seemed like they weren't. With regards to the addition of Kincaid. Really like that the Bills added a nice weapon to the offense. Can't complain about that. Time will tell if Dorsey and the Bills can utilize their weapons effectively.
  10. I think Beane is much better in the later rounds.
  11. Really hard to conclude much from that video.
  12. You have a point. Let's just be happy they got a really good weapon for Allen.
  13. I didn't want him a few days ago. But many on here really liked Kincaid. Many who know more than me. I'm happy the Bills have another weapon on the offense.
  14. I'd much rather have the ball in Allen's hands to win the game then in the hands of the defense. Since when has this defense ever been good enough come playoff time? At some point, you just can't do the same thing that doesn't work. Unless you are OK with nice regular season defensive stats that are meaningless come playoff time. Give Allen proper protection and more weapons. He will be virtually unstoppable. Of course, it would help if he had a dynamic creative play calling coach. Dorsey certainly wasn't that last year.
  15. I can read this post over and over and over. Very well stated and I agree 100%.
  16. Ground hog day... Care to add anymore excuses?
  17. No because your premise is incorrect. The underdog role can motivate athletes. I think it's much less of a factor with professional athletes. So I hear what you are saying. However, being a favorite is not a negative nor does undermine motovation, ego, and the hunger to win. That's nonsense. It's really that simple but I can see your ego has dug in and you won't bulge.
  18. Your logic is flawed. One can be the favorite and still be humble and hungry. Is that easier for you to understand? Lol
  19. Curious to ask who or what team do you think had a mindset that they were "ordained" to win it all? Strange comment... Are you suggesting the Bills players weren't humble or hungry? If not, what team or players are you referring too? Another odd statement...
  20. Of course the players knew about the hype and how good they were. That's was never in dispute. I'm saying that the media and fan hype had little effect on the Bills season. These guy are pros and know how to properly focus themselves. Of course, during a season teams will be flat or play poorly and vice versa. However, I'm not buying the Bills hype and their fragile egos played a significant role in last season.
  21. I really like Charbonnet. I'm not crazy about the Bills drafting a RB with the exception of Bijan falling to the Bills at 27. (Not gonna happen) I feel the Bills are pretty solid at RB. I feel like you can find plug and play RB fairly easily as well as running back by committee. With the Bills having other more glaring holes a RB pick seems counterintuitive. Its different if the Bills board is screaming RB is BPA by a large margin when they are on the clock.
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