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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Pretty blunt take from Colin. Wondering how others feel about what he says.
  2. Pessimism is a needed element on this forum. One can with validity make the opposite claim. A balance of the two would be optimal in my eyes. Imho, there are plenty of reasons to feel optimistic or pessimistic.
  3. Marty Schottomheimer says hi. I think you are correct. For me it's a "NO!" Agree to disagree.
  4. That's more than fair. It's not all on Beane. The coaches and the players certainly have to better as well. I think it's safe to say the Bills coaching staff has been out coached in many playoff games. Fraizer's defense couldn't get it done! Really nothing more to say there. Dorsey was learning on the job. McD and 13 seconds. No need to elaborate. No need to call out players. Just saying they need to improve and execute at a higher level. In concluding, the Bills are a very good team. A team that is more than capable of representing the AFC. A team that can hoist a Lombardi. Fact remains they haven't and that's what frustrates me as a fan. It's one thing getting beat by a better team. I can totally tip my hand to the opponent. It's another getting beat because your coaches were out coached, out schemed, players didn't execute, etc. I have a difficult time believing KC was a better team 2 years ago. I have a hard time thinking Cinci was better than us last year. Maybe I'm wrong...
  5. I just asked a question. I think Beane is a very good GM. He deserves lots of credit. Hands down. Has he been flawless? No Has he made mistakes? Yes Have those mistake cost the Bills a chance to go further in the playoffs? Maybe Can Beane make the right moves to get over the hump? Maybe Are you ok with getting to the playoffs only to fizzle out? I'm not! Do you think it's time for the Bills to take the next logical step? AFC championship game, SB appearence, SB win? Yes yes and yes. Two consecutive years of wasted opportunity. At what point do you look to make organizational and coaching changes if the Bills falter? How many years? For now, Beane deserves more time. Clearly, the goal is a SB. They haven't reached their goal. Part of that has to fall on Beane. He had 5 years of Allen and his rookie contract to get it done. Wasn't that the optimal time? He even mentioned this with the Bengals. In short, Beane is very good but he's fallen short thus far. Could he get it done soon. Yes and yes. His moves this off season indicate he's moving forward to win and win big. I like his aggressive moves. However, he put himself in a difficult position for the upcoming years. At some point, I want more than what Beane had produced. Don't you?
  6. Effort is commendable. It's a results orientated league. Has Beane done enough? Are you happy with the results?
  7. Very insightful. I happen to agree. With that said, are you implying that Beane has missed opportunities to make the team SB ready? Is the window closing?
  8. I can't be upset at a GM who is trying to win a Super Bowl.
  9. Was Floyd considered to be the past from the available group?
  10. The ecstasy of winning the SB trumps everything. I will take years of poor seasons for that one SB win. It's not even close. My complaining about the poor seasons ahead means nothing. Of course we will complain and that includes you. This franchise has never won a SB. The fan base has been salivating for that Lombardi. People have waited a lifetime and decades to experience it. That includes me. Don't sell short what a SB win would do for Buffalo and it's fans.
  11. They also have one ring. I'll take the negative for that one ring!
  12. I get it and your point is fair. Of course, I'm not advocating for a crappy Bills D or have weaknesses not being addressed. I would rather have the Bills organization to go "all in" on the offensive side of the ball. Devote most of your resources there. Build a D that's able to make some big plays and get a key stop here or there. McD should be able to hold down the fort sort of speak based on the D talent, his scheme, and his creativity. Perhaps my mindset is a bit off here.
  13. Imho, it's the offense that's going to get the Bills to the Super Bowl. The defense just has to make a play here and there. Get a critical stop or two. Just look at the Super Bowl. The vaunted Philly defense had no answers to stop Mahomes and vice versa. The awesome niner defense shredded by Philly. It's an offensive league. Go get Hopkins.
  14. I've been a Beane critic. For the most part, I like the moves Beane has made. (Not the Oliver signing). He has addressed the weaknesses of the team with some solid pieces on a limited budget.
  15. Sounds like a really nice signing. Any details on the contract and for how long? Sounds like he has a lot left in the tank.
  16. Would like to see some solid input on this acquisition. I really don't know much about him. Edit: Oh wow it's Leonard Floyd LB drafted by the Bears. I just put it together. Sorry working midnights and kind of out of it. There was so much hype on him. He's a really solid player. BB gets a thumbs up here.
