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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Do you know how silly you sound? "Taking more hits well have a more negative impact than taking less hits." You want to take the statement literally with no inferences. Thanks for that information. It was truly a profound statement. WTF! Get real NewEra. Your spin and cover up is obviously a fail.
  2. You really can't assume that. Some of the worst hits Allen and other QBs have taken is in the pocket. Based on your logic, maybe Allen should hand of the ball more and not pass. As another posted pointed out QBs are much more likely to get hurt passing. This notion of limiting Allen's legs limits the weapons of the team's offense. Of course, I'm not advocating reckless and careless running by Allen. We have 5 years of Allen running and basically being injury free. As he gets older he will likely run less. For now, let Josh be Josh.
  3. Agree. Allen has more than proved his body is durable and able to handle the hits when he takes off. Of course, no need to be reckless or take unnecessary risks. However, I tho k Allen does a decent job of protecting himself. He's a big body. I want Allen to use his legs. That's one part of his game that makes him dangerous. I don't want to see a pure drop back passer. I still want to see plenty of RPOs. You can't play the game scared or timid. Be assertive to aggressive when you play. Let's not limit Allen's toolbox.
  4. I get that. Just gets a little tired some when you've waited literally decades upon decades to win just one. This fan base truly is craving for one.
  5. Generally speaking are the Bills expectations too high? Or are they that high enough? How many AFC conference championship games have they played in the Beane, McD, and Allen era? How many Super Bowl appearances and that's not counting winning it all? This team and organization has clearly stated the goal is to win the Super Bowl. Of course goals aren't always achieved but the bar has been set. They made a huge bold move to get Von Miller. He was supposed to be and still can be the missing piece. They were overwhelming favorites to win the Super Bowl last year. The hype was real and it certainly looked plausible early on. The latter part of the season it looked very good as the Bills rattled off a winning streak and eventually had a home playoff game vs Cinci. In essence, I'm trying to say I don't really feel fan expectations are "off the rails" here. I think it's fair to say the Bills are one of the teams in the discussion to compete and win the AFC.
  6. Agree but I think you are taking what I said out of context. I'm not in the win the Super Bowl or the season is a failure mindset. Frankly, I don't think many on here are. My main mode of contention is the Bills have under achieved in recent playoff apoearences. Where is the progression in the playoffs? How about playing in an AFC Championship Title game? Maybe a Super Bowl appearance? They have been out coached in the playoffs. They have not done enough to build a solid oline or provide dynamic weapons around Allen. A constant theme amoung football fans and experts criticizing the Bills for relaying too much on Allen. They absolutely blew a golden opportunity in 13 seconds, etc... No organization is mistake free. I'm quite happy that the Bills are a solid organization with very good results over the past 5 years. Bills football has certainly been much more enjoyable to watch in the recent years. The buzz, hype, expectations, the playoff excitement, the locker room talk, etc...For that I'm thankful to have Beane and McD leading the way. At some point, even good to great ones deserve criticism. There comes a time when organizations have to make tough hard decisions. When that is and what to do or not do is a much much more difficult decision. Way beyond my expertise. Now, on to strictly my opinion. My eye ball test sort of speak. One thing that really stood out to me was Beane's end of season press conference. It was the first time I've seen Beane overtly evasive, making lots of excuses like Bills cap space and other teams cap space, and talking about how players need to step up. I'm sure others will see it differently. As for me, it was a strikingly different Beane (in a negative way) than the past. I get the sense that the Bills are being caught or have been passed by other teams. If you will looking in the rear view mirror holding on and hoping. Surely others don't feel the same and I'm fine with that. Hope that clarifies things for others. I'm excited about watching Bills football again. I will cheer proudly and hope for the best. Not watching the season with the mindset it's Super Bowl or bust. Progression to the next step is realistic and frankly the Bills have failed to do this for several years. That indeed leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I firmly believe the Bills should have done more, gone further, and lost opportunities that they can't get back.
