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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. To be truthful, I don't think his punt receiving record so far fills them with confidence, but they're not going to throw Shakir under the bus publicly. In poor weather, Shakir waved off 3 punts and FC 1 vs. Pittsburgh. Obviously a wave-off is better than a muff, but one of them bounced to pin us deep, and previously, McD has made a point about wanting a punt reception to end with the ball in the receiver's hands. Then he kind of muffed one vs. KC and we wound up on our own 4 yd line. He did well vs. GB in very nice weather with still winds. I think that Beane and McDermott had a legit concern as to whether Shakir could handle receiving punts in bad weather and swirling winds. And, as I noted in the Hines trade thread, with Crowder's injury added to Hyde out for the season, they were pretty much down to "Shakir or, Who?" at PR. It would not shock me if having an experienced, steady option at PR was a primary motivation in trading for Hines. I think the "devote your full attention to being a WR" is a face-saving out for Shakir. If Hines does start receiving punts, I would expect Shakir to still take PR snaps in practice as a backup. Just my opinion.
  2. Maybe mind your own store, and put a few less keyboard clicks telling me what I'm doing and what I should do?
  3. He is trying to ***** jinx us. I'm not gonna re-tweet his "what if this happened to us?" injury tweet.
  4. Well All Righty Then! I am put straight! We'll see Dorsey designing 8-10 plays that feature Hines on offense, just like SF did for CMC, and we'll see him taking 10-12 snaps on offense, which is about what James Cook has been seeing and about 2/3 of what Shakir took last couple games. Wait, that's not what you're arguing? How about some context? I was responding to a guy who said "I would bet there is) there isn't really any reason that Dorsey can't have 8-10 plays scripted up with Hines in mind. I expect him to be active this week as the prime PR and see 10-12 snaps...especially if we happen to get up big. He's a pro. " Context matters. I've said elsewhere that I thought we'd see Hines as a PR first, and it could be this week depending upon how sincere Beane was in saying Shakir had been doing a fine job there. It's not alleged to be challenging weather in NJ at this point, sunny and mild with light winds.
  5. The Jets have really upgraded on defense this off season. 32 in the league 2021, 11th in the league so far this season. Even better if you look at parameters like YPP and Y/A. - very high there, one of the best Ds we've faced. As far as the Bills D being really disciplined and always in the right spot defensively, we may be heading into this matchup without Poyer or either starting LB. Edmunds may play, but he doesn't seem to be a guy who is great at playing through injuries. And something was going on last week that allowed us to be gashed big in the run game. Seem like fairly sound guesses to me, although it wouldn't shock me if McD says they're "game time" just to mess with Saleh
  6. Sorry, but 200+ yds rushing by a team that was #1 in rush defense going into the game has surely a bunch of sloppy mistakes going on.
  7. Their season was derailed by injuries last year as well. To be fair not knowing what Bateman injured - there are some foot and some rib fractures that are very difficult to see on x-ray or even CT until the bone actually starts to heal. But at some point they may need to overhaul their sports medicine and training approach.
  8. Yep, totally legit penalty, no sympathy for Madubuike there. That was one of those "I know the ball is gone and I could avoid you but I'm gonna put my hands on you and shove just to make the point I was close". But Josh Allen absolutely flopped and sold it.
  9. Yep, it was a boneheaded play. 56 seconds in for a good view: It's a tough life being a DLman or blitzer these days, but you can't just be locked and loaded and proceed to hit the QB regardless. Salah was doing "gamesmanship" saying to reporters that the refs explained "he hit him too hard". The ball was gone, Franklin took two steps and gave a little jump and chest slam to knock Jones down. Was Jones doing some gamesmanship to fall over when he might have been able to stay on his feet? Likely, but the ball is gone, Franklin has full view of Jones right arm and can see the passing motion take place, he needs to keep his feet on the ground and try to divert, not launch. Of course Allen would flop in those circumstance and hope that if he didn't get the completion he would get the first down by penalty. Allen has said when he has to throw the ball away, he waits until the last moment to try for a roughing call, and sure thing, he'll do the soccer flop. He "deserves" the penalty because it is roughing by rule. I'm sure the Jets coaches have a cut-up of late hits after Allen throws and penalties he's drawn. And let's get it straight, there's gamesmanship on the defensive player's side too. It's a form of intimidation - "I'm right on your ass, Mac Jones" "I got a bead on you". They know they aren't supposed to hit the QB late, they do it just like OLmen and DB hold: because most of the time the refs let it pass.
