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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. It cuts both ways sir. Objectivity is often lost here. Take a look at a positive vs a negative post regarding the Bills. Ask yourself if you look at those posts in an objective manner. For example, Bills beat KC 38 to 10. Bills lost to KC 38 to 10. Will they be met with equal objectivity?
  2. I think you are way off base here Augie. I think this point of view is sadly pathetic. It's nothing more than a cheap shot at Bills fans who criticize the team, front office, or players. No way do I think people on this board want to be be seen as being correct at the expense of the Bills missing the playoffs.
  3. You play the percentages and the odds. Clearly, the best decision was to squib or pooch the ball because the top priority was to burn the clock. Kicking it into the end zone was never the right call because it can't take seconds of the clock. It's really that simplistic. Romo live was screaming for the squib kick. Also, Bass had been pooching the ball effectively all season. The coaches have to be able to trust their kickers to execute this kick. I firmly believe Bass was up to the task. Your woulda or coulda really doesn't justify how bad the Bills blew it. The excuse McD gave or didn't give was even more reason to believe he choked it. No way on earth should there be any miscommunication.
  4. To add injury to insult the Bills took a time out to get the calls right. What's often not discussed is why didn't the Bills just blatantly hold and tackle Kelce, Hill, and all their offensive players. The holding penalty would not have hurt the Bills at all. In the meantime precious seconds would have elapsed off the clock as Mahomes would have had to look elsewhere. That was the easiest path to win the game. The 13 second debacle ranks up there in any NFL playoff choke job. It's close to the Tenn miracle. However, that was more of a fluke than anything. The 13 second debacle has to be one of the worst coaching displays in playoff history. Yet, McD is seen as godlike and untouchable. Also, I disagree that the Cinci game was all on the players. The Bills coaching staff got throttled. The players were not ready to play and the game plan was non existent. They literally made no adjustments from the whipping Cinci was giving them weeks before. So I don't think it's credible to not hold the coaches accountable. I expect them to lose in the playoffs like they have under McD and Beane for 5 years and counting. I don't expect them to beat KC or Cinci. Of course lots of variables can change in a season.
  5. This falls flat as a rational for the Bills years of oline issues. In fact, the opposite could be true with modern day football players. They are getting faster, bigger, and technology advances continue to grow. The reason for the Bills lack of success is largely because Beane has missed on his draft choices, acquisitions, and or neglected it with patch work players. Beane clearly emphasized the dline over the oline. Boogie, AJ, Oliver, Von, etc...Now it looks as though the dline is not solidified for the upcoming years. In short, the Bills in the trenches seem pretty vulnerable. I believe this could be the achlies heel of the team. Come playoff time these defiencies will be likely exploited.
  6. I think the real point is that it's five years and counting. That's not an insignificant amount of time. During much of that time Beane had cap room to make big time moves to upgrade the Oline. I'd argue by now the Bills Oline should be solid to very good. Who thinks the Bills Oline is that?
  7. Of course that's true. But don't you have to take into account when Allen was on his rookie contract? That's when Beane's misses really hurt. That was the time to solidify the oline. He put himself in this position. There were plenty of optimal years for the Bills to thrive. Instead, they are left vulnerable in the trenches. We all know how important the trenches are. In short, I don't think it's fair to give Beane a pass because of Allen's big contract without talking about what he did prior to it. They go hand and hand.
  8. The failure to build a really solid oline has cost the Bills playoff wins and likely Super Bowl wins.
  9. That makes sense. What frustrates me is that the Bills Oline has been a problem for seemingly a decade and maybe more. Certainly, during Beane's tenure it's been a consistent theme. This year's oline is hopefully better.
  10. This is the wrong approach in my opinion. Look at the Chiefs success. Their Oline is a key part of their success. Conversely, the Bills Oline had been a nemesis for years now. The game is still largely won in the trenches.
  11. He's unproven for sure. He has a lot developing to do. I get the Bills are not giving up on him. However, I did expect some competition for him. That position is very vital to the offense. Seems a bit problematic.
  12. I wouldn't call him a bum. However, his offense was elementary and lacked creativity. He really failed to utilize his weapons and the play calling was too predictable. Of course, it wasn't all his fault but I feel he didn't put the Bills in the best position to excell. Imho, he was learning on the job. This year should tell us a lot. I think the Bills have new and improved weapons and an upgraded oline. He has to step it up.
  13. Let's see what McD does with this D. He has a big reputation and he better deliver. If not there has to be that conversation next year.
  14. Great point. That's what makes it much more difficult for the Bills. Philly at home with that defense and offense will be extremely difficult. Hard to pencil in a win for Buffalo. Cinci just demolished the Bills. The team had no answers on both sides of the ball. Plus, Bills might suffervsome PTSD going back to Cinci. Hard to pencil in win for the Bills. KC in Arrowhead is a tough ask. Mahomes is just a winner. The best QB in the game. Reid is an offensive guru. Bills can't stop Kelce. However, the Bills have some regular season success in Arrowhead. I could see the Bills squeezing out a win. (Come playoff time it's a different story).
  15. I misunderstood your question. I thought you were talking about the KC, Philly, and Cinci games. I think the Bills smash the Raiders and beat Wash too.
  16. I doubt they "step up." We know what they are. Inconsistent role players.
  17. Of course there are legit reasons the Bills need to see more of a healthy version of Brown. The point is it doesn't look at this point that there's a great alternative if Browns plays poorly or get injuried. Both a real possibilities. I would think the tackle position is not where you want a lot of weakness.
  18. Completely disagree. The 90s Bills oline was very good, the WR core was much balanced and better, and Hall of famer Thurman Thomas is a crystal clear example of why you are dead wrong. Not one RB on the Bills roster in 20' to 22' could hold his jock strap. Stop with your non sense.
  19. Come on now! Are you serious with this post? Seems like desperation at best and grasping at straws. Imho, it's pretty disingenuous. The point is this current offense shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as that 90s offense. That offense was phenomenal! The Kgun and no huddle offense was the talk of the NFL for years. This current offense has a lot to prove. There are lots of question marks. No need to rehash them. This thread is pretty ridiculous.
  20. All true. However, the Bills got throttled in every facet of the game. Offensively, defensely, special teams, and coaching. It was a totally break down from top to bottom. Yet, so many of us fans have short memories and a optimistic outlook. So optimistic that posters are thinking this is the best Buffalo offense ever. Folks, this offense scored 10 points vs an average Bengal defense in a home playoff game. Sure it's only one game but you just can't simply dismiss it either. The offensive pick ups, acquisitions, and drafts look to be promising. I think the oline and WR core has been upgraded. However, by no means do I see an elite Oline, WR core, RB core, and offensive coordinator.
  21. I know how the unrealistic homers will react to it. They will love it! Not sure what people are smoking thinking this offense is better than the Bills 90s Super Bowl team. Not even close folks... Which means nothing.
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