  7. And the Bills have AFC East titles and great regular season records. Why shouldn't Bills fans be happy and satisfied?
  8. In a vacuum the Bills not winning a Super Bowl is correct. I'd be happy with a Super Bowl appearence at this point. However, team thinking changes when you land a franchise QB. Let's break down the top QBs in the league. Arguably it's Mahomes, Burrows, and Allen. Maybe throw in Hurts. Pick the order if you like. Mahomes 2 rings in 6/7years. Burrow Super Bowl appearence year 2. Hurts Super Bowl appearence year 2. Allen hasn't sniffed a Super Bowl appearence in 5 years of playing. Top 3 QB in the NFL. Acceptable? Something is wrong Gunner. Top QBs go to Super Bowls. Franchise QBs go to Super Bowls. Thats what they do. The it's hard to do just doesn't cut it at this point. Nor should it. The wait til next year mentality falls short too. Next year turns into next year which turns into next year. Five years and counting. Some are sayongbits this year. But if not it's ok because it's hard to go to a Super Bowl. 31 teams will be disappointed. The built in excuse is ringing loudly. I guess we fans should absolutely be ecstatic with great regular season records followed by one playoff win. The thrust for more is just icing on the cake. It's hard to win. It's tough to win and 31 other teams will be disappointed. Even that is really disingenuous as 31 other teams really don't have a realistic chance of winning it all. Each year you can probably name 8 to 10 teams have a shot. It's not 32 teams. The Bills have squandered the last two years. No one knows what the following years will look like. The Bills as an organization have failed to make the leap to progress further. It seems as though the front office is in a transition. Not sure if this is good or bad. More specifically, the Bills past moves have been largely concentrated on the defensive side of the ball. No need to rehash all the moves. Their philosophy was to get pass rushers and pressure the QB. Largely ignoring and or missing on solidifying the oline and getting Allen weapons. Fast forward to this year and it's clear the front office is prioritising the offensive side of the ball. In Beane we trust...
  9. When a team doesn't reach its realistic goals then it does becomes disappointing. Failure of a team's goals is separate than fan enjoyment. Both can be true at the same time. Questioning your team's ability to reach the top doesn't equate to worrying, not enjoying the winning, or lack of loyality. The playoff run certainly has been fun and enjoyable. It's a nice accomplishment and speaks loudly about how Beane and McD changed the Bills losing ways. However, when you land arguably the top QB in the league the bar changes pretty quickly. Playoff appearances become Super Bowl expectations and appearences. That's not a "only in the sport for winning" point of view. It's a realistic and viable thought process. The bitter disappointment mostly stems from the KC 13 second debacle and the outright thrashing from the Bengals last year. Perhaps, I take my Bills football too seriously...
  10. Come brother your optimism is a bit over the top. I'll just keep it at that.
  11. Sadly, I agree with your post. There are more questions than answers with this team. I can start to feel the Bills sliding back while the Jets and Miami are moving forward. The Jets defense is legitimate and last year all they really lacked was a QB. Add Rodgers and that might be the piece needed to overtake the Bills. A healthy Tua might also put the Dolphins ahead of the Bills. Their Oline still has question marks but so does the Bills defensive pass rush. I'm not exactly thrilled with running back Boogie and AJ. Who knows what Von the Bills get and how much he plays. My head still can't get over the Bills play vs 3 Cinci Oline backups. Allen has to play smarter and Dorsey has to improve. Realistically, I can see the Bills finishing 1st to 3rd in the division. I think there's very little seperation between the 3 teams.
  12. Are the Bills a lock to make the playoffs?
  13. Not insulted at all. Your accusations are unwarranted. That was my point but you refuse to see it. Have a great day. No doubt I could use some of that too. I don't disagree so long as they have a legitimate offensive minded coach in mind.
  14. You make unfounded statements here. No one here has said don't make the playoffs. Come on get real. Tanking sometimes makes sense if your on the bottom and looking for the premiere draft choice like a franchise QB. Obviously, that's not the Bills situation. Stop calling out people on here that haven't even remotely said what you are saying. Frankly, you are insulting the people on here. No apology needed just think before you rant.