  10. It's a fair point that it doesn't take a lot to get up to speed as a punt returner. Guess will find out how sincere McBeane are when saying Shakir has been "doing a fine job" at PR.
  11. That's fair, but a lot depends upon how similar the terminology and play calls are between Carolina and SF. One is listed as an "Air Coryell" offense and the other as a "WCO". I *think* the terminology has the same structure, but not 100%. So it might be more like going from Portuguese to Spanish than from Portuguese to Flemish. The other thing is...I don't wanna be "that guy", but I guess I'm gonna. CMC is a Big Star expected to be a Game Changer - the 49ers hope will transform their season from 3-4 pretenders into legit Contenders. Nyheim Hines in his best year on a playoff-contending Colts, was the #2 RB on the team and the #4 receiver on the team - and that was 2 seasons ago. He is hoped to be, as Beane said "another guy that (offensive coordinator) Ken Dorsey and Josh (Allen) and the crew can use just as another offensive piece" on a 6-1 team currently first place in the AFC with the #2 point-scoring offense in the NFL. The Game Changer is the guy you design 8-10 plays around on a short week in the hope of injecting some pep into your lackluster offense. Excited as we are to add Nyheim Hines and to hope that he was a "bad fit" contributing to the Colts offense and will become a much more valuable piece here....8-10 plays is what, 1/4 to 1/3 of the weekly game plan? Is that really what you do for "just another offensive piece" on a short week?
  12. I would put that one in the category of "poor defender decision making" aka "play Stupid Games, win Stupid Prizes." Yeah, Josh flopped and sold it, but the defender on that play 100% saw the ball leave Josh's hands, made several steps and reached out with both arms to shove Josh. Whether or not Josh did a "soccer flop" it was roughing by rule. It wasn't one of those "NFL expects defenders to apply for exception to the laws of physics" calls that makes me kind of feel sorry for them (kind of), where the defender's view of the ball is blocked and he's running full bore trying to get a sack. Madubuike was playing "head games" that defenders play, "I'm here, 17. I'm right on your ass, 17. Better hurry up, 'cuz that coulda been a sack, 17". Except that by now, defenders really should have the memo that Josh and other good QB hold the ball extra seconds on potential throw-aways like an Anglerfish at 5k meters luring dinner. "Here it is fishy fishy come and get me tasty sacky for you!". And in particular, if he sees the potential for a big play downfield, Josh couldn't care less if they're about to hit him.
  13. LOL But being serious....the "well-timed" bit will probably take more than 3 practices to get down. I'd like to see Hines out there returning punts this week, but being realistic, I don't think he's active for a week or 2 until he masters the playbook. But after listening to his press conference I have no doubt he will do so in short order. Stretch goal, wonder if we could see him for the Vikings?
  14. I think all QB are "unreasonable moaners" in the eyes of the DL We all used to get ticked off because we felt Brady got the "Big Star" treatment and the benefit of the doubt from the refs. Now guess who is the "Big Star" and gets (some) of that.
  15. The Bills don't blitz much because usually they can pressure the QB and get sacks without blitzing.
  16. I think what chaps their grits is that when it suits him, Allen will stiff arm them or truck them or make them miss and escape, which means they have to turn on the afterburners and bring the lumber. But when it suits him better, Allen will stand in and throw the ball late or slide late and try for a roughing penalty like an ordinary QB Defenders be "Either Or, Not Both". Allen be, "Both, Cope"
  17. I mean, it's not like we have a QB who just threw two reckless passes in our most recent game?
  18. I could be wrong, but I think the WCO as Reid and Bieniemy are currently running it also requires reading defenses and running route options based upon what the WR sees (and giving the QB "good body language" to help them understand what the WR is going to do). Now, the bit about the complexity of the playbook could be true - Daboll was rumored to have a ridiculously thick playbook - but I'd bet Andy Reid's playbook is just as thick. I think there was a time when what you say is true of WCO - a more rigid timing-based passing offense with precise routes timed to precise dropbacks - and for some teams perhaps it's true - but certainly Kelce is running option routes and Hill seemed to be. My understanding is these days the top teams pretty much all run the same plays and route concepts, what's different is the terminology. It's like, one playbook describes plays in Portuguese, and the other describes essentially the same plays in Flemish. So the Flemish speakers need to learn Portuguese and vice versa. Under Shurmur, DeFilippo, and Stefanski I'm pretty sure the offense Minnesota ran was nominally a WCO, so I don't think coming from an E-P style offense was the reason Josh and Stef worked well, if that was your meaning. I think they put in a lot of grind together.