  17. That really never entered my mind. I completely disagree and I think it was likely sacarim. However, I did think this could be another Beane mistake which could eventually contribute to his resigning, moving on, or being fired. Personally, after Beane's end of season presser I view him in a slightly less positive light. No need to rehash the specifics. I used to say to my brother I trust Beane. Of course, he's still very good and no GM can get everything correct in an imperfect system. However, it's become more and more evident that Beane's plan has fallen short. Hopefully, that won't continue. The bar has changed due to Beane's early success. Credit to him. Team building and a winning culture has been implemented into a prior failed organization. Now its time for the next progression. No excuses no BS no end of season disappointments.
  18. If you are that injury or hurt prone year after year after year after year then that should create some serious concern. Wouldn't you agree? Red flag alert an undersized DT getting banged up consistently. So why not sign him to a fat long term contract while he's underpreformed and hasn't been reliable. I never did like my logic class back in my college days. Maybe I'm missing the Beane boat here.
  19. I get what you are saying about getting a pass rusher. Here is my thought process on that. Beane and McD have woefully missed on getting pass rushers. AJ, Boogie, Oliver, and to extent an injuried, aging, and lightly played Von. Frustration has developed over years of failed attempts to get a solid consistent pass rush. My confidence that Beane and McD can be successful with another acquisition is skeptical. Of course, they could be successful and get a solid vet player at a cost. Perhaps a stop gap or a 1 or 2 year rental. I wouldz tree like to see an over emphasis on the offense. More weapons, speed, explosiveness, physicality, etc..( Yes to Dhop). I think Beane has clearly focused on doing the above. I want more! All in on Allen and the offense sort of speak. I truly believe this gives the Bills the best chance to win. Sure it's a risk but one I'm willing to take. Additionally, McD is supposed to be a defensive guru. Let's see what schemes he can draw up. Let's see what he can get out of his players. Hopefully, McD can get the Bills D to another level come playoff time. This year we will see how valuable or non valuable McD is on the defensive side of the ball.
  20. Hopkins played well after serving his suspension. He played on a poor team with a sub par QB passer. Sure he's getting older but I believe Hopkins is still elite. Remember, his skill set isn't reliant on speed. He's still an elite route runner with size and fantastic hands. Think Larry Fitzgerald... Is there risk? Of course but so was Von. I didn't mind the mindset of why Beane acquired Von. I wouldn't mind aggressively going after Hopkins. I believe his addition would take the Bills O to another level. There is nothing remotely close to Hopkins on the current roster. Beane has clearly emphasized building up the offense and giving Allen weapons and protection. Why stop now? Get it done Beane!
  21. There is some validity to this. Look at Allen for a good example.
  22. I think Gabe's stats are largely inflated by having Allen as his QB. I think he's an average WR2 at best and more suitably a WR3. Gabe has a limited route tree due to lack of fluid hip movement and explosiveness. Thus, he needs time to get open and the short passing game is non existent. Additionally, his contested rate catch is below average. In short, I feel it's not ideal to have Gabe as the Bills WR2. Allen will make any WR better and that's the case here. The Bills management and coaching staff has to prioritize positions of need accordingly. Imho, there were far more pressing needs than WR2. Thus, Davis by default remains the WR2. I'm not anywhere sold that a rookie TE will take over his role anytime soon. Nor do I think any of the WR additions are WR2 worthy. Hopefully, they are solid pieces that can contribute. Gabe was hurt early on in the season. The latter part of the season he appeared relatively healthy. My eyes saw a WR2 that underpreformed, lacked separation, and didn't make many contested catches. I found myself frustrated with Gabe more often than not. Granted, he made some nice third down conversations and a few timely TDs. I'd argue with confidence that was mostly due to the greatness of Allen. Perhaps, I'm not giving Gabe enough credit? In short, the Bills had little choice but to roll the dice with Gabe. Beane knew it and talked him up in his season ending presser. Roster construction and cap issues just didn't allow for a major upgrade of the WR2. The Bills can do worse than Gabe. By all accounts he's a hard worker and that is certainly an attribute Bills fans can relate too. His KC playoff game lingers with ecstasy in many of our minds. It's hard not to like Gabe and root for him.
  23. Depends on your definition of a troll. Certainly one risks that label if you have a negative critique. Vice versa and you are clearly in a "safe zone."
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