  15. To put your eggs in a basket of a 34 year old coming off his second ACL is pretty scary. Add in he plays on a pitch count as well is double scary. To boot the Bills still have Boogie and AJ on the roster. You know what you are getting with those two. It's called mediocrity. My eyes see a very vurnuable defense. Agree 100%. 👍
  16. This is one way to look at it. You could be absolutely correct. However, it appears that KC and Cinci are better than the Bills. They too have made improvements along with the Jets and other teams. The Bills are no doubt a top tier team. Allen is simple that good. With a little help and support they make the playoffs. The real question is are they good enough to win it all? That is the goal no? Thus far, they have come up short year after year. Various reasons why which have been amply stated. A new start to the season brings new hope. As time passes does that hope become reality or another bitter disappointment?
  17. I think the idea of a team being the favorite or underdog to ein it all is vastly overrated and overhyped amoung fans. I think today's modern day athletes are able to mostly drown out the media noise. In essence, I think it has little effect on the players and teams outcome.
  18. Disagree wildly with you. No way no how should the Chiefs scored in 13 seconds. It's just that simple! The Chiefs, Mahomes, Kelce, Hill and Reid did nothing spectacular to get into field position. It was more the Bills errors than anything. Choke! The Bills defense was flawed and frankly horrific in those 13 seconds. All they had to do was drag and hold the Chiefs players for two plays. A holding penalty would not have hurt them all the while precious time would have ticked off the clock. Instead we saw what happened. No squib or short kick, played 20 yards off the line of scrimmage, and gave Kelce a free path and free catch. The Bills called timeouts to get things right while they get things wrong. Choke, choke, and more choke! Miscommunication isn't an excuse it's called choking. Your account of other fans perception is admirable but not based in fact. It's purely based on your perception and opinion. You are rightly entitled to it. Not sure how anyone even the casual football fan can't see how that 13 second debacle wasn't one of the worst coached and played 13 seconds in history. Plainly put, as a Bills fan it will hunt us for years to come. It was arguably the best chance the Bills had to win a Super Bowl. The Bills choked it away. Sorry Thurman if you can't or refuse to see it.
  19. I'm sure KC and Cinci fans are saying similar things about Buffalo. 13 seconds was the ultimate choke job in NFL history. It cuts both ways... It's reasonable. Not sure about the Chargers but it's not outrageous either.
  20. You are correct. I stand corrected. The Chiefs were moons better than the Bills in 2020. The Bills had no real chance of beating the Chiefs in Arrowhead. The Chiefs predictably beat the Bills easily. To be honest, if memory serves me correctly, the Bills were very fortunate to beat the Colts. Rivers choked and overthrew a wide open receiver for the win. That Bills team wasn't ready to make a Super Bowl appearence. After that season, I think most Bills fans were happy with the season. Fast forward to today and ask yourself have they progressed? What did they accomplish? Have they sniffed a Super Bowl? The bar has changed and the Bills team has fallen short in the proceeding playoff appearances. There is no other way to see it. Optimism is great but it's results that count. The KC and Cinci playoff losses should not be dismissed as ho hum. They are certainly eye opening.
  21. I think McGovern is a nice pick up and and upgrade. Torrance is a rookie so he will have a learning adjustment. Hopefully, he will round into form towards the end of the year. David Edwards if healthy could be pretty good. Brown being healthy can't hurt. In short, I do feel like the oline has improved on paper. Is it enough? That I don't know. Seems like it's a work in progress. That's the big issue I have with Beane. He's had six years to solidify the line. At this point, the oline should be very good and little tweaks should be occurring.
  22. Beane did well here. The Bills D needed a guy like him.
  23. That's really not that close. They still had to beat Cinci which was no easy task. I stand by this team hasn't even sniffed a Super Bowl appearence yet.
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