  19. Hines is an RB with pass-receiving chops. Why would Beane's press conference be a "vote of confidence" in any receiver? I guess he did mention Hines can play receiver, jet sweep, wildcat - them's facts. Beane could have been asked specifically whether Hines would affect McKenzie's role or Shakir's role. I didn't hear that question asked. He said "if we need him to, he can play slot receiver for a game", which sounds kind of like an injury replacement thing. (avert) Beane said that Hines was someone they looked into before they tried to sign McKissic and ultimately drafted Cook (Hines was under contract so it would have been a trade). That kind of sounds bad for Cook! but later on in the presser Beane said he didn't see it as affecting "James" at all, there might be packages where Cook and HInes are on the field at the same time. He also specifically mentioned that the defense can see Hines is in the huddle, but they don't know how he'll be used since he could line up in the backfield or at slot, and that "we don't want to overload the rookie" but as Cook comes along we could see him used the same way. I kind of had the impression they were hoping to be using Cook that way already but he's having to be brought along more slowly. (that seems like contradicting the "don't see it affecting James" assertion? although maybe Beane doesn't see it as such since we're not using Cook that way now?) Beane specifically mentioned Hines as a punt returner. He said we lost Crowder earlier in the year, "Shakir has done a really good job but as a rookie, that's a lot", "he's still trying to get his feet settled at WR" which actually, kind of sounds like not much of a vote of confidence in Shakir as a punt returner. So I'm kind of thinking we're going to see Hines at PR pretty quickly.
  20. If I understood what Beane said correctly, that wasn't how it rolled. 1) he said each scout is assigned a pro team or teams 2) that scout is responsible for keeping tabs on that team's roster and PS, watching film, knowing who on there would we try to snipe off the PS or who might we want to try for in trade and then following up any whispers or rumors about those players 3) if there are rumors or whispers about a player we'd want to try for being available in trade, that scout calls his contact on the team (who may be another scout) and says "hey, any truth to this?" So if I understood it correctly, Beane said the scout assigned to cover the Saints called his contact on the Saints and said "is it true you're open to offers about Kamara?" The Saints contact didn't call him back, which is rude, but not on the same level of arrogance as one GM not returning another GM's call. But then it came out in the media "Bills called about Kamara and were rebuffed" which isn't exactly how it went down. Beane said in contrast, he had talked to Carolina's GM about McCaffrey but it quickly became evident that Carolina wanted more than Beane was prepared to offer, so he bowed out.
  21. I haven't thought it all the way through, but in theory, assuming he masters our playbook, I can think of ways Hines would make it less likely to telegraph plays and make it harder to for the defense to customize their personnel when they see him in the huddle. Suppose it's Singletary, Knox, Hines, and 2 WR. Is that gonna be a heavy set where they should run base, or is that essentially a 3 WR set or even a 4 receiver set and they better roll out the dime or the nickel?
  22. Stinks, but not unexpected. He's been a good teammate and a hard worker by all accounts, so hopefully he makes good and the Giants keep him on the roster past the required 3 games. I think he's got a real chance against Richie James and David Sills. I think there was an unspoken caveat there "if he clears waivers"
  23. Too much to give Singletary 71% of the snaps? I haven't heard any media saying this, nor on the board, help me out here? Now mind you, he doesn't get that many targets or touches, not by a long chalk. Maybe 14 targets or touches a game out of 46-47 snaps a game, rest of the time he's blocking. I haven't honestly seen or heard lobbyists for less blocking touches for Motor. Most people seem to think he's "got it going on" these days. But, if Hines can equal or surpass him blocking - more power to it. So as discussed in the post you're responding to: "Bills have been giving their RBs about 17 touches per game. Motor gets 10 of them, Cook and Moss have been splitting the rest." By touches here I meant rushing carries. (They get about 7 passing targets per game, most to Motor) So right now if we give Motor 10 runs as he's currently getting and you suggest, and split the rest Cook and Hines would each get about 3-4 per game. If we "up" our run game to 20 carries by RBs and nibble away a few of the 7-8 rushes per game Josh currently takes, I don't think anyone here would think that's a Bad Thing But I think most of those are scrambles, and Dorsey seemed to be pretty adamant in this week's presser that they want to keep in a few designed QB runs each game to maintain them as a threat the opponent's D must defend. So reducing them might be easier said than done. On the other hand - if Josh believes he can check down to a guy who could rip off a 30 yd run at any time like Hines can - maybe he'd be more attuned to that option.
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